Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 46
Michigan State Grange records
Midwest Consortium for Latino Research records
This collection includes the correspondence, agendas, minutes, Bylaws and event programs of the members of the MCLR and interested parties. Most content pertains to the administrative functions of the MCLR.
Midwest Inter-Library Corporation records
These records include correspondence, minutes, annual reports, articles of incorporation and by-laws. Also included are applications for the directorship (1958), a proposal to create a middle west deposit library (1953), and publications.
Mladen Kabalin papers
The collection consists of records related to the Michigan Natural Areas Council. This include minutes, reports, and correspondence. Report topics include Proud Lake, Roscommon, Sleeping Bear Dunes and Warren Lakes.
National Project in Agriculture Communications records
The records of the National Project in Agricultural Communications (NPAC) consist of background information, reports, budgets, Board of Control minutes, correspondence with the Kellogg Foundation, and materials relating to the training programs including the Communication Training Program.
Omicron Nu, Alpha Chapter records
Phi Beta Kappa records
The collection consists of the constitution and by-laws of the chapter, meeting announcements and minutes, committee information, correspondence between 1945 and 1977, and copies of the Key Reporter from 1948-1959. There are also two volumes: reports supporting the application for forming a chapter at Michigan State University (1959) and the Phi Beta Kappa Report for 1965.