Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 88
Michigan State University 1970 Student Strike records
The records consist of materials related to student demonstrations and strikes in May 1970. Topics of the protests included ROTC, and the war in Vietnam. Materials include newspaper clippings, copies of student flyers, as well as press releases. There are also copies of typewritten notes of timeline of events, damage to buildings, and class attendance. There is also a flyer about Bobby Seale in the Bulletins and Announcements folder.
News for New Students at Michigan State University UA 6.1
Off-Campus Council records
Records of the Off- Campus Council consist of one undated publication, A Guide to Off-Campus Living.
Office of Supportive Services records
The Office of Supportive Services records includes brochures, McNair / Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) Scholars Program research abstracts and brochures, a Summer University Program Excellence Required (SUPER) anniversary booklet and photogrpaphs of SUPER, students, staff and activities. The records also include annual reports for 1981-1984.