Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 177
Commencement records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-13.1
Scope and Contents
This collection contains speeches, instructions, invitations, exercises, correspondence, minutes, and duplicate programs.
1862 - 2015; Majority of material found within 1862 - 1981
Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development (CSNRD) records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-
Scope and Contents
The records document the efforts of the Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development (Michigan State University, Colorado State University, Kansas State University, Ohio State University, University of Wisconsin, Research Triangle Institute of the University of North Carolina, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Interior,) under contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development to improve agriculture in Nigeria through education, research and investment....
1964 - 1969
Cooperative Extension Service records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.34
Scope and Contents
The records of Cooperative Extension consist of county and project reports beginning in 1913. These county reports contain information on Extension activities and may give some detail about a particular project in that county or a specific agent. The project reports contain information about project work in the whole state. The reports may be in a narrative report format or a preprinted form. Some include appendices that include newspaper articles about activities or handouts created for...
1913 - 2013
David C. Hollister papers
Identifier: UA-10.3.428
Scope and Contents
The David C. Hollister collection contains papers biographical and personal in nature, as well as papers from his political career. The collection contains information about his childhood and includes documentation of his school years from elementary through graduate school. There is also material about his teenage activities including sports, journalism, and student government. There are letters to his friends and parents including information about his high school sweetheart Judy Artz,...
1957 - 2008
Department of Chemistry records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.26
Scope and Contents
The records of the Chemistry Department include correspondence, department files, subject files, information on chemistry buildings, material about Alpha Chi Sigma, and material from the American Chemical Society.Correspondence includes letterpress correspondence from Robert C. Kedzie and Frank Kedzie. They include correspondence relating to the department, analysis of materials, sugar beets, and letters sent out asking for information and addresses of alumni. The letterpress...
1879 - 2010
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (Plant, Soil and Microbial Science) records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.36
Scope and Contents
This collection contains miscellaneous papers from the department. The earliest record is a 19th century record book of experiments about growing beets, possibly copied from another source. The entries include “Experiments with Sugar Beets” by F. F. Tanner, “Experiments with Sugar Beets” by A. T. Stevens, “Experiments with Roots to Determine the Relative Value of Sod versus Stubble, Sand versus Clay, and Clay versus Hummus Soil for Beets, Carrots, and Ruta Bagas” by Luther H. Baker,...
1891 - 1994; Majority of material found within 1926 - 1994
Department of Geology records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.53
Scope and Contents
The records consist of correspondence, field trip reports, inventories of the department, financial statements, experiment station notes, material relating to the Works Progress Administration, the military college program during World War II, science fraternities, annual report materials. There are also records relating to the Glacial Institute. Graduate Assistants’ files during World War II are marked with an asterisk (*).Graduate Assistant files contain applications, program...
1920 - 2010
Department of Military Science/ROTC records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-3.17.1
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of records relating to the Michigan State University Military Science Department/ROTC. The class materials folder contains a receipt listing the uniform items issued to students, a syllabus for MS 102 chronologically listing the subjects covered in the class and chapters in the ROTC manual, and a list of basic concepts and their definitions. There is also a folder of correspondence relating to the creation of a trophy for the top member on the MSU rifle team to be...
1885 - 1986; Majority of material found within 1930 - 1986
Diana I. Marinez papers
Identifier: MSS 537
The materials were collected as part of the activist work Dr. Marinez did with Mujeres Unidas de Michigan organization.
approximately 1969-1990; Majority of material found within 1969 - 1975
Don Stevens papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-1.1.2
Scope and Contents
The Don Stevens papers include a variety of materials on higher education, particularly Michigan State University, as well as disputes and conflicts pertaining to it. Some of which includes student protests to campus issues including racial problems, ROTC, and the grape and lettuce boycott. Also in the collection are materials related to labor unions, labor issues and disputes, labor education and legislation, including AFL-CIO statements, magazine articles, speeches, executive board...
1944 - 1973