Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 102
Jacob Gerrish papers
James Hall account book
This collection consists of the farm account book of James Hall, a resident of Bedford, Calhoun County, Michigan. He used it to record expenses, purchases, and work performed.
James I. Rogers letter
This collection consists of a letter from James I. Rogers, of Eaton County, Michigan to his brother and sister in Wyoming County, New York, giving a very detailed inventory of his farm and an account of his agricultural prospects. Rogers describes the schools, businesses, and professions in the new town of Eaton Rapids, and tells about the building of the early state capital in Lansing.
Jethro O. Veatch collection
This collection consists of a 1953 published work by Veatch, soil survey maps, a reprint of a soil profiles paper, list of Ginseng growers (1905), and Michigan Ginseng Growers convention proceedings (1905). The book contains sections on physical divisions, types of soil, types of vegetation, land types, land use, and possibilities for agricultural production and includes a foldout Michigan Soil Association map. Many of the soil survey maps were produced by or with assistance of Veatch.
John W. Stelzer papers
This collection consists of four diaries kept by John W. Stelzer, a farmer near Oak Grove, Livingston County, Michigan. The diaries, kept for the years 1873, 1882, 1883, 1891, record Stelzer's daily agricultural, lumbering, and business activities. The collection also includes an informal contract between the taxpayers of Cohactah Township, including Stelzer, to provide a school, and various bills and receipts.
Jonathan W. Austin papers
This collection contains a farm account book (1841-1851) and bills and receipts (1840-1863) of Jonathon W. Austin, a resident of Lenawee County, Michigan. Also included are two letters (1851, 1854) to Austin, one of which discusses the hard times in Dundee, Monroe County, Michigan.
Joseph Foster account book
This collection consists of the account book (1907-1925) of Joseph Foster of Ithaca, Michigan. Foster worked as a day laborer, but apparently rented or owned a farm as well. He used the book to record a variety of things: his earnings from day labor, contributions toward his pastor's salary, his savings bonds in local banks, and accounts from his own farm.
Lansing State Journal collection
This collection contains selected issues of the Lansing State Journal: the Farmers' Week Magazine Section, 1937, 1939-1945, 1951; Mid-Century Edition, 1950; and Centennial Edition, 1955. Also included are copies of the August 14, 1945 announcing the surrender of the Japanese to the Allied Forces.