(6) PUBLICATIONS, 1933, 1941, 1945-1975, 1977, undated
Series Description
(1) BIOGRAPHICAL FILES. 1940-1948, 1955-1977, undated. 0.2 cubic feet
This series provides a broad overview of Wesley R. Fishel's professional life. Included are resumes, academic appointment papers and award certifications received by the scholar. Materials in the first nine folders reflect the beginnings of Fishel's early academic career, such as his appointment as an instructor of political science at UCLA. This series is arranged chronologically... by subject.
(2) CORRESPONDENCE. 1941-1975, undated. 0.5 cubic feet
This series contains significant documentation of correspondence, specifically communications between Fishel and Ngo Dinh Diem, John Hannah and Gilbert Jonas. Also included are other letters of direct relevance to the Vietnam Project, such as Hannah's letters to President Kennedy regarding the deteriorating political situation in Vietnam during 1962. Other interesting topics include the Golden Pavilion Temple, the International Reserve Committee, and the Vietnam Delegation visit to MSU. The correspondence found here charts significant movements in Fishel's career and provides insight into the relationships between Fishel, other public officials and the media.
The general correspondence is arranged chronologically, while the specific material is arranged alphabetically by correspondent's name.
(3) RESEARCH PROJECTS. 1921, 1930, 1943-1976, undated. 1.5 cubic feet
Found in this series are various research projects with which Fishel was involved, or of which he followed and kept information on. This series consists of three major projects: Atrocity Study; Operations Research Office: Korean Language Study; and the Vietnam Political Elite Study. Following these three are miscellaneous smaller research projects and notes on projects.
The Atrocity Study (1930-1970) is a collection of specific research projects from Fishel's collection which document and categorize various forms of political and physical persecution. The Korean Language Study (1951-1959) follows a series of documents discussing Korean Language School, language surveys, and reports of language problems in Korean. The Vietnam Political Elite Study (1956-1973) contains specific documentation on Vietnamese Political Elite, analyses and reports concerning political maneuvers and parties. Also included in this group is some information on the "MSU All-University Research Grant."
This series is arranged alphabetically by each major study with miscellaneous projects and notes following.
(4) CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS. 1953, 1957, 1959, 1964-1976. 1.0 cubic feet
This series is a collection of conferences and seminars that Fishel was involved with either in planning or participation, both at MSU and beyond. Two such events with which Fishel was involved in planning were the Winds of Change and International Politics Study Seminars, both held at MSU. These conferences and seminars expressly dealt with the issues of revolution and social change in world politics and were organized to stimulate student interest and involvement in the field of international relations.
Non-MSU conferences and seminars found here were ones that Fishel either had a part in presenting, had an interest in, or papers that were sent to him of general academic courtesy. Many of the items deal specifically with the discourse surrounding Southeast Asia and the Vietnam War. Much of the collection sets up an early and late dialogue of possible and immediate problems with the U.S. presence in Vietnam.
This series is arranged chronologically within each box.
(5) SPEECHES. 1960, 1964-1969, 1971, 1973, 1976, undated. 0.3 cubic feet
This series holds mostly a collection of speeches delivered by Fishel, primarily over the later course of his career, particularly following the demise of the Diem regime and the subsequent death of the Vietnamese President in 1963. In some speeches Fishel addresses contemporary political issues relating to Vietnam. His speech to the National War College, "Internal Problems of the Southeast Asian Countries", defends the character of Diem, but criticizes the "personalized" rule of the Diem regime. Also included is Fishel's testimony regarding the refugee problem in Vietnam given before the U.S. Senate's "Subcommittee on Refugees and Escapees." The series also incorporates some of the correspondence exchanged concerning these speeches. In addition to the Fishel given speeches is a short group of speeches given by others, the transcripts of which were kept by Fishel. Fishel's speeches are arranged chronologically, additional materials are arranged alphabetically by name of the speech giver or speech title.
(6) PUBLICATIONS. 1933, 1941, 1945-1975, 1977, undated. 2.35 cubic feet
The first part of the series (box 1200, folders 68-86) collates the significant publications of Fishel. The broad time span covered by the collection provides temporal progression in Fishel's academic and political positioning, specifically in relation to Vietnam. Included is his 1959 publication, "Vietnam's Democratic One-Man Rule," in which the professor upholds Diem as a democratic leader. Also of significance is the tempe-set manuscript of the 1968 anthology edited by Fishel, Vietnam: Anatomy of a Conflict. This exhaustive anthology comprises of various articles, including several written by Fishel which analyze the political climate in Vietnam. Each section of the volume is introduced with a commentary by Fishel. The first portion of the series also incorporates correspondence, reviews and opinion cards, and thus provides an overview of the critical reception surrounding Anatomy.
The second portion of this series (box 1185) contains both Fishel authored and edited publications, as well as those collected and annotated by him and used for his work.
The first section is arranged chronologically, while the second section is arranged alphabetically.
(7) ORGANIZATIONS. 1949-1976, undated. 3.6 cubic feet
Various organizations either from MSU or outside the University that Fishel had an active interest in are located in this series. Included in these materials are notes, publication, newsletters, pamphlets, statistics, conference papers, and meeting minutes from various organizations, as well as various correspondence with or about them.
The MSU related organizations found here emphasized student participation in international relations, including fundraising for charitable concerns in Southeast Asia and Africa. Certain groups, such as the International Relations Club, encouraged scholarly debate among students on international and political issues. Organizations outside the University include those both national and international, and Fishel served as an executive committee member for several of these groups. Notably, he served as the Chairman of the Board for the American Friends of Vietnam. Also of interest here are various selected and annotated bibliographies, concerning the political climate of Vietnam, compiled by the American Friends of Vietnam.
This series is arranged alphabetically by organization name.
(8) VIETNAM PROJECT/MSU ADVISORY GROUP (MSUG). 1955-1962, 1967. 2.0 cubic feet
This series provides extremely significant information pertaining to the project in Vietnam carried out by the MSUG. Fishel was a major figure in the administration of this project and he served as its Chief Advisor from 1956 to 1958. This project was established under contract through the Vietnamese Government and the U.S. Operations Mission. The materials incorporated include documentation outlining the initial goals of the special mission from MSU and a statement of philosophy. The series charts the progress of the project with semi-annual reports regarding the organization of police services, public administration and administrative services in South Vietnam. Also located in this collection are correspondence, monthly reports, budgets, articles, pamphlets, as well as the final report which provides an overview of the entire duration of the project.
This series includes much of the early information of Fishel working with Diem and MSU to start the friendly intellectual exchange. It includes many reports of early field trips to Vietnam, budgets, bibliographies, and correspondence regarding this project. Because essentially the project was the reason the U.S. was in Vietnam in the years before the war, along with all the agricultural information, the famous Ramparts article, "University on the Make" is reprinted, along with reviews concerning U.S. presence in Vietnam after the war broke out.
Arranged largely chronologically, with an end section arranged alphabetically.
(9) VIETNAM COLLECTION. 1942-1963, 1966, 1968-1971. 1.0 cubic feet
An introduction to the Vietnam Collection - subject files series. The papers within the Vietnam Collection deal specifically with the region and the Vietnam conflict, including activities during the war itself, as well as historical, social and economic background of the region and its people. Covered in this series are Indochina and North Vietnam. Materials include articles published by Vietnamese and U.S. experts on Vietnam, such as Douglas Pike's "Life in North Vietnam," and excerpts from Hoang Van Chi's Communist Dictatorship Establishment. Publications issued by the U.S. Department of State relating to the political climate of Vietnam are also located in this series. Further materials include: individual profiles on significant political figures in North Vietnam; materials relating to Ho Chi Minh and his political status; documents relating to the industrial and economic development of North Vietnam; information on the country's cultural conditions.
This series is arranged alphabetically by country and folder title.
(10) VIETNAM COLLECTION – SUBJECT FILES. 1937, 1939, 1942-1977, undated. 9.6 cubic feet
General subject files of materials concerning the conflict in Vietnam. They cover a wide range of topics including the history of the region and its people, as well as the subjects of the Vietnamese economy, education system, government, industry and legal system. Featured are biographical files on major Vietnamese political and project players, and materials on the civic programs. Various publications are also located here such as the Saigon Daily News Roundup and the Public Administration Bulletin for Vietnam.
This series is arranged alphabetically by subject.
(11) VIETNAM COLLECTION – VIETNAM WAR. 1954-1978, undated. 1.5 cubic feet
This series incorporates materials relating to the Vietnam War and specifically the Viet Cong movement. Content primarily comprises of articles published by U.S. experts on Vietnam, as well as the Department of State. Further materials include: transcripts of broadcasts transmitted by the National Liberation Front (NLF) on the Liberation Radio frequency; Viet Cong propaganda; U.S. government pamphlets outlining the organization and leadership of the Viet Cong; documentation relating to Viet Cong terrorism; and correspondence and notes of Fishel's which directly refer to Viet Cong activity.
This series is arranged largely alphabetically by subject with a section of bibliographies at the end.
(12) VIETNAM COLLECTION – PUBLICATIONS. 1951-1961, 1963-1964. 1.0 cubic feet
This series contains publications produced in Vietnam and grouped under the subject title "surveys, propaganda and atrocities." Included here are numerous issues of a few publications, including Bulletin du Vietnam and Viet-Nam Presse: Agence D'Information Telegraphique.
This series is arranged alphabetically by publication title.
(13) VIETNAM COLLECTION – NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS. 1947-1976, undated. 7.5 cubic feet
This series is a grouping of newspaper and magazine articles published by foreign and American presses and distributed in Vietnam. They cover a wide range of topics and subjects.
This series is arranged alphabetically by subject per box, with some box of materials arranged chronologically.
(14) U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT. 1946, 1948-1950, 1960-1961, 1963-1964, 1966-1967, 1970. 0.2 cubic feet
This series provides background information for the U.S. State Department's involvement in the project. This is a rather small series, though more State Department materials are scattered throughout the collection.
This series is arranged alphabetically by box.
(15) U.S. OPERATIONS MISSION (USOM). 1948-1972, 1976, undated. 3.9 cubic feet
This major series related to the activities of the USOM. This group was affiliated as a field service for the main foreign aid agency of the U.S. federal government (the Agency for International Development [AID]). Prior to 1961, AID was known as the International Cooperation Administration (ICA). This collection incorporates documentation of major significance in any research concerning U.S. involvement with Vietnam and the time period covered by these materials is extensive. Included in this series are various reports and records which document political activity in Vietnam, specifically the period spanning 1954 to 1973. Materials include: Activity Reports of the USOM to Vietnam; fiscal reports; statistical bulletins; speeches; interviews; documents pertaining to USOM's involvement with the Joint U.S. Public Affairs Office (JUSPAO) and the U.S. Information Services (USIS); Debriefing Reports from the Asia Training Center; issues of the Public Administration Bulletin for Vietnam; editions of the Saigon Daily News Roundup; and the USOM publication Documents and Research Notes, which provides information of U.S. military presence in Vietnam.
This series is arranged by subject.
(16) SUBJECT FILES – GENERAL. 1945-1977, undated. 4.8 cubic feet
A series of general subject files arranged alphabetically by folder title. This series covers a broad range of topics from racism to U.S. dealings in international affairs. Of note are the sections dedicated to the United Arranged alphabetically by subject, with CENTO and United Nations papers in sub-series blocks.
(17) SUBJECT FILES – NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS. 1947-1976, 1978, undated. 14.4 cubic feet
A series of general subject files arranged alphabetically by subject. Box 1186 contains clippings that have been processed, or transferred to acid free paper. The remainder of the boxes contain clippings considered not fully processed. They have been arranged by either date or subject (then alphabetically), but they have yet to be transferred to acid free paper. They are this way at present so they may be open for public access. All clippings in this series were kept by Fishel on various topics, or in date order to follow the chronology of specific events.
This series is arranged alphabetically by subject title, some portions chronologically.
(18) FOREIGN AFFAIRS. 1931, 1947-1975, undated. 1.5 cubic feet
Subject files pertaining to foreign affairs and kept by Fishel for use in his work as an educator.
This series is arranged largely alphabetically.
(19) JAPANESE REPARATIONS. 1951-1966, undated. 2.0 cubic feet
Materials pertaining to Japanese reparations acts following World War II. This series includes information on various Asian countries including Burma, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines, and their relations with Japan.
This series is arranged by subject and country, then largely alphabetical.
(20) GEOGRAPHICAL SUBJECT FILES. 1940-1977, undated. 20.3 cubic feet
A general information series with folders containing materials relating to various countries, their cities, people, economies, histories and geographical neighbors. Emphasis is placed on Asian countries. Included are African, European and American countries. Types of materials include correspondence, articles, reports, studies, statistics and pamphlets.
This series is arranged alphabetically by country.
(21)GEOGRAPHICAL SUBJECT FILES – NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS. 1960-1970, undated. 1.5 cubic feet
Similar to the Geographical Subject Files series, but with newspaper clippings as the source of materials.
This series is arranged alphabetically.
A collection of maps, posters, newspapers, charts and architectural drawings. Subjects range from Vietnam to the first moon landing and the John F. Kennedy assassination.
(23) SUBJECT FILES – PEOPLE. 1953, 1955, 1957-1960, 1962, 1965-1970, 1974, undated. 0.6 cubic feet
A general subject file containing various information, mainly correspondence, speeches and articles, written about or by the individuals listed.
This series is arranged alphabetically.
(24) FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILES. 1945-1946, 1952-1969, 1971, 1973, undated. 1.7 cubic feet
A general subject files series for predominately untranslated materials in French, Vietnamese, German and Japanese.
This series is arranged alphabetically by language and then largely alphabetical by title within.
(25) SUBJECT FILES – STUDENT PAPERS. 1940, 1948, 1951-1952, 1954, 1959-1961,1963, 1965-1966, 1969, 1973, undated. 1.0 cubic feet. RESTRICTED
Papers written by his students which were kept by Fishel. All pertain to foreign affairs. A few of Fishel's own papers are scattered within this series.
This series is arranged alphabetically by student's last name. Student papers are restricted.
(26) ACADEMIC PAPERS. 1941, 1946-1951, undated. 0.2 cubic feet
Relating to the series of Biographical files and Student Papers, this series contains Fishel's early academic papers and other faculty papers of his and others. It also includes the mock trial of him at Southern Illinois by SDS and the poster of Fishel indicting him with crimes against humanity.
This series is arranged chronologically.
(27) EPHERMERA/MISCELLANEOUS. 0.5 cubic feet
Miscellaneous materials including VIP letters, envelopes, books and a photo album/scrapbook of a preliminary meeting on Public Administration in Saigon.
This series consists of five oversized boxes filled with whole and partial issues of various publications, many in foreign languages, ranging from Ahahi Evening News to The Times of Vietnam and The Yomiuri.
This series is arranged alphabetically by publication title, then chronologically.
Items separated from the general body of the collection and placed In the Archives' audio recording, postcard and photograph collections. The lists contained in this series are labeled in these categories for easy patron access. The audio recording is Judy Rice's translation of "La Couter" (the life of Ho Chi Minh). The postcards were sets obtained by Fishel through his travels. The photograph collection feature key players in the MSU Vietnam Project as well as document the activities set up by the group.
- Creation: 1933, 1941, 1945-1975, 1977, undated
- From the Record Group: Fishel, Wesley R. (Person)
Language of Materials
Some of the materials are in French, German, Japanese and Vietnamese.
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research. Series (25) SUBJECT FILES – STUDENT PAPERS is restricted access.
2.35 Cubic Feet
Repository Details
Part of the University Archives and Historical Collections Repository
Conrad Hall
943 Conrad Road, Room 101
East Lansing MI 48824 US