Showing Collections: 1 - 4 of 4
Bagley family papers
Identifier: 00018
Scope and Contents
The Bagley family papers includes the personal papers of David M. Bagley, his wife, Bennette Bagley, his son, William, and his grandson, Laurence. The material, dating from 1830 to 1932, is arranged by family member. Bennette Bagley's papers contain personal correspondence from friends and family members in England wishing her a safe journey to America in 1833, and her will and estate papers of 1888.David M. Bagley's papers include correspondence relating to the Civil...
1830 - 1932
Chamberlain family papers
Identifier: UA-1.1.12
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of family correspondence, documents, and business records, particularly relating to Henry Chamberlain. Included are genealogies of the Chamberlain, Langdon, Woodward and Wheelock families.The letters in the early years of the collection relate to the migration of the family westward to Ohio, and then to Michigan. There is an 1830 agreement in which certain New Hampshire citizens sponsor William Chamberlain to go and scout the area above the Ohio River for...
1795 - 1931
James H. Thompson papers
Identifier: 00057
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of the legal and business correspondence of James H. Thompson covering the years 1911 to 1913. The collection is divided into four sections: business which consists of correspondence concerning real estate, The Original Gas Engine Company, stocks and investments; legal matters and politics concerning Thompson's law practice, the election of 1912 and congratulatory letters; personal consisting of correspondence relating to Mason activities, genealogy of Thompson's...
1911 - 1913
Parsons family papers
Identifier: 00020
Scope and Contents
The papers consist mainly of correspondence, diaries and account books of the Edward Parsons family from 1824 to 1910. Most of the material is personal correspondence between the Edward Parsons family and relatives living in Livingston and Clinton Counties, New York. A great number of letters between Edward and his father, Reverend Levi Parsons (1779-1864) are included. The contents of these letters range from Levi's concern over Edward's problems at Hamilton College (Clinton, New York) in...
1824 - 1910