Showing Collections: 151 - 160 of 184
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.266
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of materials from R. Keith Hudson and his wife, Lois. Hudson's materials include newspaper clippings, campus maps, two aerial photographs of campus, and a plat map of the Kellogg Reforestation Tract with labels of types of trees. Lois' materials include a 1941 menur from the Hotel Olds, a football ticket dated October 24, 1942, a basketball program dated January 10, 1941 and newspaper clippings about Michigan State University buildings and Eleanor Roosevelt's visit to...
1939 - 1978
Identifier: c-00206
Scope and Contents
The collection includes scores of Dett's music, autographed sheet music, newspapers clippings, a program from a concert of Dett's music, and a copy of the Fisher Edition News, a music industry publication.
1913 - 1943
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.114
Scope and Contents
The Ralph Young papers are divided into four series. Series 1, Correspondence, is arranged alphabetically by subject. The correspondence covers Young's last years as Athletic Director (1951-1952) and consists mainly of letters to directors at other institutions and agencies such as the N.C.A.A.
Series 2, Individual Sports, is composed of materials dealing with individual varsity sports. This series not only contains materials related directly to the varsity sport but also an extensive...
1902 - 1958; Majority of material found within 1910 - 1958
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.110
Scope and Contents
The collection documents Niehoff’s work in the field of personnel and staff training in large national and international programs. The collection has papers from his experiences with the Tennessee Valley Authority, the United Nations, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Michigan State University. The collection also contains three significant manuscripts by Niehoff: a biography of Floyd Reeves, a biography of John Hannah, and an autobiography. With the exception of the autobiography,...
1934 - 1984
Identifier: UA-10.3.414
Scope and Contents
These papers consist of correspondence and other materials relating to the Christian Labor Association (CLA), which was once associated with the Christian Reformed Church. The material was gathered by Bob Repas while working on his thesis toward a Master of Arts in political science at Michigan State University in 1961-1962. Repas worked at the Labor and Industrial Relations Center at MSU during that time. In addition to correspondence concerning the CLA and materials for Repas'...
1950 - 1964
Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.1.11
Scope and Content
The Robert Shaw papers contain correspondence (1891-1940), publications, petitions, reports, legislation, council, and other university-related information, news clippings, an article on the sugar beet, and biographical papers, including honorary degrees and a memorial.
1890 - 1953; Majority of material found within 1890 - 1941
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.1
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of four articles "Le Pentateuque Samaritan Chamberlain Warren," 1970; "Mount Gerizim: Navel of the World" from "Biblical Archaelogist," Fall 1980; and "The Michigan State University Samaritan Collection" from "Biblical Archaelogist," March 1984.
The collection also contains the Samaritan Manuscripts with preface by Anderson on microfilm.
1970 - 1984
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.111
Scope and Contents
The collection contains diaries, correspondence, manuscripts, course notes, photographs, autobiographical information, both personal and professional, of Rollin H. Baker, Museum Director and Professor in the Department of Zoology and the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University.
1936 - 1991
Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.123
Scope and Contents
This collection contains a great deal of correspondence, including many to and from family and friends while Ruth Ryder was in the American Red Cross. Other subject materials cover the topics of the June 10, 1945 alumni reunion in Manila, the establishment of the Edward H. Ryder and Georgia R. Ryder Scholarship Fund, and the East Lansing High School Class of 1931 Fifty Year Reunion. The scrapbook in this collection is dedicated to the Manila reunion and contains lists of attendants and...
1925 - 1997
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.269
Scope and Contents
The Ruth Simms Hamilton papers consist of subject files and research materials on African American issues, including civil rights and affirmative action at MSU and other universities. The collection includes case studies of MSU conflicts and protests, newspaper clippings, files about other countries, files about university programs, and papers written by Hamilton and others.Also included are files about MSU student organizations which include Akers Black Caucus, Associated Black...
1968 - 1982