Showing Collections: 931 - 940 of 3770
Domine, labia mea aperies, et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam : [miniature book of hours]
Don Behm collection
Don Buell theatre collection
The Don Buell theatre collection consists of the photographs by Florence and Tommy Vandamm of Broadway plays as well as playbills, scripts, clippings, posters, and other ephemera collected by Don Buell. While the collection primarily focuses on productions in New York City, there is also materials on the MSU Players and other Michigan theatre companies, and ephemera from Buell's "Curtain Going Up" productions.
Don Ries collection
Included in the collection are images taken of the Banded Iron Formation Boulder, which was moved from Ishpeming, Michigan to the Natural Science Building on the campus of Michigan State University in 2015.
Don Stevens papers
Donald A. Yates papers
The Donald A. Yates papers primarily consist of his author files, drafts of his books, book reviews, and related correspondence. The correspondence is primarily with book collaborators and publishers, and includes publication permissions from authors or literary heirs. Of note are records relating to Borges' visits to Michigan State University, Borges' honorary doctorate, and collaborations with Yates.
Donald Brody collection of a Christmas card from H. Kamuzu Banda and autograph Dr. Kenneth D. Kaunda.
Donald C. Mead collection on microenterprises in Africa
The Donald C. Mead collection on microenterprises in Africa contains reports and documents about small and micro enterprises in Africa and elsewhere in the developing world and 1994 reports on Rwanda. This is part of a larger donation of books and documents that were incorporated into the main MSU library's collection.
Donald D. Kinsey manuscript
Donald F. Switzenberg collection
The collection contains material relating to the Michigan Pesticides Council newsletter of which Switzenberg was editor (1968-1978). Also included are articles on pesticides and their advantages and disadvantages.