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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 57

Howard C. Rather papers

Identifier: UA-17.442
Scope and Contents The Howard C. Rather papers consists of Rather's correspondence and diaries documenting his experiences as an Army officer during World War I. Covering the time period of January 1918 to May 1919, the collection includes descriptions of the people Rather dealt with every day, and the conditions he lived in, both in the States and in France. His letters home describe his training at Camp Custer, Michigan; Camp Jackson, South Carolina; Camp Merritt, New Jersey; and Saumur Artillery School,...
Dates: 1918 - 1919

Howard Linder papers

Identifier: UA-10.3.322
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of letters from Howard Linder to his wife while he was in the war, military insignia pins, patches, diaries, and photographs.

Dates: 1943-1945, 1952

James Henry Denison papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.62
Scope and Contents The James Denison papers include materials that were accumulated throughout Denison’s life. Denison’s personal papers consist primarily of correspondence, diaries, and newspaper clippings about himself. Also included are articles, stories, and poems written by Denison. Among the articles are several drafts of a piece he wrote about Mackinac Island, Michigan. The bulk of the papers center around Denison’s professional career and in particular his career with the Michigan Office of...
Dates: 1925 - 1970

John A. King papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.206
Scope and Contents The papers of John A. King contain correspondence, diaries, and typescripts of his diaries. One diary is from his freshman year at the University of Michigan (1939). The other diaries describe his experiences in World War II, his travels abroad, and King’s daily life in Michigan.The majority of the diaries contain information about King and his wife Joan’s life in Webberville and Okemos, Michigan. He writes about daily happenings and social activities that the two engaged in....
Dates: 1937 - 2013

John Gibson Parkhurst papers

Identifier: 00025
Scope and Contents The largest part of the collection consists of the pocket diaries Parkhurst kept from 1847 to 1906. The early diaries (1847-1860) relate details of his court cases and only rarely mention his personal life. Records of various financial transactions are incorporated in these early diaries. The diaries of the war years (1861-1865) include battle accounts and descriptions of Parkhurst's experiences as a prisoner-of-war in 1862. In the diaries of the post-war years, Parkhurst discusses primarily...
Dates: 1831 - 1906

John Taylor Bregger papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.74
Scope and Content John T. Bregger papers include biographical information; personal and professional correspondence; notes, papers, records and memorabilia from his elementary and high school education in Bangor, Michigan, (1903-1913) from his studies at Michigan Agricultural College (now Michigan State University) (1913-1923; 1954-1967), and from his graduate studies at Cornell University (1921-1922) includes his Masters Thesis on Pomology; news clippings written by Bregger or collected for his personal...
Dates: 1903 - 1981

Jonathan LeMoyne Snyder papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.1.7
Scope and Contents This collection contains eight series: correspondence, personal correspondence, speeches, reports, promotional literature, calendars, programs and tickets. All series represent the basic divisions of the collection prior to processing.The largest single series is correspondence, 1896-1915 (18.5 cubic feet). Contained in this series are many requests for college catalogues, many questions regarding admissions, as well as admissions requirements. Comments relative to such...
Dates: 1887 - 1918

Kathleen F. Lawler papers

Identifier: 00134
Scope and Contents

The collection contains materials from the 1907 land fraud case, the Republican Speaker's Bureau and the Newberry-Ford dispute. This includes correspondence, diaries, manuscripts, newspapers, a scrapbook and photographs.

Dates: 1888 - 1938; Majority of material found within 1895 - 1938

Lansing and Taft families papers

Identifier: 00058
Scope and Content The collection documents through correspondence, diaries, and financial records, the activity of four people over three generations. These papers span the years 1838 to 1917, with most of the material falling in the periods of 1838-1845 and 1881-1917. The 1845-1881 gap is due to the absence of a generation of records.The records of Elijah M. Lansing (1838-1845) relate to the 6th Regiment, 5th Brigade of the Michigan Militia (Washtenaw Guards). The incoming letters include a...
Dates: 1838 - 1917

Lyman family papers

Identifier: 00128
Scope and Contents The Lyman family papers include correspondence, diaries, property deeds, newspapers, photographs, and other materials for the family of Liberty Lyman and Lucinda Sikes Lyman covering the years 1812-1910.The bulk of the family correspondence consists of letters to Lucinda Lyman from her sons and daughters, as well as letters from friends and relatives in Massachusetts. Especially interesting are the letters of the Lyman sons in California. Many vivid details are given on life in California...
Dates: 1812 - 1910

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  • Subject: Letters (correspondence) X
  • Subject: Diaries X

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Photographs 34
Postcards 16
Scrapbooks 16
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 12
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 11
∨ more
Account books 9
Agriculture -- Michigan 9
Ledgers (account books) 8
Reports 8
Maps 7
Speeches 7
World War, 1939-1945 7
Family histories 6
Legal instruments 6
Publications 6
Lansing (Mich.) 5
Notebooks 5
Education, Higher -- Michigan 4
Manuscripts 4
Michigan -- Politics and government 4
Microfilms 4
Annual reports 3
Autobiographies 3
Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 3
Commercial correspondence 3
Contracts 3
Deeds 3
Education -- Michigan 3
Europe -- Description and travel 3
Farm life 3
Frontier and pioneer life -- Michigan 3
Michigan 3
Michigan -- Social life and customs 3
Programs (Publications) 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories 3
Agricultural colleges -- Michigan 2
Agricultural prices 2
Agriculture -- Accounting 2
Agriculture -- New York (State) 2
Agriculture, Cooperative 2
Chickamauga, Battle of, Ga., 1863 2
Course materials 2
Ingham County (Mich.) 2
Lapeer County (Mich.) 2
Legal forms 2
Legislation -- Michigan 2
Livingston County (Mich.) -- Maps 2
Mackinac Island (Mich.) 2
Michigan -- Religion 2
Military records 2
Minutes (Records) 2
Minutes (administrative records) 2
New York (State) 2
Newsletters 2
Newspapers 2
Oakland County (Mich.) 2
Ontario 2
Pamphlets 2
Periodicals 2
Poetry 2
Railroads -- Michigan 2
Sermons, American 2
Sociology -- Study and teaching 2
Taxation -- Michigan 2
Acapulco (Mexico) 1
Adrian (Mich.) 1
Adrian Michigan expositor 1
Advertising 1
Advertising -- Agriculture 1
Agricultural education 1
Agricultural education -- Argentina 1
Agricultural laws and legislation -- Michigan 1
Agriculture 1
Agriculture -- Argentina 1
Agriculture -- California 1
Agriculture -- Iowa 1
Agriculture -- Michigan -- Societies, etc. 1
Agriculture -- Research -- United States 1
Agriculture -- Study and teaching 1
Agriculture -- Study and teaching -- Argentina 1
Alaska 1
Allegan (Mich.) 1
Amateur films 1
Amherst (Mass.) 1
Atlanta Campaign, 1864 1
Automobile industry and trade 1
Automobile industry and trade -- Michigan 1
Automobiles -- Design and construction 1
Automobiles -- History 1
Balcarce (Argentina : Partido) 1
Bank notes 1
Baptists 1
Bean industry 1
Beer 1
Belgium 1
Berrien County (Mich.) 1
Boarding schools 1
By-laws 1
+ ∧ less
Michigan Agricultural College 10
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 5
Michigan State University. Office of the President 3
Baker, Rollin H. (Rollin Harold), 1916-2007 2
Daughters of the American Revolution 2
∨ more
Michigan Farm Bureau 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1911 2
Michigan State University. International Programs 2
Olds, Ransom Eli, 1864-1950 2
Reo Motor Car Company 2
Republican Party (Mich.) 2
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 2
United States. Army 2
United States. Army -- Military life -- History 2
United States. Department of Agriculture 2
United States. Navy 2
University of Michigan 2
Abbot, Theophilus Capen, 1826-1892 1
Abbott, Samuel H., 1853-1903 1
Alpha Zeta. Kedzie Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
American Association of Social Workers 1
American Pomological Society 1
American Red Cross 1
American Veterinary Medical Association. National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners 1
Amherst College 1
Andrews family (Elisha Deming Andrews, 1783-1852) 1
Andrews, Anne Amelia (1812-1898) 1
Andrews, Betsey Lathrop (1788-1859) 1
Andrews, Elisha Deming (1783-1852) 1
Association for the Study of Community Organization 1
Association of Systematics Collections 1
Austin family (Hattie Foote Austin, 1859-1952) 1
Austin, Andrew V. 1
Austin, Hattie Foote 1
Baker, Ray Stannard, 1870-1946 1
Barney, Leila Craig 1
Bingham, Kinsley S. (Kinsley Scott), 1808-1861 1
Boy Scouts of America. Troop 1 (Brighton, Mich.) 1
Bregger, John Taylor (1896-1981) 1
Bregger, Myra Potter 1
Brody family (Clark Louis Brody, 1879-1961) 1
Brody, Clark L., 1879-1961 1
Brody, Emma Seeley 1
Brody, James Polk 1
Brody, James Seeley 1
Brody, Lewis Kinney 1
Brody, Margaret York 1
Burbank, Luther, 1849-1926 1
Burdick, C. M., Mrs. 1
Calkins, Edmund Albert 1
Campbell District School (Eaton County, Mich.) 1
Carpenter, Kate M. Coad, 1880-1974 1
Central Michigan University 1
Chalkley, Lyssa. 1
Cincinnatus Association 1
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
Combs, William H. 1
Conference on Undergraduate Education for Social Work 1
Coppin, John S., 1904-1986 (Portraitist) 1
Cornell University. School of Agriculture 1
Council on Social Work Education 1
Craig, Frank 1
Craig, Mary Ann 1
Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876 1
Davis, Robert H. 1
Denison, James Henry, 1907-1975 1
Detroit Edison Company 1
Dewsbury, Donald A., 1939- 1
Dooley, Mary True 1
Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894 1
East Lansing Woman's Club 1
Eastern Michigan University 1
Eastman National Business College (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.) 1
Eaton Brothers (Firm) 1
Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation 1
Foote family (Hattie Foote Austin, 1859-1952) 1
Foote, Henry King 1
Foote, Minera Henderson 1
Ford, H. J. (Henry Justice), 1860-1941 1
Giefel, Marjorie 1
Gilchrist, Maude 1
Grand Army of the Republic 1
Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada 1
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885 1
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872 1
Halbert, Frederic, 1945- 1
Hamilton College (Clinton, N.Y.) 1
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 1
Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923 1
Harman, Benjamin M. 1
Harper, Ernest Bouldin 1
Herrick, H. P. 1
Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879 1
Hoyt family (Susan E. Hoyt) 1
Hoyt, Susan E. 1
Hồ, Chí Minh, 1890-1969 1
Igoe, Lynn, 1937-2006 1
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina) 1
Jackson, Ted Fremont 1
Johnson, Samuel, 1839-1916 1
+ ∧ less