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Showing Collections: 151 - 157 of 157

Wesley Fishel papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.95
Series Description (1) BIOGRAPHICAL FILES. 1940-1948, 1955-1977, undated. 0.2 cubic feet This series provides a broad overview of Wesley R. Fishel's professional life. Included are resumes, academic appointment papers and award certifications received by the scholar. Materials in the first nine folders reflect the beginnings of Fishel's early academic career, such as his appointment as an instructor of political science at UCLA. This series is arranged chronologically by subject.(2) ...
Dates: 1921 - 1977; Majority of material found within 1939 - 1977

William H. Bartels papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.166
Scope and Contents The collection includes William Bartel's class schedules and course receipts, a textbook for working at a forge, engineering experiments assignments, a play program for "The Beginnings: A Drama of Michigan History," and a 1927 commencement program. It also contains records from the Tau Beta Pi fraternity, Alpha Chapter, and the address of Joseph Bell Cotton (class of 1886) for Michigan State College's (now Michigan State University) 70th anniversary in 1927. The collection also contains...
Dates: 1921 - 1927

William H. Combs Papers

Identifier: UA-17.116
Scope and Contents The papers are organized into five series: Tennessee Papers, Michigan Papers, Michigan State University Papers, Volumes, and Photographs.Included in the Tennessee papers are his book Tennessee: A Political Study, published in 1940 in collaboration with William E. Cole, preliminary drafts of chapters and correspondence relating to subjects in the book. Other materials include a "Biennial Report of the University of Tennessee (1936-1938),"...
Dates: 1936 - 1979

William J. Hale papers

Identifier: 00176
Scope and Contents The collection is arranged into 17 series: Biographical Materials; Personal Papers; Correspondence; Speeches; Publications; Biographical Files; National Agrol Co.; Verdurin Co.; patents; Research Notebooks; Reports/Hearings; History of American Chemical Industry; Subject Files; Audio / Visual materials; Ephemera; Microfilm; and Oversized material. The series are summarized below.BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS Newspaper clippings, bibliographic lists, publications, autobiographical...
Dates: 1906 - 1959; Majority of material found within 1911 - 1959

William James Beal papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.4
Scope and Contents The William J. Beal papers consist of correspondence, publications, and materials relating to his work as a student at Harvard University. The material from Beal's years at Harvard includes course notes on anatomy, geology and ornithology as well as a detailed journal which Beal wrote in 1862. This journal includes comments on individuals as well as events of the period.The correspondence is not extensive but contains several letters from Asa Gray as well as a typescript copy...
Dates: 1859 - 1940

Wrestling records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-4.3.13
Scope and Contents

Intercollegiate Athletics wrestling records consist of newspaper articles, programs, and the season review “Michigan State University Wrestling 1997-1998 A Season to Remember.” Also included are photographs of wrestling meets and team members.

Dates: 1982 - 2001

Zee and Schober families papers

Identifier: UA-17.144.1
Scope and Content This collection consists of memorial books, correspondence, diaries, notebooks, school materials, scrapbooks, Elsie Zee’s teaching materials, family photographs, and genealogical papers. James Wilmer Zee and Elsie Schober Zee’s courtship love letters are also included. There are also post-World War II letters to Elsie Schober Zee and William (Wilhelm) Schober from family members in Germany and from former German P.O.W.s who worked for the Zees. The letters are in German. Many were translated...
Dates: 1908 - 1987

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  • Subject: Photographs X
  • Subject: Publications X
  • Subject: Publications X

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University Archives and Historical Collections 154
Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections 3
Photographs 156
Letters (correspondence) 94
Publications 88
Programs (Publications) 72
Scrapbooks 48
∨ more
Reports 46
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 44
Newsletters 32
Annual reports 31
Postcards 29
Sound recordings 28
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 24
Speeches 23
Ephemera 16
Course materials 14
Video recordings 14
Brochures 12
Maps 12
Pamphlets 12
Memorandums 11
World War, 1939-1945 11
Family histories 10
Minutes (Records) 10
Newspapers 10
Serial publications 10
Correspondence 9
Diaries 9
Manuscripts 9
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 9
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 8
Minutes (administrative records) 8
Notebooks 8
Posters 8
Press releases 8
Proceedings 8
Video tapes 8
College students -- Societies and clubs 7
Handbooks 7
Interviews 7
Ledgers (account books) 7
Commencement ceremonies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 6
Michigan 6
Negatives (Photographs) 6
Nonfiction films 6
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae 6
Agricultural colleges -- Michigan 5
College sports -- Michigan -- East Lansing 5
Contracts 5
Home economics 5
Ingham County (Mich.) 5
Invitations 5
Lectures 5
World War, 1914-1918 5
Account books 4
Agriculture -- Michigan 4
Agriculture -- Study and teaching 4
Amateur films 4
By-laws 4
Catalogs 4
College sports 4
College students 4
Dance cards 4
Financial records 4
Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Home economics -- Study and teaching 4
Membership lists 4
Outlines and syllabi 4
Periodicals 4
Student activities 4
Vietnam 4
Associations, institutions, etc. 3
Blueprints 3
Clippings (information artifacts) 3
Conference materials 3
Digital images 3
Directories 3
East Lansing (Mich.) 3
Education, Higher 3
Education, Higher -- Nigeria 3
Electronic mail messages 3
Fieldnotes 3
Financial statements 3
Football 3
Football coaches -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
Handbooks and manuals 3
Horticulture -- Study and teaching 3
Journals (accounts) 3
Michigan -- Politics and government 3
Nigeria 3
Photograph albums 3
Race discrimination 3
Swimming 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 3
United States -- Politics and government 3
Women college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
Women college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing -- Societies, etc. 3
Yearbooks 3
Africa -- Study and teaching 2
Agricultural chemistry 2
Agricultural education -- Michigan 2
+ ∧ less
Japanese 1
Polish 1
Portuguese 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Michigan Agricultural College 19
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 11
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 10
Michigan State University 10
Michigan State College 7
∨ more
Michigan State University. College of Human Ecology 7
Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service 6
Michigan State University. Faculty 6
Michigan State College. Students. Societies, etc 5
Michigan State University. Alumni and alumnae 5
Michigan State University. Museum 5
Michigan State University. Office of the President 5
Michigan State University. Spartan Marching Band 5
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 5
Michigan Agricultural College. Students 4
Michigan Agricultural College. Students. Societies, etc 4
Michigan State Spartans (Football team) 4
Michigan State University. Alumni Association 4
Michigan State University. Centennial celebrations, etc 4
Michigan State University. College of Osteopathic Medicine 4
Michigan State University. Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 4
Michigan State University. Department of Military Science/ROTC 4
Michigan State University. Football 4
Michigan State University. History 4
Michigan State University. International Programs 4
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1954) (Pasadena, Calif.) 4
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1966 : Pasadena, Calif.) 4
University of Michigan 4
Alpha Tau Omega. Epsilon Eta Chapter (Michigan State University) 3
American Friends of Vietnam 3
Combs, William H. 3
Harvard University 3
Jonas, Gilbert 3
Kedzie, R. C. (Robert Clark), 1823-1902 3
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 3
Michigan Agricultural College. Faculty 3
Michigan State College. Students 3
Michigan State University. Basic College 3
Michigan State University. Buildings 3
Michigan State University. Class of 1911 3
Michigan State University. Department of Dairy Science 3
Michigan State University. Department of History 3
Michigan State University. Department of Information Services 3
Michigan State University. Libraries 3
Michigan State University. Students 3
National Science Foundation (U.S.) 3
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1956 : Pasadena, Calif.) 3
United States. Agency for International Development 3
University of Nigeria, Nsukka 3
Adams, Walter, 1922-1998 2
Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954 2
Beal, W. J. (William James), 1833-1924 2
Brandstatter, A. F. (Arthur F.) 2
Bregger, Myra Potter 2
Coburn, L. Paul 2
Daugherty, Hugh, 1915-1987 2
Denison, James Henry, 1907-1975 2
Dressel, Paul L. (Paul Leroy), 1910-1989 2
Dye, Marie 2
Falcone, Leonard 2
Fishel, Wesley R. 2
Ford Foundation 2
Iowa State College 2
James Madison College 2
Jones, Margaret Zee 2
Kellogg Center of Michigan State University 2
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 2
Kresge Art Museum 2
Magen, Myron S. 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Columbian Literary Society 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Oratorical Association 2
Michigan State Grange 2
Michigan State University--University of Nigeria Program 2
Michigan State University. Abrams Planetarium 2
Michigan State University. African Studies Center 2
Michigan State University. Agricultural Experiment Station 2
Michigan State University. Anniversaries, etc. 2
Michigan State University. Board of Trustees 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1916 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1917 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1920 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1947 2
Michigan State University. College of Human Medicine 2
Michigan State University. College of Natural Science 2
Michigan State University. Department of Agricultural Economics 2
Michigan State University. Department of American Thought and Language 2
Michigan State University. Department of Art 2
Michigan State University. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2
Michigan State University. Department of Chemistry 2
Michigan State University. Department of Geography 2
Michigan State University. Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. Swimming 2
Michigan State University. Department of Zoology 2
Michigan State University. Horticulture Department 2
Michigan State University. Libraries. Special Collections Division 2
Michigan State University. Men's Glee Club 2
Michigan State University. Pakistan Project 2
Michigan State University. School of Music 2
Michigan State University. Sports. Baseball 2
Michigan State University. Union Building 2
Michigan State University. University of the Ryukyus Project 2
+ ∧ less