Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 57
Michigan Agricultural College Oratorical Association records
The records of the M.A.C. Oratorical Association contain the Treasurer’s account book, grade cards filled out by competition judges, receipts, the Secretary’s book, and two programs from the 1899 Oratorical contest. The Secretary’s book has the group’s constitution along with contest results from 1888 to 1899.
MSU Gospel Choir records
This collection consists of a constitution for the MSU Gospel Choir, meeting notices, and a program/yearbook.
MSU Young Socialist Club records
The collection consists of a flyer for an event sponsored by the MSU Young Socialist Club. The event was called "Revolutionary Socialism Past, Present and Future." The speakers were Robert Himmel and Harriet Talan.
Natural History Society records
The records of the Natural History Society consist of one folder which includes bylaws with amendments and articles, as well as a membership list. Volume one contains the constitution of the club, meeting minutes, and newspaper clippings of the proceedings of meetings. Some of the clippings contain a summary of papers read at the meetings.
Office of Cultural and Academic Transitions records
Omicron Nu, Alpha Chapter records
Phi Beta Kappa records
The collection consists of the constitution and by-laws of the chapter, meeting announcements and minutes, committee information, correspondence between 1945 and 1977, and copies of the Key Reporter from 1948-1959. There are also two volumes: reports supporting the application for forming a chapter at Michigan State University (1959) and the Phi Beta Kappa Report for 1965.
Phi Sigma Kappa collection
The collection consists of a 1962 composite photograph of the members of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity.
Physiology Society records
The records of the Physiology Society include the organization’s constitution and membership requirements. There are also minutes of meetings for 2008 to 2010.
Porpoise Fraternity records
The records of the Porpoise Fraternity consist of one copy of the June 1948 Aquatic Yearbook. It includes lists of members and pledges, and statistics about the 1947-1948 season for varsity and junior varsity swimming and includes some diving. Also included is one folder of photographs of the Porpoise queens and her court, circa 1950s.