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Animals. Horses

 File — Box: 6148

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The papers of Albert Case consist primarily of materials gathered during the early part of his professional career. The bulk of these papers are correspondence and materials that Case gathered under various headings in what appears to have been a subject file. The materials in the subject file deal with personal purchases and non-professional organizations to which Case belonged in addition to papers concerning his profession and the papers have been arranged consecutively according to these numbers. Other subject headings, in addition to the ones numbered, seem to have been formed by Case; these headings have also been preserved.

In addition to the correspondence and subject file the papers also include several notebooks written by Case. Most of these notebooks deal with mining and mine surveying. Others are apparently notebooks written while Case was in school. One notebook is a journal Case kept when he went to Europe in 1935.

Some personal papers are present which include newspaper clippings on Case, histories of his and his wife's families, and notes taken by Case. Also enclosed in the papers are financial records including insurance policies, records of landholdings, tax information and various receipts belonging to Case. Publications dealing with Case's profession and outside interests are also present.


  • Creation: 1892 - 1935


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 6.5 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the University Archives and Historical Collections Repository

Conrad Hall
943 Conrad Road, Room 101
East Lansing MI 48824 US