Showing Collections: 221 - 228 of 228
William Purdy Peters papers
William Purdy Peters papers consist of a nine page paper entitled "Opening Closed Doors," which describes Michigan State University from about 1926 to 1928, when Peters was a student. The paper discusses classes (physical education, English, and animal husbandry), Reserve Officer Training Corp, professors, students, student activities (including hazing and class rush), and the city of East Lansing.
Wilson Literary Magazine publication
This collection contains one issue of the Wilson Literary Magazine for 1984-1985. It was probably produced by the students living in Wilson Residence Hall. The magazine features short stories, illustrations, and poems from MSU students.
Woman, (MSU) UA 8.2.2 & UA 12.1.9 & UA 1
Women's Advisory Committee to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Services records
This collection contains a survey on sexism experienced by women students at Michigan State University.
Women's Resource Center records
Women's Student Council records
This collection contains a volume of meeting minutes from 1917 to 1934 and the constitution of the Women's Student Council. Also included are issues of Fem magazine from 2009-2010, flyers, and email meeting announcements for 2009-2010.
Young Men's Christian Association / Young Women's Christian Association collection
Zeta Tau Alpha records
This collection consists of a copy of the 1929-1930 Sesame Literary Society Directory. The directory lists charter members and addresses for members by class years beginning with 1911-1930, active members, pledges, and honorary members.