Showing Collections: 3121 - 3130 of 3148
Women's Gymnastics (MSU) UA
Women's Handbook [Intramural] UA 7.11
Women's Resource Center records
Women's Sports (Sports Information Office) records
This collection contains materials created by Michigan State University Sports Information Office related to women’s sports at MSU. The records include media guides, schedules, and season outlooks for basketball, golf, gymnastics, swimming and diving, track, and volleyball. Also included are two programs from women’s sports banquets held in 1983 and 1985.
Women's Student Council records
This collection contains a volume of meeting minutes from 1917 to 1934 and the constitution of the Women's Student Council. Also included are issues of Fem magazine from 2009-2010, flyers, and email meeting announcements for 2009-2010.
Women's Studies Program records
Woodrow Wilson address
This collection contains a newspaper reprint of President Woodrow Wilson's address asking Congress to declare war on the Imperial German Government on April 2, 1917.
Work Projects Administration records
The collection consists of Work Projects Administration records including time sheets, blank job forms, job calendars, and report of inventory and movement of property forms. The time sheets list the names of people who worked on the projects. The records are for District #3 in Michigan.
WorkLife Office records
The collection includes "Working from Home: a Year in Review" which documents working remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
The Electronic Resources includes correspondence in the form of e-mail memos, distributed through the Deans, Directors, and Chairs e-mail listserv.