Showing Collections: 251 - 257 of 257
William B. Drew papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.135
Scope and Contents
The William B. Drew collection consists of materials from Drew’s Cinchona mission in Ecuador, reports about the effects of herbicide in South Vietnam, reports about swidden (slash and burn) to forest in Thailand, and the essay “History of the Botany and Plant Pathology Department from 1945-1973.” In this essay Drew writes about his time as a professor and head of the department and describes events in the department as well as faculty members. The collection also includes MSU...
1943 - 2005
William H. Cornelius papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.50
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of newspaper clippings documenting the Michigan Agricultural College football team's defeat of the University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin in 1913. There is also a letter from Garrett to the director of the Alumni Association from 1978.
1913, 1978
William Rittenberg papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.296
Scope and Contents
The William Rittenberg papers consist of materials relating his time as coordinator of International Teaching Assistant Program at Michigan State University. The papers include the history of the ITA Program, orientation materials including schedules, planning and handbooks for students and faculty. There is also material on the Buddy Program, the Speaking and Listening Class, and the Summer English Program which includes syllabi and curriculum materials. Other materials in the collection...
1987 - 2002
Wilson Literary Magazine publication
Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.7.43
Scope and Contents
This collection contains one issue of the Wilson Literary Magazine for 1984-1985. It was probably produced by the students living in Wilson Residence Hall. The magazine features short stories, illustrations, and poems from MSU students.
1984 - 1985
W.K. Kellogg Biological Station records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.68
Scope and Contents
Nearly all of the records in series 1–5 of this collection dating through 1955 originated in the offices of Colin M. McCrary (1884-1956), the first farm manager, from 1930 until 1948, when he became station superintendent. In the Administrative series, the first three folders contain letters from and carbon responses to W. K. Kellogg, as McCrary reported monthly to the farm benefactor at his Arabian horse Farm in California and later kept up contact with Kellogg on a more personal level. ...
1908 - 2001
Women's Studies Program records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.176
Scope and Content
This collection contains information about the development of the Women’s Studies Program at Michigan State University. MSU, as part of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), utilized research and input from the other member institutions (primarily Big-Ten) in the establishment of the Women’s Study Program. The records include administrative files about the program’s establishment, its development, and expansion, program and course descriptions, budget and funding information,...
1970 - 2006
Zee and Schober families papers
Identifier: UA-17.144.1
Scope and Content
This collection consists of memorial books, correspondence, diaries, notebooks, school materials, scrapbooks, Elsie Zee’s teaching materials, family photographs, and genealogical papers. James Wilmer Zee and Elsie Schober Zee’s courtship love letters are also included. There are also post-World War II letters to Elsie Schober Zee and William (Wilhelm) Schober from family members in Germany and from former German P.O.W.s who worked for the Zees. The letters are in German. Many were translated...
1908 - 1987