Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 92
Richard W. Chase papers
Russell G. Hill collection
This collection contains essays, many of which Russell Hill presented at various conferences dealing with land use and soil retention. The essays are about environmentally sound agricultural practices. Also included in the collection are two publications written by Hill: History -- Department of Resource Development and Land Stewardship.
Tourist and Resort Series / Circular UA 16.34
Tourist and Resort Series / Folder UA 16.34
Tourist and Resort Series / Pamphlet UA 16.34
Vegetable Crop Advisory Team Alert UA 16.34 & UA 16.182
Victor Institute for Responsible Land Development and Use UA 16.34
Walter G. Kirkpatrick papers
The bulk of the collection consists of Kirkpatrick's daily appointment books from 1939-1950. Other materials in the collection consist of one publication credited to Kirkpatrick, a report on his travels in Europe and an annual report from the Antrim County Agricultural Agent. The collection also contains five 16mm films: four related to the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America and one related to the Antrim County [Michigan] USO War Fund Drive.