Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 39
Alumni Association records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.2
Scope and Contents
Records of the Society of Alumni of Michigan Agricultural College, 1868-1913
This series includes a Minute Book (1869-1916) which contains: Constitution of 1869, signatures of members in 1885, and minutes of annual and triennial business meetings. The minutes generally do not record alumni discussion of college programs, but do include resolutions supporting the labor system, women’s education, and athletics at MAC. Most entries concern the election...
1869 - 2019
College of Human Ecology records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-15.3
Scope and Content
This collection includes the records of the College of Human Ecology from 1881 to 2005. The Arrangement Note provides summaries of each series.
1881 - 2005
College of Osteopathic Medicine records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-15.19
Scope and Contents
This collection is divided into twelve series. Series 1 is the Michigan College of Osteopathic Medicine and includes the earliest records in the formation of Michigan’s osteopathic college (1962 – 1975). Items of particular note are the annual reports, minutes and reports from the board of trustees, clippings and reports related to the creation of the college and its transfer to Michigan State University and MCOM publications.Series 2 is the Michigan Osteopathic...
1959 - 2022
Colombia Project records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-
Scope and Contents
Colombia Project records include official and special reports on the Project; contracts between Michigan State University and the University of Colombia, as well as contracts with funding bodies, the Universities of Medellin and Palmira, and other involved organizations; work plans dealing with specific agricultural or economic issues; and reports pertaining to the Point Four Program and to the Kellogg Foundation. These records include a variety of materials related to agriculture, including...
1942 - 1967
David C. Hollister papers
Identifier: UA-10.3.428
Scope and Contents
The David C. Hollister collection contains papers biographical and personal in nature, as well as papers from his political career. The collection contains information about his childhood and includes documentation of his school years from elementary through graduate school. There is also material about his teenage activities including sports, journalism, and student government. There are letters to his friends and parents including information about his high school sweetheart Judy Artz,...
1957 - 2008
Dora Hall Stockman papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-1.1.11
Scope and Contents
Dora Hall Stockman was an East Lansing, Michigan resident and was actively involved in local affairs. The collection contains a typed transcript of her autobiography, correspondence, publications, and newspaper clippings of the various activities in which she participated.Stockman's primary interest was in the State Grange. As an active member she helped establish county Granges throughout the state and held several state offices including that of State Grange Lecturer (1914-1930)....
1910 - 1948
Elton B. Hill papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.67
Scope and Contents
The bulk of the collection contains material relating to the issues that interested Hill most as a teacher and researcher. He taught a number of courses on farm appraisal and agricultural finance, and his reference material appears here. Land tenure, especially the legal and moral implications of father-son partnerships and farm ownership transfers, were of special interest to him.In addition to this, there is also a scrapbook and some memorabilia from his college days at...
1862 - 1972
Evelyn Scholl papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.41
Scope and Contents
The Evelyn Scholl papers consist of correspondence, artwork, publications, cards, a thesis, notebook, a photo album of scenes around the Michigan State University campus, and scrapbook pages. Scholl’s correspondence files contain letters to her from her colleagues and friends, Paul Nordoff and Walter Quirt. Nordoff’s letters were received between 1940 and 1955, Quirt’s between 1947 and 1968. In addition to his letters, Scholl also received artwork by Quirt and publications...
1920 - 1968
Forrest W. Coggan papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.202
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of original materials and photocopies associated with various theater projects in which Coggan was involved. Some were performed at Michigan State University. The collection contains newspaper clippings, programs, copies of photographs, histories of the dance companies, and advertising media. The Correspondence folder contains photocopies of correspondence with MSU President Peter McPherson, the MSU Library, and MSU Museum. It also contains a photocopy of a 1947...
1947 - 2013
Gilbert Jonas collection
Identifier: 00166
Scope and Contents of the Papers
The Gilbert Jonas collection covers the years 1852-1987, the bulk of the materials consisting of administrative working papers and newspaper clippings, dating 1955-1969. Much of the material within the collection is limited in depth of information because much of it is working papers covering numerous topics. The greatest strength of the collection is a wealth of information about Vietnam. Jonas avidly clipped newspaper articles, and there is subsequently over two cubic feet of...
1852 - 1987