Showing Collections: 1 - 3 of 3
Charles William Cathcart papers
Identifier: 00006
Scope and Contents
This collection documents the political interests of various members of the Cathcart family during the years 1821-1889, and is divided as such into the affairs of two generations: that of James Leander Cathcart and that of his sons, James, Charles, John and Henry, with the greatest amount of material pertaining to Charles Cathcart.Letters of the senior Cathcart comprise the first part of the collection. There are several letters, which expound upon his grudge against the...
1821 - 1889
Democratic Party campaign materials
Identifier: 00034
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of Democratic Party campaign materials from 1874 to 1966 including handbills, pamphlets, posters, comic books and programs. Also included are voting tickets for several Lansing, Michigan, area communities, voting information and campaign instructions, and tickets, programs and statements from Democratic conventions, both in Michigan and on a national level. Biographical and political information on Michigan candidates for governor, legislature, and other offices,...
1874 - 1966
Dora Hall Stockman papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-1.1.11
Scope and Contents
Dora Hall Stockman was an East Lansing, Michigan resident and was actively involved in local affairs. The collection contains a typed transcript of her autobiography, correspondence, publications, and newspaper clippings of the various activities in which she participated.Stockman's primary interest was in the State Grange. As an active member she helped establish county Granges throughout the state and held several state offices including that of State Grange Lecturer (1914-1930)....
1910 - 1948