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Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 73

James Bradish papers

Identifier: c-00147
Scope and Contents The James Bradish papers consist of the letters Bradish wrote to his sister and friends in Michigan during the Civil War. Bradish served in Company A of the 18th Michigan Infantry and was stationed in Tennessee and Kentucky. The letters describe his experiences and the areas where he was stationed from 1862-1864. These letters have been transcribed, scanned and placed online at ...
Dates: 1862 - 1864

Jesse Taft papers

Identifier: c-00092
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of Civil War letters written by Jesse Taft to his family during his service in the 9th Michigan Cavalry. Taft served in Kentucky and Tennessee, and with Sherman's command in Georgia and the Carolinas.

These letters have been transcribed, scanned and placed online at

Dates: 1863 - 1865

John Gibson Parkhurst papers

Identifier: 00025
Scope and Contents The largest part of the collection consists of the pocket diaries Parkhurst kept from 1847 to 1906. The early diaries (1847-1860) relate details of his court cases and only rarely mention his personal life. Records of various financial transactions are incorporated in these early diaries. The diaries of the war years (1861-1865) include battle accounts and descriptions of Parkhurst's experiences as a prisoner-of-war in 1862. In the diaries of the post-war years, Parkhurst discusses primarily...
Dates: 1831 - 1906

John Shaw papers

Identifier: c-00286
Scope and Contents This collection consists of deeds and receipts of John Shaw of Lenawee County, Michigan. Also included is a Civil War letter describing battles around Richmond, Virginia, a letter licensing Shaw as a minister of the Christian Church of Adrian and Rome, Michigan (1867).The Civil War letter has been transcribed, scanned and placed online at ...
Dates: 1838 - 1872

John Wheeler papers

Identifier: c-00006
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of the Civil War letters of John Wheeler to his family in Cattaraugus County, New York, relating his experiences in the Army of the Potomac, 44th Regiment, New York Volunteers, and in convalescent camp.

Dates: 1861 - 1864

Karl L. Rommel collection

Identifier: c-00532
Scope and Contents The Karl L. Rommel collection consists of photocopies of Civil War letters and documents. Correspondents include Harrison Traphagan, David R. Frego, Robert A. Moon, "Augustus", L. A. Hall, and "Robert". Harrison Traphagan enlisted in Company I, 3rd Michigan Cavalry on September 9, 1861 at age 21. Mustered in October 1861, his letters (1861-1862) mention daily army life and combat activity. Traphagan died of disease at New Madrid, Missouri on April 9, 1862. He was buried in the...
Dates: 1861 - 1865

Katherine M. Rickey papers

Identifier: c-00553
Scope and Contents

This collection includes Civil War letters of John (Jan) Nies, of the 2nd Michigan Calvary (most written in Dutch), three post-war letters, a "Record of Ancestry" of the Nies family, and an insurance policy for land owned by Katharine Rickey in King County, Washington.

Dates: 1861 - 1892

Kedzie family papers

Identifier: UA-28.6
Scope and Contents The Kedzie family papers consists of genealogies, correspondence, and books published by members of the family. Also included are photographs of Robert Mark Kedzie, Ester Hawley Kedzie, A. S. Kedzie, and unidentified men. Additionally, there are items relating to Michigan Agricultural College/Michigan State College (now Michigan State University), such as a 1907 Alumni luncheon program, a commencement program, and a brochure which seeks donations for various buildings titled "For the...
Dates: 1850 - 1976

Kendall family papers

Identifier: c-00341
Scope and Contents

The papers include Civil War letters of John, George, and Daniel Kendall, who served in the 18th New Hampshire Infantry, to their parents in Franconia, New Hampshire, and letters from family friends. Among them is a letter dated June 1, 1863 by William Houston, 24th Michigan Infantry, which describes the situation of Fredericksburg. Also found in the collection is a typescript (1962) giving a brief history of the Houston family.

Dates: 1857-1868, 1962; Majority of material found within 1857 - 1868

Kennedy family papers

Identifier: c-00068
Scope and Contents The Kennedy family papers consist of seven letters. The earliest (1817) was written by a young woman describing a mid-winter journey home through western New York by wagon sleigh. Five letters in the collection were written by Frederick A. Kennedy to this wife Caroline while he was serving in the Michigan State legislature in Detroit in 1846. Kennedy discusses current actions of the legislature, including the passage of a bill to pay legislators $3.00 per day; and the initial defeat and...
Dates: 1817 - 1862

Filtered By

  • Repository: University Archives and Historical Collections X
  • Subject: Letters (correspondence) X
  • Subject: United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 60
Diaries 14
Photographs 14
Agriculture -- Michigan 10
Michigan -- Politics and government 9
∨ more
Legal instruments 8
Account books 7
Family histories 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Medical care 6
Ledgers (account books) 5
Poetry 5
Postcards 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories 5
Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 4
Education -- Michigan 4
Lansing (Mich.) 4
Taxation -- Michigan 4
Atlanta Campaign, 1864 3
Chickamauga, Battle of, Ga., 1863 3
Frontier and pioneer life -- Michigan 3
Land titles -- Michigan 3
Scrapbooks 3
United States -- Politics and government -- 19th century 3
Washington (D.C.) 3
Women 3
Agriculture -- California 2
Berrien County (Mich.) 2
Clinton County (Mich.) 2
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 2
Detroit (Mich.) 2
Draft 2
Education, Higher -- Michigan 2
Education, Secondary -- Michigan 2
Fredericksburg, Battle of, Fredericksburg, Va., 1862 2
Frontier and pioneer life -- Kansas 2
Frontier and pioneer life -- Ohio 2
Ingham County (Mich.) 2
Lenawee County (Mich.) 2
Manuscripts 2
Michigan 2
Michigan -- Religion 2
Milford (Mich.) 2
Military records 2
New York (State) -- Politics and government 2
Oakland County (Mich.) 2
Railroads -- Design and construction 2
Religion 2
Richmond (Va.) -- History -- Siege, 1864-1865 2
Speeches 2
Stereographs 2
Student activities -- Michigan 2
Traditional medicine 2
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Poetry 2
Winchester, 3rd Battle of, Winchester, Va., 1864 2
Acapulco (Mexico) 1
Adrian (Mich.) 1
Africa, North 1
Agricultural colleges -- Michigan 1
Agricultural prices 1
Agriculture -- Kansas 1
Agriculture -- Massachusetts 1
Agriculture -- Michigan -- Societies, etc. 1
Agriculture -- Wisconsin 1
Algiers (Algeria) 1
Antietam, Battle of, Md., 1862 1
Antislavery movements -- United States 1
Arithmetic 1
Assam (India) 1
Autobiographies 1
Baptists 1
Barry County (Mich.) 1
Baton Rouge (La.) -- History -- Siege, 1862 1
Belgium 1
Blueprints 1
Broome County (N.Y.) 1
Buildings -- Specifications -- Michigan 1
Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va., 1861 1
Business -- Michigan 1
Calhoun County (Mich.) 1
California 1
California -- Description and travel 1
Camp Kellogg (Grand Rapids, Mich.) 1
Camp Parapet (New Orleans, La.) 1
Campaign speeches 1
Canaan (N.Y.) 1
Cayuga County (N.Y.) 1
Cedar Dale (Mich.) 1
Certificates 1
Charlevoix (Mich.) 1
Chattanooga, Battle of, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1863 1
Chemistry -- Study and teaching 1
Chippewa Tribe 1
Churches -- Michigan -- Grand Blanc 1
City Point (Va.) 1
Coldwater (Mich.) 1
College students 1
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 1
Columbia County (N.Y.) 1
Conesus (N.Y. : Town) 1
+ ∧ less
United States. Army -- Military life -- History -- 19th century 14
Michigan Agricultural College 6
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 3
United States. Army. Michigan Cavalry Regiment, 3rd (1861-1866) 3
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 18th (1862-1865) 3
∨ more
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 8th (1861-1865) 3
University of Michigan 3
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885 2
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872 2
Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879 2
Jewell, Charles Adolphus 2
Michigan State Grange 2
United States. Army -- Military life -- History 2
United States. Army. Michigan Cavalry Regiment, 8th (1862-1865) 2
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 22nd (1862-1865) 2
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 23rd (1862-1865) 2
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 6th (1861-1863) 2
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 9th (1861-1865) 2
Abbot, Theophilus Capen, 1826-1892 1
Abbott, Samuel H., 1853-1903 1
Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 1
Albion College 1
Alden, Eunice 1
Alden, Seth 1
Angell family (Mary Anne Bryant Mayo, 1845-1903) 1
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company 1
Austin family (Hattie Foote Austin, 1859-1952) 1
Austin, Andrew V. 1
Austin, Hattie Foote 1
Austin, Richard 1
Baker family ((Catherine Hardenbergh Baker, 1826-1909)) 1
Baker, Catherine Hardenbergh 1
Baker, Ray Stannard, 1870-1946 1
Baker, Thomas 1
Bamber family (Joseph S. Bamber, 1835-1907) 1
Bamber, Albert M., 1860-1883 1
Bamber, Herbert, 1858-1937 1
Bamber, Joseph S., 1835-1907 1
Beers, Josiah Luther 1
Bingham, Kinsley S. (Kinsley Scott), 1808-1861 1
Booth, John Wilkes, 1838-1865 1
Bragg, Braxton, 1817-1876 1
Bridger, Lewis 1
Bryant family (Mary Anne Bryant Mayo, 1845-1903) 1
Buell, Jennie 1
Cathcart, C. W. (Charles William), 1809-1888 1
Cathcart, James L. (James Leander), 1767-1843 1
Chamberlain family (Henry Chamberlain, 1824-1907) 1
Chamberlain, Henry, 1824-1907 1
Chamberlain, Mellen, 1821-1900 1
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 1
Clute, O. (Oscar) 1
Confederate States of America. Army 1
Coryell family 1
Crosby, Ellen 1
Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876 1
Dartmouth College 1
Daughters of the American Revolution 1
Davis family 1
Davis, Edward 1
Davis, Lucinda Mary Spaulding 1
Davis, Thomas J. 1
Dickerman, James 1
Dickerman, Samuel 1
Dike, George K. (George Kimball), 1918- 1
Douglas, Nancy 1
Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold), 1813-1861 1
Dunckel, Oshea G. 1
Dunks, Fred S. 1
Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894 1
Eastern Michigan University 1
Flower, Mark D. , Captain 1
Foote family (Hattie Foote Austin, 1859-1952) 1
Foote, Henry King 1
Foote, Minera Henderson 1
Franklin County Immigration Society (Franklin County, Kan.) 1
Frego, David R. 1
Freytag family 1
Grand Army of the Republic 1
Greenback Labor Party (U.S.) 1
Hall family (Ernest Hall) 1
Hall, L. A. 1
Hamilton College (Clinton, N.Y.) 1
Hardenbergh family ((Catherine Hardenbergh Baker, 1826-1909)) 1
Hardenbergh, Solomon 1
Hardenbergh, James 1
Hardenbergh, John 1
Hardenbergh, Kate 1
Harman, Benjamin M. 1
Harvard University 1
Hayes family (Joseph S. Bamber, 1835-1907) 1
Hicks family (William Hicks, 1792-1878) 1
Hicks, George 1
Hicks, Nabby Younglove 1
Hicks, William 1
Holmes, M. 1
Igoe, Lynn, 1937-2006 1
Ingraham, E. J. 1
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845 1
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 1
+ ∧ less