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Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 73

Leach family papers

Identifier: c-00440
Scope and Contents The Leach family papers consist of photocopies of letters, and a ledger/scrapbook belonging to Morgan Leach. The early letters (1810-1827) discuss the hardships of pioneer life, the swift deaths brought on by disease, and the loneliness of separation from families left behind. The later correspondence discuss business and land transactions, teachers' wages, and various aspects of small town life. Clinton's letters to his parents in 1841, when he went from Margaretta, Ohio to Grand Blanc,...
Dates: 1810 - 1863

Lickly family papers

Identifier: c-00434
Scope and Contents The Lickly family papers contain Civil War letters (1862-1864) of William Lickly, James Lickly, and Albert Barber, to and from friends and relatives. They were members of the 18th Michigan Infantry Regiment. The letters contain articulate descriptions of military life and occasional commentary on the condition of "Negroes in the South." The post-war letters are concerned with Michigan farm life and religious activities. Note: A spelling change sometime between 1864 and 1866 added an "e" to...
Dates: 1862 - 1874

Lyman family papers

Identifier: 00128
Scope and Contents The Lyman family papers include correspondence, diaries, property deeds, newspapers, photographs, and other materials for the family of Liberty Lyman and Lucinda Sikes Lyman covering the years 1812-1910.The bulk of the family correspondence consists of letters to Lucinda Lyman from her sons and daughters, as well as letters from friends and relatives in Massachusetts. Especially interesting are the letters of the Lyman sons in California. Many vivid details are given on life in California...
Dates: 1812 - 1910

Marsh family papers

Identifier: c-00047
Scope and Contents The Marsh family papers consist of original and typed transcripts of Civil War letters, the bulk of which were written by Benjamin F. Marsh to his family in Fentonville, Michigan, while serving in the 8th Michigan Infantry. There are also letters from other family members, including A. B. Fay, Ed Francis Holmes, Gordon K. Fay, Lucy A. Bacon, and Augustus Holmes.The letters describe Marsh's army experiences on the march, in camp, in battle, on provost duty, and in army hospitals as...
Dates: 1833-1887, undated

Mary Taylor Hale correspondence

Identifier: c-00330
Scope and Contents

The bulk of the correspondence was written by friends and relatives in Michigan and California in the period 1864-1880 to Mary Taylor, later Mrs. Richard Hale, a school teacher residing in Milford, Michigan

In addition to education and the problems of teaching, such topics as the Civil War, the draft, election politics, and farming activities are discussed.

Also included are the courtship letters (1842) of John Taylor of Milford and Jane Wark of New York City.

Dates: 1835 - 1880

Mayo family papers

Identifier: UA-28.1
Scope and Contents Over fifty Civil War letters of Perry Mayo, written to his family in Calhoun County, Michigan, from June 1861 to May 1864, constitute the bulk of this collection. They include vivid descriptions of battles, marches, military personnel and camp life, together with observations on the conduct of the war. Also in this collection are numerous and fragmentary attempts at genealogy, with related correspondence which, in addition to Mayo, include such family names as Angell, Bryant,...
Dates: 1861 - 1966

Mrs. Earl Tooker collection

Identifier: c-00332
Scope and Contents This collection consists of one letter, dated July 14, 1863, written by a Confederate soldier, John Flood, Company H, 47th Regiment, Georgia Volunteers, to his mother in Woodstock, Georgia. He discusses the fall of Vicksburg and Grant's siege of Jackson, Mississippi. A photocopy of the letter is also included.The letter has been transcribed, scanned and placed online at ...
Dates: 1863

O. G. Dunckel papers

Identifier: c-00024
Scope and Contents This collections consists primarily of Civil War letters from O. G. Dunckel to his family in Michigan. Dunckel's letters describe army life and Sherman's campaigns, but he was much more concerned with family matters and the state of the farm in his absence. Also included are three letters from other members of the Price family serving with Dunckel.The collection also contains two documents. The first is a contract (1853) between Dunckel and a group of Chippewa Indians living on...
Dates: 1853 - 1865; Majority of material found within 1863 - 1865

Othniel Gooding papers

Identifier: c-00275
Scope and Contents This collection consists of Civil War letters from Othniel Gooding of the 4th Michigan Cavalry to his fiancee, Lucy Dexter of Milan, Michigan. The 4th Michigan Cavalry was organized in August 1862, and spent much of the war in Tennessee and Kentucky, in scouting and foraging work. This work brought them into frequent clashes with Confederate forces. Gooding's letters describe life in camp, as well as foraging and scouting expeditions. He also comments on Union leaders such as George Thomas...
Dates: 1862 - 1892

Parsons family papers

Identifier: 00020
Scope and Contents The papers consist mainly of correspondence, diaries and account books of the Edward Parsons family from 1824 to 1910. Most of the material is personal correspondence between the Edward Parsons family and relatives living in Livingston and Clinton Counties, New York. A great number of letters between Edward and his father, Reverend Levi Parsons (1779-1864) are included. The contents of these letters range from Levi's concern over Edward's problems at Hamilton College (Clinton, New York) in...
Dates: 1824 - 1910

Filtered By

  • Subject: United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 X
  • Subject: Letters (correspondence) X
  • Subject: United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 X
  • Repository: University Archives and Historical Collections X

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Additional filters:

United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 60
Diaries 14
Photographs 14
Agriculture -- Michigan 10
Michigan -- Politics and government 9
∨ more
Legal instruments 8
Account books 7
Family histories 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Medical care 6
Ledgers (account books) 5
Poetry 5
Postcards 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories 5
Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 4
Education -- Michigan 4
Lansing (Mich.) 4
Taxation -- Michigan 4
Atlanta Campaign, 1864 3
Chickamauga, Battle of, Ga., 1863 3
Frontier and pioneer life -- Michigan 3
Land titles -- Michigan 3
Scrapbooks 3
United States -- Politics and government -- 19th century 3
Washington (D.C.) 3
Women 3
Agriculture -- California 2
Berrien County (Mich.) 2
Clinton County (Mich.) 2
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 2
Detroit (Mich.) 2
Draft 2
Education, Higher -- Michigan 2
Education, Secondary -- Michigan 2
Fredericksburg, Battle of, Fredericksburg, Va., 1862 2
Frontier and pioneer life -- Kansas 2
Frontier and pioneer life -- Ohio 2
Ingham County (Mich.) 2
Lenawee County (Mich.) 2
Manuscripts 2
Michigan 2
Michigan -- Religion 2
Milford (Mich.) 2
Military records 2
New York (State) -- Politics and government 2
Oakland County (Mich.) 2
Railroads -- Design and construction 2
Religion 2
Richmond (Va.) -- History -- Siege, 1864-1865 2
Speeches 2
Stereographs 2
Student activities -- Michigan 2
Traditional medicine 2
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Poetry 2
Winchester, 3rd Battle of, Winchester, Va., 1864 2
Acapulco (Mexico) 1
Adrian (Mich.) 1
Africa, North 1
Agricultural colleges -- Michigan 1
Agricultural prices 1
Agriculture -- Kansas 1
Agriculture -- Massachusetts 1
Agriculture -- Michigan -- Societies, etc. 1
Agriculture -- Wisconsin 1
Algiers (Algeria) 1
Antietam, Battle of, Md., 1862 1
Antislavery movements -- United States 1
Arithmetic 1
Assam (India) 1
Autobiographies 1
Baptists 1
Barry County (Mich.) 1
Baton Rouge (La.) -- History -- Siege, 1862 1
Belgium 1
Blueprints 1
Broome County (N.Y.) 1
Buildings -- Specifications -- Michigan 1
Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va., 1861 1
Business -- Michigan 1
Calhoun County (Mich.) 1
California 1
California -- Description and travel 1
Camp Kellogg (Grand Rapids, Mich.) 1
Camp Parapet (New Orleans, La.) 1
Campaign speeches 1
Canaan (N.Y.) 1
Cayuga County (N.Y.) 1
Cedar Dale (Mich.) 1
Certificates 1
Charlevoix (Mich.) 1
Chattanooga, Battle of, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1863 1
Chemistry -- Study and teaching 1
Chippewa Tribe 1
Churches -- Michigan -- Grand Blanc 1
City Point (Va.) 1
Coldwater (Mich.) 1
College students 1
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 1
Columbia County (N.Y.) 1
Conesus (N.Y. : Town) 1
+ ∧ less
United States. Army -- Military life -- History -- 19th century 14
Michigan Agricultural College 6
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 3
United States. Army. Michigan Cavalry Regiment, 3rd (1861-1866) 3
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 18th (1862-1865) 3
∨ more
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 8th (1861-1865) 3
University of Michigan 3
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885 2
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872 2
Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879 2
Jewell, Charles Adolphus 2
Michigan State Grange 2
United States. Army -- Military life -- History 2
United States. Army. Michigan Cavalry Regiment, 8th (1862-1865) 2
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 22nd (1862-1865) 2
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 23rd (1862-1865) 2
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 6th (1861-1863) 2
United States. Army. Michigan Infantry Regiment, 9th (1861-1865) 2
Abbot, Theophilus Capen, 1826-1892 1
Abbott, Samuel H., 1853-1903 1
Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 1
Albion College 1
Alden, Eunice 1
Alden, Seth 1
Angell family (Mary Anne Bryant Mayo, 1845-1903) 1
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company 1
Austin family (Hattie Foote Austin, 1859-1952) 1
Austin, Andrew V. 1
Austin, Hattie Foote 1
Austin, Richard 1
Baker family ((Catherine Hardenbergh Baker, 1826-1909)) 1
Baker, Catherine Hardenbergh 1
Baker, Ray Stannard, 1870-1946 1
Baker, Thomas 1
Bamber family (Joseph S. Bamber, 1835-1907) 1
Bamber, Albert M., 1860-1883 1
Bamber, Herbert, 1858-1937 1
Bamber, Joseph S., 1835-1907 1
Beers, Josiah Luther 1
Bingham, Kinsley S. (Kinsley Scott), 1808-1861 1
Booth, John Wilkes, 1838-1865 1
Bragg, Braxton, 1817-1876 1
Bridger, Lewis 1
Bryant family (Mary Anne Bryant Mayo, 1845-1903) 1
Buell, Jennie 1
Cathcart, C. W. (Charles William), 1809-1888 1
Cathcart, James L. (James Leander), 1767-1843 1
Chamberlain family (Henry Chamberlain, 1824-1907) 1
Chamberlain, Henry, 1824-1907 1
Chamberlain, Mellen, 1821-1900 1
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 1
Clute, O. (Oscar) 1
Confederate States of America. Army 1
Coryell family 1
Crosby, Ellen 1
Custer, George A. (George Armstrong), 1839-1876 1
Dartmouth College 1
Daughters of the American Revolution 1
Davis family 1
Davis, Edward 1
Davis, Lucinda Mary Spaulding 1
Davis, Thomas J. 1
Dickerman, James 1
Dickerman, Samuel 1
Dike, George K. (George Kimball), 1918- 1
Douglas, Nancy 1
Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold), 1813-1861 1
Dunckel, Oshea G. 1
Dunks, Fred S. 1
Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894 1
Eastern Michigan University 1
Flower, Mark D. , Captain 1
Foote family (Hattie Foote Austin, 1859-1952) 1
Foote, Henry King 1
Foote, Minera Henderson 1
Franklin County Immigration Society (Franklin County, Kan.) 1
Frego, David R. 1
Freytag family 1
Grand Army of the Republic 1
Greenback Labor Party (U.S.) 1
Hall family (Ernest Hall) 1
Hall, L. A. 1
Hamilton College (Clinton, N.Y.) 1
Hardenbergh family ((Catherine Hardenbergh Baker, 1826-1909)) 1
Hardenbergh, Solomon 1
Hardenbergh, James 1
Hardenbergh, John 1
Hardenbergh, Kate 1
Harman, Benjamin M. 1
Harvard University 1
Hayes family (Joseph S. Bamber, 1835-1907) 1
Hicks family (William Hicks, 1792-1878) 1
Hicks, George 1
Hicks, Nabby Younglove 1
Hicks, William 1
Holmes, M. 1
Igoe, Lynn, 1937-2006 1
Ingraham, E. J. 1
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845 1
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 1
+ ∧ less