Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 40
Office of Student Teaching and Professional Development records
The collection consists of correspondence, conference agendas, staff meeting notes, different editions of the handbook, “Handbooks for Student Teachers,” position papers from 1964 to 1974 from the Office of Student Teaching and Professional Development. Also included are unpublished annual reports from 1962 to 1969.
Olin Health Center records
Pesticide Research Center records
The collection consists of three folders including a report, a program, and a brochure. There is also an annual report for 1974 stored separately.
Placement Services records
The collection contains reports, brochures, newsletters, and information for students about careers. Also included are special reports that indicate employment rates and statistics on employment trends for various student demographics.
Political Science Department records
The collection contains program brochures, newsletters, reports, syllabi, and year-end summaries. Also included is “Political Science Department at MSU 1949-1973: Commentary and Documents” by Alan P. Grimes, 1986.
Robert L. Wright papers
This collection contains papers relating to courses taught by Robert L. Wright at Michigan State College (now Michigan State University from 1948 to 1963. In particular, there are several annual reports relating to writing and other communication skills. There is also an analysis of a questionnaire given to undergraduate students regarding their reactions to Basic College courses.
School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management records
The records consist of alumni directories, brochures about the program, a report by the Health Facilities Management program, Hotel Administration conference brochures, bibliographies, and a student recruitment video.
School of Labor and Industrial Relations records
The records consist of conference proceedings, publications, reports, and conference and workshop brochures. There is also material from the Labor Program service including conference and workshop flyers as well as publications. Also included are Labor Advisory Committee materials and a report to the Michigan State University president from the Long Range Planning Committee.