Showing Collections: 121 - 130 of 563
Department of Zoology records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.121
Scope and Contents
The series Correspondence (1920-1928), Correspondence (1929-1934), and Correspondence (1941-1946) consist of the correspondence of Harrison R. Hunt, department chair from 1923 to 1953, and Joseph W. Stack, a professor in the department. The letters are from a wide variety of individuals and institutions. Also included are correspondence relating to special interests of Hunt and Stack. Hunt’s research focused on eugenics from 1920 to 1928. His correspondence during this time...
1920 - 2009; Majority of material found within 1920 - 1989
Dillingham family papers
Identifier: c-00271
Scope and Contents
This collection consists primarily of Civil War letters from Loomis Dillingham to his family in Michigan. The letters describe Dillingham's experiences in the 26th Michigan Infantry, which spent a year on provost duty near Alexandria, Virginia, before being transferred to active service. Dillingham describes camp life and guard duty. He also discussed politics and the progress of the war, passing the latest rumors on to his family. Dillingham died in a Virginia hospital in June 1864. A...
1862 - 1871
Dillman S. Bullock papers
Identifier: UA-10.3.412
Scope and Contents
The majority of the papers are correspondence from Bullock and his wife, Katie, and to his mother, Mrs. C. A. Bullock of Hadley, Michigan. The letters contain details of missionary work, life in South America, political and social affairs in Chile and Argentina, and personal matters. Also covered in Bullock's letters is his work and interest in natural history, especially wildlife. An account of a trip Bullock took to Isla Dela Mocha in 1932 is included in the correspondence which discusses...
1901 - 1967
Dimick family papers
Identifier: c-00088
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of letters, deeds, tax receipts, mortgages, money order receipts, and newspaper clippings of the Dimick family of Decatur, Van Buren County, Michigan. The letters deal with family matters as well as political and economic issues on both the national and the local level.
1881 - 1908
Dirk Gringhuis papers
Identifier: UA-17.306
Scope and Content
The Dirk Gringhuis Papers contain drafts, gallery proofs, photographs, and illustrated drawings for two of Gringhuis' books: Stars on the Ceiling: the Planetarium Story and Open Door to the Great Lakes. The collection also contains MSU Museum pamphlets, newspaper articles concerning Gringhuis and the MSU Museum, publications by Gringhuis, reminiscence about Gringhuis by his coworker Charles Smith, a drawing of Charles Smith?...
undated, circa 1965-1967
Dixie Durr papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.264
Scope and Contents
The Dixie Durr papers contain dance and theater records dating from the 1950s up to the mid-2000s. Her academic materials contain information about the dance curriculum such as when specific dance classes were offered and what they involved. There are also materials about the transformation of the dance major and its stages as a major, minor, specialization, and eventual merger with the Department of Theater. Records of dance workshops in which Dixie Durr's students...
1950 - 2006
Dobbins family papers
Identifier: 00045
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of miscellaneous papers concerning the Dobbins family of Ionia, Michigan. Included are a few letters, some from William Dobbins, who was a student at the Michigan College of Mining and Technology (1908), and others from members of the family living in Ireland.There are also tax receipts for property in Ionia, other miscellaneous receipts, insurance policies from the German Insurance Company and the Fireman's Insurance Company, report cards of members of...
1882 - 1937
Don Stevens papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-1.1.2
Scope and Contents
The Don Stevens papers include a variety of materials on higher education, particularly Michigan State University, as well as disputes and conflicts pertaining to it. Some of which includes student protests to campus issues including racial problems, ROTC, and the grape and lettuce boycott. Also in the collection are materials related to labor unions, labor issues and disputes, labor education and legislation, including AFL-CIO statements, magazine articles, speeches, executive board...
1944 - 1973
Donald F. Switzenberg collection
Identifier: 00146
Scope and Contents
The collection contains material relating to the Michigan Pesticides Council newsletter of which Switzenberg was editor (1968-1978). Also included are articles on pesticides and their advantages and disadvantages.
1953 - 1978
Dora Hall Stockman papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-1.1.11
Scope and Contents
Dora Hall Stockman was an East Lansing, Michigan resident and was actively involved in local affairs. The collection contains a typed transcript of her autobiography, correspondence, publications, and newspaper clippings of the various activities in which she participated.Stockman's primary interest was in the State Grange. As an active member she helped establish county Granges throughout the state and held several state offices including that of State Grange Lecturer (1914-1930)....
1910 - 1948