Showing Collections: 141 - 150 of 205
Michigan Bean Company records
Michigan Constitutional Convention records
Michigan CROP collection
This collection consists of materials from the Christian Rural Overseas Program (CROP) relating to Michigan. Included in the collection are minutes of the CROP Board of Managers, proclamations, incorporation materials, and flyers from their 25th anniversary. Also included is a scrapbook and several photographs and negatives of rail cars being loaded and shipped with beans, the Heifer Project, and the Friendship Acres where people donated part of their harvest to the Michigan CROP.
Michigan Dairymen's Association records
The collection consists of a scrapbook of newspaper clippings, contest forms, circulars, announcements and other materials of the Michigan Dairymen's Association.
Michigan Dietetic Association records
Michigan Future Farmers of America records
The Michigan Future Farmers of American records include American Farmer Degree applications, membership materials including rosters and applications, competition materials, Michigan FFA newsletters, meeting minutes, national convention proceedings, manuals, pamphlets and programs, photographs, leadership conference materials, state convention materials, audio and video cassettes of conventions.
Michigan Psychiatric Society records
The records of the Michigan Psychiatric Society consist of membership directories, newsletters, meeting minutes, constitution and bylaws, publications, compiled histories of the organization, a scrapbook, regional mental health material, and national organization material. Also included are books about state asylums in Michigan, a book on the Medical History of Michigan, and the Primer of Psychology and Mental Disease published by the Oak Grove Hospital, Flint.
Michigan State Grange records
Michigan State Horticultural Society records
This collection consists of annual reports, treasurer's ledgers, secretary's records books, correspondence, receipts, resolutions, and meeting minutes. There is also one oversized scrapbook which contains information on Society meetings, events, and newspaper articles.
Miles D. Pirnie papers
This collection is includes notes, reports, correspondence, maps, and photographs relating to Pirnie’s waterfowl research and projects. Additionally, Pirnie’s bird banding notes, field observations, date books, drawings, duck decoy patterns, and a scrapbook of bird photographs are included.