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Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 151

Lifelong Education Programs records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-3.3
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of records of the Continuing Education Service which was the predecessor for Life Long Education Programs. The records contain miscellaneous pamphlets and newsletters, various materials related to the "Cap and Gown" series of programs (1955, undated), papers about continuing education and extension, and a few payroll/finance/budget records. Also includes the “Atlas of Continuing Education Centers” (1963).

Dates: 1948 - 1993

Lloyd G. Wilson papers

Identifier: UA-17.374
Scope and Contents The papers of Lloyd G. Wilson consist of lab notebooks about sulfur dioxide and sulfate research related to plants, other research, reprints of his articles, presentations and other of his faculty papers. Also included is material related to a cellulolytic fungi project he worked on at the Wright Air Development Center. The collection also contains materials related to the design and construction of the Michigan State University Department of Energy Plant Research Laboratory as...
Dates: 1939 - 1990

Louis G. Romano

Identifier: UA-17.347
Scope and Content

The Louis G. Romano papers contain a letter and a report about the Individually Guided Education program (1970-1974) implemented by the U.S. Department of Defense Schools in Okinawa, Japan. The report includes a description of the program, the teaching staff, photographs as well as information about Okinawa. The final section contains reflections by the principal of the elementary school, Mary H. Muehring.

Dates: 1970-1974, 1997

M. Peter McPherson papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.1.19
Scope and Contents This collection contains office files from Michigan State University President Peter McPherson, who was president from 1993-2004. The Calendar series contains McPherson office and appointment calendars. The Correspondence files contain chronological files as well as topical files of particular importance. Annual reports, research reports, and special reports produced for and by McPherson are in the Reports series. McPherson's annual State of the University addresses and some commencement...
Dates: 1993 - 2004

Margaret Zee Jones papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.144
Series Description (1) RESEARCH. 1970-2000. This series includes laboratory books, grant accounts, human and caprine MPS IIID research, and bovine and caprine beta mannosidosis research. The following were transferred to series (14) RESTRICTED: box 2804 folder 13; box 2810 folders 17 and 20.(2) MEDICAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM. 1967-2000. The Medical Education Curriculum series consists of assignments, exams, programmed texts, and curriculum development. These materials were primarily used at Michigan...
Dates: 1936 - 2011

Maurice Cecil Mackey records

Identifier: UA-2.1.16
Scope and Contents The records of M. Cecil Mackey were created or collected primarily in his capacity as president of Michigan State University (1979-1985). Issues that span multiple presidencies may be documented here, as well as other presidents' files. There are five series of materials in this collection: Correspondence, Administrative Records for the Office of the President, Social Event Files, Subject Files, and Vice Presidents' Files. The social events files are planning documents for luncheons,...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1978 - 1985

Michigan 4-H Foundation records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.7
Series Description MICHIGAN 4-H HISTORY FILES. 1914-1997. 7.5 cu. ft.The history files include annual reports that contain information on 4-H work, activities and events for the state of Michigan. There are four types of annual reports: state, Upper Peninsula, extension workers, and state fair (1914–1966). These reports include many photographs and other artifacts. Another report included here is the Junior Livestock Show report for the period 1965–1968 with photographs. Other records are 4-H...
Dates: 1914 - 2003

Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Educators records

Identifier: 00217
Scope and Contents The Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education records include records related to Julian Smith, Michigan Outdoor Education Association, Michigan Environmental Education Association, Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education, Project Wild and Environmental Curriculum. The Julian Smith records include articles and publications about outdoor education and recreation and camp activities manuals. There is one folder of correspondence and a few folders...
Dates: 1915, 1935-2011

Michigan American Council on Education records

Identifier: 00205
Scope and Contents

The Michigan American Council on Education records consist of state conference materials, bylaws and governance, correspondence, executive board meeting minutes, membership lists, financial reports, history of the organization, Office for Women in Higher Education materials, studies and surveys about women and education, state coordinator materials, and Status of Women in Michigan reports.

Dates: 1977 - 2010

Michigan Bean Company records

Identifier: 00110
Scope and Contents of the Records Efforts covering a sixty-year span to improve farm markets through the pooling of farm commodities, the organization of growers and shippers, promotional marketing and advertising, and bean research are documented in letters, newspaper clippings, articles and legal documents in the collection. In these records are correspondence, memoranda and articles on state and federal agricultural subsidy programs and restrictions. There also is the Wickes Corporation merger, documented through notes,...
Dates: 1906 - 1980

Filtered By

  • Subject: Reports X
  • Subject: Letters (correspondence) X
  • Subject: Reports X

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Additional filters:

Reports 117
Photographs 74
Annual reports 58
Publications 54
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 48
∨ more
Newsletters 40
Scrapbooks 27
Course materials 25
Memorandums 23
Programs (Publications) 23
Minutes (Records) 21
Sound recordings 20
Speeches 19
Minutes (administrative records) 16
Postcards 16
Brochures 14
Pamphlets 14
Press releases 14
Contracts 13
Video recordings 13
Manuscripts 12
Maps 11
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 11
World War, 1939-1945 10
Diaries 9
Notebooks 9
Outlines and syllabi 9
Handbooks 8
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 7
Education, Higher 7
Ledgers (account books) 7
By-laws 6
College presidents -- Michigan 6
Constitutions 6
Agriculture -- International cooperation 5
Education, Higher -- Michigan 5
Ephemera 5
Fieldnotes 5
Financial records 5
Proceedings 5
Serial publications 5
Universities and colleges -- Administration 5
Agriculture -- Economic aspects 4
Agriculture -- Michigan 4
Amateur films 4
Blueprints 4
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
College students -- Societies and clubs 4
Education, Higher -- International cooperation 4
Financial statements 4
Handbooks and manuals 4
International education 4
Interviews 4
Invitations 4
Lectures 4
Nigeria 4
Okinawa Island (Japan) 4
Rural development -- International cooperation 4
Student movements -- Michigan 4
Vietnam 4
Women -- Education (Higher) -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Account books 3
Agricultural education 3
Associations, institutions, etc. 3
College sports 3
College students 3
Electronic mail messages 3
Family histories 3
Farm life 3
Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
Michigan 3
Michigan -- Politics and government 3
Nonfiction films 3
Patents 3
Posters 3
Race discrimination 3
Sociology -- Study and teaching 3
Sugar beet 3
Video tapes 3
Yearbooks 3
4-H clubs -- Michigan 2
Academic theses 2
Adult education 2
Africa 2
Africa -- Study and teaching 2
Agricultural colleges 2
Agricultural development projects 2
Agricultural extension work 2
Agriculture -- Experimentation 2
Agriculture, Cooperative 2
Arbitration, Industrial 2
Branch County (Mich.) 2
Brazil 2
Catalogs 2
Chemistry 2
Chemistry -- Study and teaching 2
Chemurgy 2
College athletes -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
College presidents 2
+ ∧ less
Portuguese 2
Spanish; Castilian 2
French 1
Japanese 1
Polish 1
Michigan State University 15
Michigan State University. International Programs 14
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 11
Michigan State College 11
Michigan State University. Faculty 9
∨ more
Michigan State University. Office of the President 7
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 6
Michigan State University. Board of Trustees 6
Michigan State University. Department of Agricultural Economics 6
United States. Agency for International Development 6
United States. Department of Agriculture 6
Michigan State University. College of Osteopathic Medicine 5
Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service 5
Michigan State University. Museum 5
Combs, William H. 4
Michigan Agricultural College 4
Michigan State University--University of Nigeria Program 4
Michigan State University. Basic College 4
Michigan State University. Buildings 4
Michigan State University. College of Education 4
Michigan State University. Pakistan Project 4
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 4
World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.) 4
Ford Foundation 3
Harden, Edgar L. 3
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 3
Khan, Akhter Hameed 3
Michigan State College. Students. Societies, etc 3
Michigan State University. African Studies Center 3
Michigan State University. Alumni and alumnae 3
Michigan State University. Brazil Project 3
Michigan State University. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 3
Michigan State University. College of Human Medicine 3
Michigan State University. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology 3
Michigan State University. Department of Chemistry 3
Michigan State University. Department of Economics 3
Michigan State University. Department of Sociology 3
Michigan State University. Libraries 3
Michigan State University. Libraries. Special Collections Division 3
Michigan State University. Office of International Studies and Programs 3
Michigan State University. Students 3
Michigan State University. Thailand Project 3
Michigan State University. Vietnam Project 3
Michigan. Constitutional Convention (1961-1962) 3
Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities 3
National Collegiate Athletic Association 3
Niehoff, Richard O. 3
Peace Corps (U.S.) 3
Perry, Miller O. 3
Simon, Lou Anna Kimsey 3
Society of the Sigma Xi. Michigan State University Chapter 3
American Council on Education 2
Bagwell, Paul D. (Paul Douglas), 1913-1973 2
Big Ten Conference (U.S.) 2
Brazil. Ministério da Educação 2
Coburn, L. Paul 2
Committee on Institutional Cooperation 2
Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development 2
Friday, David, 1876-1945 2
Frye, Marilyn 2
Guyer, Gordon E. (Gordon Earl) 2
Harvard University 2
Inland Bird Banding Association (U.S.) 2
James Madison College 2
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 2
Jones, Margaret Zee 2
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 2
Kettunen, Arne Gerald 2
Kimber, Harry Hubert, 1903- 2
Ladenson, Joyce R. 2
Lansing Civic Players Guild (Lansing, Mich.) 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Extension Division 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Students 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Students. Societies, etc 2
Michigan State College. Cooperative Extension Service 2
Michigan State Grange 2
Michigan State University. Alumni Memorial Chapel 2
Michigan State University. Argentina Project (Balcarce) 2
Michigan State University. Asian Studies Center 2
Michigan State University. Associated Students of Michigan State University 2
Michigan State University. Athletics Department 2
Michigan State University. College of Natural Science 2
Michigan State University. Colombia Project 2
Michigan State University. Department of American Thought and Language 2
Michigan State University. Department of Art 2
Michigan State University. Department of Entomology 2
Michigan State University. Department of Information Services 2
Michigan State University. Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 2
Michigan State University. Department of Military Science/ROTC 2
Michigan State University. Department of Zoology 2
Michigan State University. Educational Development Program 2
Michigan State University. History 2
Michigan State University. Latin American Studies Center 2
Michigan State University. Office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees 2
Michigan State University. Olin Health Center 2
Michigan State University. University of the Ryukyus Project 2
Michigan State University. University-Wide Task Force on Lesbian & Gay Issues 2
Michigan. Department of Education 2
Michigan. Office of Civilian Defense 2
+ ∧ less