Showing Collections: 3131 - 3140 of 3148
Works Progress Administration Scrapbook
World War II ration books
This collection contains three World War II ration books belonging to Bert F. Crapser of Swartz Creek, Michigan.
Wrestling records
Intercollegiate Athletics wrestling records consist of newspaper articles, programs, and the season review “Michigan State University Wrestling 1997-1998 A Season to Remember.” Also included are photographs of wrestling meets and team members.
Wrestling (Sports Information Office) records
The collection consists of serial #760, (Michigan State) Wrestling.
Wright family papers
The documents in this collection consist of a deed (1795) issued for land in Ontario County, New York and an appointment to the New York State Militia signed by Governor Dewitt Clinton in 1825.
Wyman's School of the Woods publication
The collection contains a pamphlet describing Wyman's School of the Woods of Munising, Michigan which lists courses offered, tuition, and graduates of the school.
Wynne O. Fremont papers
The collection contains personal, biographical, and several scholarly works of Wynne O. Fremont, who was an engineer specializing in bridge construction. Papers include some of Fremont's work on the proposed Mackinac Bridge in Michigan, with emphasis on the effects of ice on the bridge.