Showing Collections: 31 - 35 of 35
Saginaw Bay Fish Company records
Identifier: 00009
Scope and Content Note
This collection contains business records and correspondence from 1898-1931 of four Saginaw Bay (Michigan) area fish companies: Saginaw Bay Fish Company, W.J. Orr Fish Company, Bay Port Fish Company, and the Ballard Fish Company. These records include invoices, labor accounts, bank statements, daily transactions, tax records, annual reports, founding agreements, price lists, and cancelled checks. Also included is an 1857 survey map of the southeast shore of Saginaw Bay, the tax...
1898 - 1931
Thomas-Prescott families papers
Identifier: 00170
Scope and Contents
The collection documents the lives of the Thomas and Prescott families of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The collection contains biographical papers, genealogy/lineage records, and correspondence of family members. The bulk of the collection is the correspondence of Benjamin H. Thomas Jr., spanning the period from 1879 to 1927.The biographical papers consist of obituary notices and correspondence which discuss eligibility to join the D.A.R. and the moral character of family...
1824 - 1960
University of the Ryukyus Project records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-
Scope and Contents
Series 1: HISTORICAL FILE. 1955, 1956, 1959, 1963, undated. 9 items. Publications, introductions to reports, articles, news releases, etc., which summarize the history of the project. No arrangement.Series 2: Records of the Michigan State University Advisory Group - Ryukyus Office. Consists of sub-series 1-6.1. LIST OF MEMORANDA FOR THE RECORD. 1964-1966. 1 item. Chronological list of memoranda and letters...
1944 - 1975
Wesley Fishel papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.95
Series Description
(1) BIOGRAPHICAL FILES. 1940-1948, 1955-1977, undated. 0.2 cubic feet
This series provides a broad overview of Wesley R. Fishel's professional life. Included are resumes, academic appointment papers and award certifications received by the scholar. Materials in the first nine folders reflect the beginnings of Fishel's early academic career, such as his appointment as an instructor of political science at UCLA. This series is arranged chronologically by subject.(2) ...
1921 - 1977; Majority of material found within 1939 - 1977
William B. Drew papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.135
Scope and Contents
The William B. Drew collection consists of materials from Drew’s Cinchona mission in Ecuador, reports about the effects of herbicide in South Vietnam, reports about swidden (slash and burn) to forest in Thailand, and the essay “History of the Botany and Plant Pathology Department from 1945-1973.” In this essay Drew writes about his time as a professor and head of the department and describes events in the department as well as faculty members. The collection also includes MSU...
1943 - 2005