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Showing Collections: 71 - 80 of 341

Diana I. Marinez papers

Identifier: MSS 537

The materials were collected as part of the activist work Dr. Marinez did with Mujeres Unidas de Michigan organization.

Dates: approximately 1969-1990; Majority of material found within 1969 - 1975

Don Stevens papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-1.1.2
Scope and Contents The Don Stevens papers include a variety of materials on higher education, particularly Michigan State University, as well as disputes and conflicts pertaining to it. Some of which includes student protests to campus issues including racial problems, ROTC, and the grape and lettuce boycott. Also in the collection are materials related to labor unions, labor issues and disputes, labor education and legislation, including AFL-CIO statements, magazine articles, speeches, executive board...
Dates: 1944 - 1973

Dora Hall Stockman papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-1.1.11
Scope and Contents Dora Hall Stockman was an East Lansing, Michigan resident and was actively involved in local affairs. The collection contains a typed transcript of her autobiography, correspondence, publications, and newspaper clippings of the various activities in which she participated.Stockman's primary interest was in the State Grange. As an active member she helped establish county Granges throughout the state and held several state offices including that of State Grange Lecturer (1914-1930)....
Dates: 1910 - 1948

Dorothy McMeekin papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.275
Scope and Contents

These papers consist of published articles authored by Dorothy McMeekin, a professor at Michigan State University from 1966 to 1997. There is also a copy of “Exploring the Ecology Along the Red Cedar River at Michigan State University” written by McMeekin, her resume/CV, and correspondence.

Dates: 1954-2004, 2018

E. Lynnette Gatten papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.131
Scope and Contents The Lynnette Gatten collection contains seven folders of materials primarily dealing with Gatten’s involvement with food services at Michigan State University. There are two folders of newspaper clippings related to food service, staff, and buildings on campus and in the surrounding area; a folder containing programs related to food service and the campus; a folder containing clippings and pages from journals and newsletters regarding food service programs including clippings from issues of...
Dates: 1943 - 1978

Earl C. Richardson papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.140
Scope and Contents

The papers consist of correspondence, press releases, a program, a newsletter, and newspaper clippings. Correspondence and press releases relate to awards Richardson won in 1969. Also included are a program from the 1969 Cooperative Extension Service Awards and Citations Banquet and the Cooperative Extension Service newsletter, "The Communicator", for October 31, 1969. The newpapers clippings are also about Richardson's awards.

Dates: 1969, undated

Earl Weaver papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.74
Scope and Contents

The collection contains eight publications published by Universidad Nacional de Colombia concerning poultry, pigs, cattle, and alfalfa written by Weaver and are in Spanish. There are also reports (dated 1955-1959) by Earl Weaver to John Stone concerning MSU's mission to Colombia. In addition, there is also a report by the Michigan Holstein Breeders Association called "Holstein Cattle Owned in Michigan in 1883," as well as a booklet "Two Hundred and Fifty Years of Michigan Dairying."

Dates: 1955 - 1959

East Lansing Info publication

Identifier: 00275
Scope and Contents

The collection contains the publication East Lansing Info which corresponds to their website

Copies have been printed since early 2021.

Webpages have been saved with the Internet Archive

Dates: 2021-2022

Eclectic Literary Society records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.2.3
Scope and Contents

The three ledgers contain accounting information for the Eclectic Society from 1917-1929. There is information about the society's house, its members, its social events, and the café it ran.

The folders contain a social activity program, information on a proposed building for the society, stockholders in the society, society directories, copies of their newsletter, The Tic, from 1894, 1915, 1921 and 1924.

Dates: 1916 - 1929

Eczema, The UA 12.7.23

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: Serial-00255
Dates: 1913 - 1937

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  • Subject: Publications X

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University Archives and Historical Collections 332
Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections 9
Publications 187
Photographs 156
Letters (correspondence) 155
Programs (Publications) 139
Reports 92
∨ more
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 75
Newsletters 66
Scrapbooks 55
Annual reports 54
Speeches 35
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 34
Sound recordings 34
Postcards 33
Brochures 30
Course materials 28
Minutes (Records) 28
Video recordings 25
Ephemera 23
Memorandums 21
Serial publications 20
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 19
College sports -- Michigan -- East Lansing 18
Correspondence 18
Maps 18
Pamphlets 17
Proceedings 14
College students -- Societies and clubs 13
Diaries 13
Newspapers 13
Press releases 13
Manuscripts 12
Minutes (administrative records) 12
Notebooks 12
Student publications 12
World War, 1939-1945 12
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 11
Family histories 11
Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 11
Posters 11
Nonfiction films 10
Outlines and syllabi 10
By-laws 9
Commencement ceremonies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 9
Electronic mail messages 9
Handbooks 9
Michigan 9
Video tapes 9
Interviews 8
Invitations 8
Agriculture 7
Athletics -- Michigan 7
College students 7
East Lansing (Mich.) 7
Ledgers (account books) 7
Student activities 7
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae 7
World War, 1914-1918 7
Yearbooks 7
Catalogs 6
Football 6
Handbooks and manuals 6
Ingham County (Mich.) 6
Lectures 6
Membership lists 6
Michigan -- Politics and government 6
Negatives (Photographs) 6
Account books 5
Agricultural colleges -- Michigan 5
Agriculture -- Michigan 5
Agriculture -- Study and teaching 5
Amateur films 5
Clippings (information artifacts) 5
College sports 5
College wit and humor 5
Constitutions 5
Contracts 5
Dance cards 5
Fieldnotes 5
Financial records 5
Home economics 5
Home economics -- Study and teaching 5
Horticulture 5
Songbooks 5
State universities and colleges -- United States 5
Student activities -- Michigan -- East Lansing 5
Student movements 5
Women college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 5
Agricultural education 4
Agriculture -- Michigan -- Societies, etc. 4
Associations, institutions, etc. 4
Conference materials 4
Digital images 4
Directories 4
Education, Higher 4
Horticulture -- Study and teaching 4
Lansing (Mich.) 4
Microfilms 4
Periodicals 4
Photograph albums 4
Records (Documents) 4
+ ∧ less
Arabic 1
French 1
Hebrew 1
Japanese 1
Polish 1
∨ more  
Michigan Agricultural College 26
Michigan State University 23
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 16
Michigan State College 15
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 14
∨ more
Michigan State University. Faculty 13
Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service 12
Michigan State University. Alumni and alumnae 11
Michigan State University. International Programs 10
Michigan State University. Students 10
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 10
Michigan State University. Football 8
Michigan Agricultural College. Students. Societies, etc 7
Michigan State College. Students. Societies, etc 7
Michigan State University. College of Human Ecology 7
Michigan State University. Department of Agricultural Economics 7
Michigan State University. Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 7
Michigan State University. Museum 7
Michigan State University. Office of the President 7
Michigan State University. Sports Information Office 7
Michigan State University. College of Osteopathic Medicine 6
Michigan State University. Libraries 6
Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954 5
Michigan State College. Students 5
Michigan State Spartans (Football team) 5
Michigan State University. Buildings 5
Michigan State University. Centennial celebrations, etc 5
Michigan State University. Department of Dairy Science 5
Michigan State University. History 5
Michigan State University. Spartan Marching Band 5
Michigan State University. Student publications 5
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1954) (Pasadena, Calif.) 5
Society of the Sigma Xi. Michigan State University Chapter 5
Harvard University 4
Michigan Agricultural College. Students 4
Michigan State Grange 4
Michigan State University. Alumni Association 4
Michigan State University. Anniversaries, etc. 4
Michigan State University. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 4
Michigan State University. College of Education 4
Michigan State University. Department of Chemistry 4
Michigan State University. Department of Military Science/ROTC 4
Michigan State University. Department of Resource Development 4
Michigan State University. Department of Sociology 4
Michigan State University. Horticulture Department 4
Michigan State University. Pakistan Project 4
Phi Kappa Phi. Michigan State University Chapter 4
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1966 : Pasadena, Calif.) 4
United States. Agency for International Development 4
University of Michigan 4
W.K. Kellogg Foundation 4
Alpha Tau Omega. Epsilon Eta Chapter (Michigan State University) 3
American Friends of Vietnam 3
Brandstatter, A. F. (Arthur F.) 3
Combs, William H. 3
Daugherty, Hugh, 1915-1987 3
Jonas, Gilbert 3
Kedzie, R. C. (Robert Clark), 1823-1902 3
Kellogg Center of Michigan State University 3
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 3
Khan, Akhter Hameed 3
Kresge Art Museum 3
Michigan Agricultural College. Faculty 3
Michigan Agricultural College. Oratorical Association 3
Michigan Artificial Breeders Cooperative 3
Michigan State University--University of Nigeria Program 3
Michigan State University. African Studies Center 3
Michigan State University. Agricultural Experiment Station 3
Michigan State University. Basic College 3
Michigan State University. Class of 1911 3
Michigan State University. College of Human Medicine 3
Michigan State University. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology 3
Michigan State University. Department of Geography 3
Michigan State University. Department of History 3
Michigan State University. Department of Information Services 3
Michigan State University. Department of Zoology 3
Michigan State University. Humor. Periodicals 3
Michigan State University. School of Music 3
Michigan State University. Sports. Baseball 3
Michigan State University. Thailand Project 3
Muelder, Milton E. 3
National Science Foundation (U.S.) 3
Niehoff, Richard O. 3
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 3
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1956 : Pasadena, Calif.) 3
Simon, Lou Anna Kimsey 3
Smuckler, Ralph H. 3
State Agricultural College (Mich.) 3
State Archives of Michigan 3
Tau Beta Pi. Alpha Chapter (Michigan State University) 3
University of Nigeria, Nsukka 3
Wharton, Clifton R., 1926- 3
Adams, Walter, 1922-1998 2
Alpha Zeta. Kedzie Chapter (Michigan State University) 2
Baker Street Irregulars (Organization : U.S.) 2
Baker, Rollin H. (Rollin Harold), 1916-2007 2
Beal, W. J. (William James), 1833-1924 2
Big Ten Conference (U.S.) 2
Borgström, Georg, 1912-1990 2
Bregger, Myra Potter 2
+ ∧ less