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Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 257

David D. Anderson papers

Identifier: UA-17.336
Scope and Content The papers of David D. Anderson primarily reflect his work as an author. His materials are organized into 6 series. The Biographical/Personal section contains information about his awards and honors, Patricia Anderson (his wife), and journalist Terry Anderson (cousin) who made national headlines when he was taken hostage in Beruit, Lebanon in 1985. The Correspondence section contains letter to publishers and other authors. The bulk of Anderson's collection is contained in the Literary...
Dates: 1951 - 2010

David L. Friday papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.1.9
Scope and Content

The David L. Friday papers consist primarily of lecture correspondence. There are also a set of financial records (mostly undated) that might pertain to Friday's tenure at the University of Michigan, some telegrams and newsclippings, legislative material, and Friday's working papers.

Dates: 1913 - 1923; Majority of material found within 1921 - 1923

Debate publication

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.7.49
Scope and Contents The collection contains the volume one, number one, March 1985 issue of the student publication, Debate. The issue contains an interview with Ronald Dorr called "From the Sixties to the Eighties" where he compares the students of the 1970s at Michigan State University with the students of the 1980s. There are also articles on cruise missiles, food aid, and the withdrawal of troops U.S. troops from Europe. The issue also includes poetry, as well as short...
Dates: 1985

Department of Accounting and Information Systems records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.1
Scope and Content

The collection consists of unpublished annual reports for 1959-1969, department newsletters 2003-2010 and 2013-2014, and newspaper clippings, correspondence, and photographs of James D. Edwards.

Dates: 1959 - 2014

Department of Geology records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.53
Scope and Contents The records consist of correspondence, field trip reports, inventories of the department, financial statements, experiment station notes, material relating to the Works Progress Administration, the military college program during World War II, science fraternities, annual report materials. There are also records relating to the Glacial Institute. Graduate Assistants’ files during World War II are marked with an asterisk (*).Graduate Assistant files contain applications, program...
Dates: 1920 - 2010

Detroit Gazette collection

Identifier: c-00292
Scope and Contents

This collection contains microfilm of volumes 1-13 (1817-1830) of the Detroit Gazette, a French-English weekly newspaper published in Detroit by John P. Sheldon and Ebenezer Reed. The editors were also the public printers for the territory.

Dates: 1817 - 1830

Dillman S. Bullock papers

Identifier: UA-10.3.412
Scope and Contents The majority of the papers are correspondence from Bullock and his wife, Katie, and to his mother, Mrs. C. A. Bullock of Hadley, Michigan. The letters contain details of missionary work, life in South America, political and social affairs in Chile and Argentina, and personal matters. Also covered in Bullock's letters is his work and interest in natural history, especially wildlife. An account of a trip Bullock took to Isla Dela Mocha in 1932 is included in the correspondence which discusses...
Dates: 1901 - 1967

Dixie Durr papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.264
Scope and Contents The Dixie Durr papers contain dance and theater records dating from the 1950s up to the mid-2000s. Her academic materials contain information about the dance curriculum such as when specific dance classes were offered and what they involved. There are also materials about the transformation of the dance major and its stages as a major, minor, specialization, and eventual merger with the Department of Theater. Records of dance workshops in which Dixie Durr's students...
Dates: 1950 - 2006

Don Stevens papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-1.1.2
Scope and Contents The Don Stevens papers include a variety of materials on higher education, particularly Michigan State University, as well as disputes and conflicts pertaining to it. Some of which includes student protests to campus issues including racial problems, ROTC, and the grape and lettuce boycott. Also in the collection are materials related to labor unions, labor issues and disputes, labor education and legislation, including AFL-CIO statements, magazine articles, speeches, executive board...
Dates: 1944 - 1973

Donald F. Switzenberg collection

Identifier: 00146
Scope and Contents

The collection contains material relating to the Michigan Pesticides Council newsletter of which Switzenberg was editor (1968-1978). Also included are articles on pesticides and their advantages and disadvantages.

Dates: 1953 - 1978

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  • Subject: Newspapers X
  • Repository: University Archives and Historical Collections X

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Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 184
Letters (correspondence) 130
Photographs 123
Publications 54
Reports 50
∨ more
Newsletters 44
Scrapbooks 44
Newspapers 37
Speeches 35
Annual reports 33
Programs (Publications) 33
College student newspapers and periodicals -- Michigan -- East Lansing 29
Postcards 28
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing -- Periodicals 26
Sound recordings 21
Course materials 20
Press releases 19
Minutes (Records) 18
World War, 1939-1945 18
Diaries 16
Brochures 15
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 15
Video recordings 15
Maps 14
Correspondence 13
Manuscripts 13
Memorandums 13
Agriculture -- Michigan 12
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 12
Posters 12
Ephemera 11
Pamphlets 11
Poetry 11
Family histories 10
Ledgers (account books) 10
Periodicals 10
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae 9
Account books 8
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 8
Lansing (Mich.) 8
Michigan -- Politics and government 8
Microfilms 8
Student newspapers and periodicals -- Michigan -- East Lansing 8
Constitutions 7
Dormitory life -- Michigan -- East Lansing 7
East Lansing (Mich.) 7
Legal instruments 7
Notebooks 7
Student movements 7
African American college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 6
College students 6
Invitations 6
Minutes (administrative records) 6
Outlines and syllabi 6
Photograph albums 6
Proceedings 6
Sheet music 6
Student activities 6
World War, 1914-1918 6
Autobiographies 5
By-laws 5
College sports 5
College wit and humor 5
Concert programs 5
Education, Higher 5
Fieldnotes 5
Football 5
Handbooks and manuals 5
Lectures 5
Negatives (Photographs) 5
Art 4
Catalogs 4
College sports -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Commercial correspondence 4
Digital images 4
Financial records 4
Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Ingham County (Mich.) 4
Interviews 4
Journals (accounts) 4
Michigan 4
Student strikes 4
African Americans -- Civil rights 3
Agriculture, Cooperative 3
Amateur films 3
Art, American -- Michigan 3
Certificates 3
College buildings -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
College students -- Political activity -- Michigan 3
College students -- Societies and clubs 3
Commencement ceremonies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
Conference materials 3
Contracts 3
Depressions -- 1929 -- United States 3
Education 3
Farm life -- Michigan 3
Handbooks 3
Kent County (Mich.) 3
Legislation -- Michigan 3
Lumbering -- Michigan 3
+ ∧ less
English 256
French 2
Michigan State University. Students. Periodicals 25
Michigan Agricultural College 21
Michigan State University 20
Michigan State College 19
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 13
∨ more
Michigan State University. Alumni and alumnae 12
Michigan State University. Faculty 9
Michigan State University. Students 8
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 7
Michigan State University. Board of Trustees 7
Michigan State University. Buildings 7
Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service 7
Michigan State University. Student housing 7
Michigan State University. Basic College 6
Michigan State University. Centennial celebrations, etc 6
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1954) (Pasadena, Calif.) 6
University of Michigan 6
Michigan Agricultural College. Students 5
Michigan State University. Football 5
Michigan State University. Libraries. Special Collections Division 5
Michigan State University. Office of the President 5
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 5
University of Nigeria, Nsukka 5
Wharton, Clifton R., 1926- 5
Jones, Sarah Van Hoosen 4
Michigan State University. Associated Students of Michigan State University 4
Michigan State University. College of Human Medicine 4
Michigan State University. College of Osteopathic Medicine 4
Michigan State University. Department of Agricultural Economics 4
Michigan State University. Lecture-Concert Series 4
Michigan State University. Libraries 4
Michigan State University. Museum 4
Muelder, Milton E. 4
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1966 : Pasadena, Calif.) 4
Students for a Democratic Society (U.S.) 4
The State News, Inc. (Organization) 4
United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps 4
Eli Broad College of Business 3
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 3
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 3
Kresge Art Museum 3
Lansing Civic Players Guild (Lansing, Mich.) 3
Michigan State College. Students. Societies, etc 3
Michigan State University--University of Nigeria Program 3
Michigan State University. Beaumont Tower 3
Michigan State University. Class of 1920 3
Michigan State University. Department of American Thought and Language 3
Michigan State University. Employees 3
Michigan State University. Humor. Periodicals 3
Michigan State University. Olin Health Center 3
Michigan State University. School of Music 3
Michigan State University. Spartan Marching Band 3
Michigan State University. University College 3
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 3
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1956 : Pasadena, Calif.) 3
Ryder, Edward H. (1871-1939) 3
United States. Department of Agriculture 3
World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.) 3
American Friends of Vietnam 2
American Red Cross 2
Associated Press Managing Editors Association 2
Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954 2
Baker, Rollin H. (Rollin Harold), 1916-2007 2
Breslin, Jacweir 2
Butterfield, Kenyon L. (Kenyon Leech), 1868-1935 2
Citizens for Eisenhower (Organization) 2
Denison, James Henry, 1907-1975 2
DiBiaggio, John A., 1932- 2
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 2
Falcone, Leonard 2
Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006 2
Friday, David, 1876-1945 2
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company 2
Greater Muskegon Chamber of Commerce 2
Holden, P. G. (Perry Greeley), 1865-1959 2
Hunt, Andrew D., 1915- 2
Iowa State College 2
Jonas, Gilbert 2
Jones, Margaret Zee 2
Kappa Alpha Theta. Beta Pi Chapter. (Michigan State University) 2
Killingsworth, Charles, 1917- 2
Kimber, Harry Hubert, 1903- 2
Lyman Briggs College 2
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory 2
Michigan Council for the Arts 2
Michigan State College. Buildings 2
Michigan State College. Students 2
Michigan State Grange 2
Michigan State Spartans (Football team) 2
Michigan State University. Abrams Planetarium 2
Michigan State University. Alumni Memorial Chapel 2
Michigan State University. Black Student Alliance 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1911 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1917 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1935 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1936 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1947 2
Michigan State University. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 2
Michigan State University. College of Human Ecology 2
+ ∧ less