Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 55
Gordon L. and Phyllis M. Thomas collection
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.489
Scope and Contents
The Gordon L. and Phyllis M. Thomas collection contains articles about Gordon Thomas' election and time on the East Lansing City Council and as mayor, a small amount of correspondence, City of East Lansing annual reports, articles and two letters about Civil Rights, as well as articles and biographical information related to his time at Michigan State University. There are also photographs of Gordon Thomas.The Phyllis Thomas materials contain articles, drafts, and notes for the...
Green Splash Swimming Club records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.3.18
Scope and Contents
The records of the Green Splash Swimming Club consist of club meeting minutes, membership information, negatives, photographs, and scrapbooks (1920-1986) which contain photographs, memorabilia, and water show programs. The bulk of the records revolve around the annual water pageants produced by the swimming club between 1953 and 1976. The earlier years are documented more fully in the club's minutes.
1920 - 1988
Harald S. and Marguerite I. Patton papers
Identifier: UA-17.437
Scope and Contents
Harald Patton papers primarily document his World War I experiences. The correspondence consists of letters written by Patton to Marguerite Irene Taylor, who later became his wife, friends and relatives, and dates almost entirely from 1915 to 1919. Included is a journal (in letter form) describing his voyage to England in 1915 on the troopship Northland. There are also postcards, photographs, and a scrapbook.Marguerite Patton papers includes correspondence, articles of...
1884 - 1941
Henson family papers
Identifier: UA-10.3.449
Scope and Contents
These papers contain the diaries of Fred T. Henson from 1907 to 1969. Henson was a farmer in Richland Township, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. The diary entries cover his daily activities, the weather, chemicals used on crops, his wife Gladys' activities, genealogical data on Kalamazoo County residents, obituaries, and wedding announcements. Henson also describes his service days in World War I, including a stay in East Lansing, Michigan where he was a member of the Michigan Agricultural...
1907 - 1970
Hugh Duffy Daugherty papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.63
Scope and Contents
This collection contains material saved by Coach Duffy Daugherty throughout his coaching career, and includes correspondence, documents, and publications related to his coaching jobs, honors, presentations, and awards. Several members of Daugherty’s family also achieved success and the recognition of their accomplishments are detailed. The collection also includes several scrapbooks, as well as sound recordings of one of Daugherty’s radio talk shows and an interview with his wife,...
1947 - 1975
Irma Thompson papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.35
Scope and Contents
The Irma Thompson papers consist of correspondence and memorabilia from her time as a college student including dance cards, programs for dances, and programs for events on campus. The events were held by various organizations including Feronian Society, Hesperian Society, Eclectic Society, Olympic Society, MAC Oratorical Association, Union Literary Society, as well as the alumni association. There are also a number of plays, poems and short stories written by Irma and other classmates and...
1835 - 1964
James G. Hays papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.69
Scope and Contents
The James G. Hays collection contains commencement invitations and programs for the class of 1911 as well as alumni reunion programs for 1913. Also included are Hay’s descriptions of campus life in 1911 in which he describes campus grounds and buildings, social life, coeds, canoeing, street cars, small pox, and athletics. There is also a 1910 memo about preventing small pox on campus in which Thanksgiving recess is canceled. The collection contains photographs of the class of 1911, class of...
1907 - 1975
Jonathan LeMoyne Snyder papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.1.7
Scope and Contents
This collection contains eight series: correspondence, personal correspondence, speeches, reports, promotional literature, calendars, programs and tickets. All series represent the basic divisions of the collection prior to processing.The largest single series is correspondence, 1896-1915 (18.5 cubic feet). Contained in this series are many requests for college catalogues, many questions regarding admissions, as well as admissions requirements. Comments relative to such...
1887 - 1918
Lamar M. Wood papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.162
Scope and Contents
The Lamar M. Wood papers contain several publications from Wood’s years at Michigan Agricultural College (now Michigan State University). There is a publication from the Ulyssian Literary Society, a basketball program, a football program, a journal from the Theta Kappa Nu Fraternity, and an alumni publication for the class of 1925. There is also a soil and agricultural map and report for Ogemaw County, Michigan from 1928. There is also a typescript of the 1888 Diary of Perry Wood, by Jim...
1909 - 2000
Larry Bielat collection
Identifier: UA-10.3.423
Scope and Contents
This collection contains one program, one poster, 151 photographs (147 regular plus 4 oversize), and 25 postcards dealing with Michigan State University history collected by Larry Bielat. The photographs contain many individual photographs of athletes from 1929-1944. There are also many early photographs of the football team and a variety of pictures from the marching band spanning over thirty years. Of special interest are several photographs of MSU football coach Muddy Waters...
1906-1985, Undated