Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 11
Bamber family papers
Identifier: UA-10.3.447
Scope and Contents
The Bamber family papers consist primarily of correspondence written or received by members of the family of Joseph S. Bamber, a farmer residing in Oakland County, Michigan. The collection includes letters (1862-1865) to Bamber from members of the Hayes family, related to the Bambers by marriage. These letters describe civilian experiences during the Civil War and contain information on food prices, the draft, and "Copperhead" activity in 1864. Also included are letters...
1861 - 1883
Chamberlain family papers
Identifier: UA-1.1.12
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of family correspondence, documents, and business records, particularly relating to Henry Chamberlain. Included are genealogies of the Chamberlain, Langdon, Woodward and Wheelock families.The letters in the early years of the collection relate to the migration of the family westward to Ohio, and then to Michigan. There is an 1830 agreement in which certain New Hampshire citizens sponsor William Chamberlain to go and scout the area above the Ohio River for...
1795 - 1931
Dunks family papers
Identifier: c-00123
Scope and Contents
The Dunks family papers consist primarily of correspondence addressed to Oliver Dunks of Detroit and Coldwater, Michigan, the bulk of which is dated in the 1860s. The letters discuss business, agriculture, and social activities in Southern Michigan. Several also deal with important aspects of the Civil War period, such as "Copperhead" feeling in the North, the election of 1864, and Lincoln's assassination.Of particular interest are letters from Julius Dunks discussing the...
1836 - 1877
Lickly family papers
Identifier: c-00434
Scope and Contents
The Lickly family papers contain Civil War letters (1862-1864) of William Lickly, James Lickly, and Albert Barber, to and from friends and relatives. They were members of the 18th Michigan Infantry Regiment. The letters contain articulate descriptions of military life and occasional commentary on the condition of "Negroes in the South." The post-war letters are concerned with Michigan farm life and religious activities. Note: A spelling change sometime between 1864 and 1866 added an "e" to...
1862 - 1874
Mary Taylor Hale correspondence
Identifier: c-00330
Scope and Contents
The bulk of the correspondence was written by friends and relatives in Michigan and California in the period 1864-1880 to Mary Taylor, later Mrs. Richard Hale, a school teacher residing in Milford, Michigan
In addition to education and the problems of teaching, such topics as the Civil War, the draft, election politics, and farming activities are discussed.
Also included are the courtship letters (1842) of John Taylor of Milford and Jane Wark of New York City.
1835 - 1880
O. G. Dunckel papers
Identifier: c-00024
Scope and Contents
This collections consists primarily of Civil War letters from O. G. Dunckel to his family in Michigan. Dunckel's letters describe army life and Sherman's campaigns, but he was much more concerned with family matters and the state of the farm in his absence. Also included are three letters from other members of the Price family serving with Dunckel.The collection also contains two documents. The first is a contract (1853) between Dunckel and a group of Chippewa Indians living on...
1853 - 1865; Majority of material found within 1863 - 1865
Rawson Smith family papers
Identifier: c-00072
Scope and Contents
The Smith family papers consist mostly of Alfred Smith's letters to his parents while he was in the Army, and correspondence exchanged by family members in Michigan and New York in the years following the war. The collection also includes various documents including insurance policies, deeds, mortgages, and a lottery advertisement (1868).Subjects of particular interest from Alfred's correspondence include conditions in the Union hospital at Albany, New York (July 12, 1862);...
1850 - 1892
Samuel H. Abbott papers
Identifier: c-00308
Scope and Contents
This collection contains correspondence addressed primarily to Samuel H. Abbott of Cedar Dale, Sanilac County, Michigan, from members of his family. The letters include a remedy for small pox, references to the draft and techniques of dodging it during the Civil War, concern over sale prices of farm products, especially wheat, and one letter concerning the great fires of October 1871 and the damage done by them in Sanilac County and in Ontario, Canada.Also included is a diary...
1853 - 1903
Samuel Johnson papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.120
Scope and Contents
The early correspondence gives a description of Civil War fighting in Virginia and comments on the controversy following McClellan’s removal by Lincoln. The correspondence from the 1870s recounts Johnson’s efforts as Professor of Agriculture and deal with animal sales and purchases, grain tests, and other topics. Also included are lectures read by Johnson and Ray Stannard Baker’s student notebook of lectures given by Johnson.The second portion of the collection contains the...
1824 - 1944
Waldron family papers
Identifier: c-00413
Scope and Contents
This collection contains deeds, mortgages, tax receipts, and a diary (1878) of Aaron K. Waldron, a prominent farmer of Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan. Also included is family correspondence (1863-1879) including two Civil War letters (1863) to Waldron's wife, nee Sarah Gunderman, from her brothers John, 126th New York Regiment, and Abram, 148th New York Regiment.The Civil War letters have been transcribed, scanned and placed online at ...
1846 - 1904