Showing Collections: 1 - 3 of 3
Herbert A. Berg papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.93
Scope and Content
This collections contains publications about the history of Michigan Agricultural College, the impact the U.S. Civil War had on agricultural extension in Michigan, the Morrill Land Grant College Act and life of Bela Hubbard, an Michigan pioneer. Also included in the Berg collection are the articles of incorporation and by-laws and some correspondence of the Michigan State University chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi, the national honorary extension fraternity. There is a newspaper plate from the...
1930 - 1969
Michigan Future Farmers of America records
Identifier: 00236
Scope and Contents
The Michigan Future Farmers of American records include American Farmer Degree applications, membership materials including rosters and applications, competition materials, Michigan FFA newsletters, meeting minutes, national convention proceedings, manuals, pamphlets and programs, photographs, leadership conference materials, state convention materials, audio and video cassettes of conventions.
1929 - 2002
Omicron Nu, Alpha Chapter records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.2.4
Scope and Content
This collection includes the records of Omicron Nu from their installation on campus in 1912 until around the mid 1980s. The contents contain lists of society members, blueprints for the Michigan Agricultural College Alpha chapter home, papers about the history of the society, historical information and rules for new members to memorize, the officers' instructions for running the organization, and the procedures for aspects of Omicron Nu management and induction ceremonies.The...
1912 - 1985