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Showing Collections: 111 - 120 of 223

Irving Kirshman papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.69
Scope and Contents The papers of Irving "Happy" Kirshman consist of a scrapbook (1905-1914), programs from Michigan Agricultural College events (1912-1913), and miscellaneous memorabilia (1909-1911). The scrapbook contains a variety of items pertaining to farming activities and to student life at Michigan Agricultural College, including athletic schedules, post cards, photographs, programs, invitations, certificates, menus, greeting cards, posters, report cards, news clippings, college songs and tickets. The...
Dates: 1905 - 1914

James William Ochs collection

Identifier: UA-10.3.341
Scope and Content The James William Ochs collection contains six folders of photographs taken by James during his time at Michigan State College (now Michigan State University). The photos show student activities including sports. The sports photos include basketball, both intercollegiate and intramural, football, and boxing. Of particular interest are the photos of the annual Class Rivalry between freshmen and sophomores at the college showing the tug of war and defending the flag. Also included in the...
Dates: circa 1948

James Zarichny collection

Identifier: UA-10.3.284
Scope and Content The collection consists of the document "The Case Against James Zarichny." James Zarichny attended Michigan State College (now Michigan State University) and was placed on disciplinary probation for being involved in the American Youth for Democracy (AYD) organization. The AYD had applied to be a recognized student organization but was denied. The members of the organization continued to meet for which they were placed on disciplinary probation when this was discovered by the college. ...
Dates: 1949

Jewish Voice UA 12.3.13

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: Serial-00393
Dates: 1982-1984, 1989

Jim Segedy and Larry Phillips papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.397
Content Description

The collection consists of a script for a musical called "The Merry Lives of Mayo or the adventures of mary mayo at m.s.u.," a not too Original Surrealistic Musical in Several Acts, by Jim Segedy, Larry Phillips and assorted friends. It is a humorous take on a student named Mary Mayo arriving at Michigan State University to start college and her experiences with registration and college life. Some of the dialogue is set to the tune of popular songs.

Dates: circa 1970

John and Helen Knecht scrapbooks

Identifier: UA-10.3.318
Scope and Contents The collection consists of the student scrapbooks of John Wesley Knecht and Helen Louise Norton who later married. Helen's scrapbooks contains dance cards, event programs, photos of campus and people, information about her classes, flyers for pep rallies, college circus program, notice about small pox from 1910 and a note from Maud Gilchrist say that Helen is not working hard enough at her studies.John Knechts scrapbook contains photos of athletics including football, baseball,...
Dates: 1907-1913, 1921, Undated

John B. Ranger papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.21
Scope and Contents

The John B. Ranger scrapbook contains tickets, photographs, receipts, news clippings, and programs relating to the J-Hop, various literary society activities, athletic events, and campus life. Items in the scrapbook date from 1917 to 1921.

Dates: 1917 - 1921

John C. Randall papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.227
Scope and Contents The John C. Randall collection includes articles and photographs. The images in the articles consist of John Randall with other yearbooks editors, Mary Termohlen, wedding photos of Dorne Dibble and Betty Donahue, football players Dorow, McAuliffe, and Thrower, and an article from the South Bend Tribune from October 28, 1950 about Michigan State College's victory over Notre Dame. The photographs consist of campus scenes and buildings, football, basketball, KAM President Dinner,...
Dates: circa 1948-1953

John Herbert Thomson collection

Identifier: UA-10.3.320
Scope and Contents The John Herbert Thomson collection includes a scrapbook which contains photos of class rush, the Michigan State University campus and buildings, and students. The scrapbook also includes photos of scenes in the Upper Peninsula including Tahquamenon Falls, Newberry, Michigan 4th of July events including a wrestling match between Pittsley and McLeod, University of Michigan, one image of Crisp Life Saving Station and Lighthouse, Camp Custer 1917. Photographs not in the scrapbook include Helen...
Dates: 1897, 1917-1992

Jon L. Young papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.116
Scope and Contents This collection contains the reminiscences of Jon L. Young, based on diaries he kept while a student at Michigan State College (now Michigan State University) from 1931 to 1935.Young talks about classes, work, and social activities as well as his family which lived in and around the Lansing area. His memoirs also include photographs of himself, brother, and college friends, and an epilogue which briefly summarizes Young's life after college.Young describes classes...
Dates: April 1986

Filtered By

  • Repository: University Archives and Historical Collections X
  • Subject: College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing X

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College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 157
Photographs 67
College students -- Societies and clubs 44
Letters (correspondence) 41
Scrapbooks 40
∨ more
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing -- Periodicals 34
Programs (Publications) 30
College student newspapers and periodicals -- Michigan -- East Lansing 29
Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 26
Newsletters 25
Reports 23
Minutes (Records) 21
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 16
Constitutions 16
Women college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 15
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 13
Annual reports 12
Postcards 12
African American college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 11
Publications 11
Sound recordings 11
Ephemera 10
Posters 9
Student activities -- Michigan -- East Lansing 9
Course materials 8
Membership lists 8
Brochures 7
Dormitory life -- Michigan -- East Lansing 7
Handbooks 7
College sports -- Michigan -- East Lansing 6
Gay college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 6
Minutes (administrative records) 6
Poetry 6
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae 6
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 6
Video recordings 6
Women college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing -- Societies, etc. 6
By-laws 5
Correspondence 5
Dance cards 5
Dormitories -- Michigan -- East Lansing 5
East Lansing (Mich.) 5
Electronic mail messages 5
Football 5
Memorandums 5
Student activities 5
World War, 1939-1945 5
Agriculture -- Societies, etc. 4
College student government -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Diaries 4
Invitations 4
Lesbian college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Negatives (Photographs) 4
Newspapers 4
Pamphlets 4
Serial publications 4
Student movements -- Michigan 4
Student protesters -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Students, Foreign -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Account books 3
African Americans -- Civil rights 3
Agricultural colleges -- Michigan 3
College wit and humor 3
Commencement ceremonies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
Conference materials 3
Digital images 3
Directories 3
Family histories 3
Gay rights 3
Greek letter societies 3
Handbooks and manuals 3
Married students 3
Michigan 3
Minorities -- Education (Higher) -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
Press releases 3
Red Cedar River (Mich.) 3
Speeches 3
Student activities -- Michigan 3
Student housing 3
Student movements 3
Students, Foreign -- Michigan 3
Universities and colleges -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
Women -- Societies and clubs 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
Yearbooks 3
Affirmative action programs -- United States 2
African American college students -- Periodicals 2
African American college students -- Societies, etc. 2
African Americans -- Education (Higher) 2
Agriculture -- Michigan 2
Agriculture -- Study and teaching 2
Anthropology 2
Art, American -- Michigan 2
Autobiographies 2
Basketball 2
Blueprints 2
Chemistry -- Study and teaching 2
College athletes -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
College buildings -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
College students -- Political activity -- Michigan 2
+ ∧ less
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 36
Michigan State University. Students. Periodicals 28
Michigan State University. Students 26
Michigan Agricultural College 22
Michigan State University 19
∨ more
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 18
Michigan Agricultural College. Students. Societies, etc 17
Michigan Agricultural College. Students 15
Michigan State College. Students 15
Michigan State College. Students. Societies, etc 15
Michigan State University. Alumni and alumnae 10
Michigan State College 8
Michigan State University. Student housing 8
Michigan State University. Buildings 7
Michigan State University. Faculty 7
Michigan State University. Libraries. Special Collections Division 7
Michigan State University. Department of Military Science/ROTC 6
Michigan State University. Football 5
Michigan State University. Junior Hop 5
Sigma Nu. Epsilon Rho Chapter (Michigan State University) 5
Alpha Zeta. Kedzie Chapter (Michigan State University) 4
Michigan Agricultural College. Eunomian Literary Society 4
Michigan State University. Alumni Association 4
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 3
Michigan Agricultural College. Class rivalry 3
Michigan Agricultural College. Oratorical Association 3
Michigan Agricultural College. Student Council 3
Michigan State College. Eunomian Literary Society 3
Michigan State University. Associated Students of Michigan State University 3
Michigan State University. Associated Women Students 3
Michigan State University. Class of 1911 3
Michigan State University. Class of 1916 3
Michigan State University. Class of 1927 3
Michigan State University. Class of 1948 3
Michigan State University. Glee and Mandolin Club 3
Michigan State University. Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender Resource Center 3
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1954) (Pasadena, Calif.) 3
Tau Beta Pi. Alpha Chapter (Michigan State University) 3
Alpha Tau Omega. Epsilon Eta Chapter (Michigan State University) 2
Beta Kappa Fraternity. Alpha Phi Chapter (Michigan State College) 2
Dorr, Ron 2
Green, Robert Lee 2
James Madison College 2
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Aurorian Literary Society 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Circus 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Hesperian Literary Society 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Olympic Literary Society 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Phylean Literary Society 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Union Literary Society 2
Michigan State College. Football 2
Michigan State College. Marching Band 2
Michigan State Spartans (Football team) 2
Michigan State University. Anniversaries, etc. 2
Michigan State University. Black Student Alliance 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1907 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1914 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1920 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1921 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1933 2
Michigan State University. College of Human Ecology 2
Michigan State University. College of Human Medicine 2
Michigan State University. Department of English 2
Michigan State University. Foreign students 2
Michigan State University. Gay and Lesbian Faculty-Staff Association (GLFSA) 2
Michigan State University. Hillel Jewish Student Center 2
Michigan State University. History 2
Michigan State University. Horticulture Club 2
Michigan State University. Humor. Periodicals 2
Michigan State University. Mary Mayo Hall 2
Michigan State University. Office of International Students and Scholars 2
Michigan State University. Office of the Provost 2
Michigan State University. Project Grapevine 2
Michigan State University. Sesame Literary Society 2
Michigan State University. Spartan Marching Band 2
Michigan State University. Sports. Baseball 2
Michigan State University. Sports. Basketball 2
Michigan State University. Student strike (1970) 2
Michigan State University. Students. Women 2
Michigan State University. University-Wide Task Force on Lesbian & Gay Issues 2
Michigan State University. Urban Affairs Programs 2
Michigan State University. Women 2
Mortar Board (Society). Sphinx Chapter 2
Norrell, Gwendolyn 2
Omicron Nu. Alpha Chapter (Michigan State University) 2
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Michigan Beta Chapter (Michigan State University) 2
Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Epsilon Nu Chapter (Michigan State University) 2
Scabbard and Blade Fraternity. Michigan State University 2
Schmitter, Charles 2
Trott, James F. 2
United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps 2
YMCA of the USA 2
Abbot, Theophilus Capen, 1826-1892 1
Alpha Chi Sigma. Alpha Upsilon Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
Alpha Gamma Delta 1
Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity. Tau Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
Alpha Lambda Delta 1
Alpha Phi Omega. Beta Beta Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
Alpha Phi Sorority. Beta Beta Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
+ ∧ less