Showing Collections: 101 - 110 of 356
Elizabeth Sawer Wittet scrapbook
Ellen Jean Fry papers
The scrapbook of Ellen Jean Fry contains photographs of faculty and friends, programs, invitations, tickets, and newspaper and magazine clippings relating to campus life at Michigan Agricultural College. Memorabilia include similar items.
Elnora and Richard Leyes papers
The Elnora and Richard Leyes collection contains class notes and course material from Michigan State College (now Michigan State University), National Sales and Management Rally for Florists Lectures for 1951 and 1952, as well as a small amount of biographical information and history of the Janesville Floral Company. The class materials include horticulture, landscape architecture, as well as botany, chemistry, entomology, business accounting and other classes.
Elton B. Hill papers
Emery Sherwood papers
The collection contains one letter, dated October 11, 1908, from Emery Sherwood to his mother describing student life at Michigan State University. The topics include expenses, class rush, and the University of Michigan football game and the celebration afterward.
Emil Conrad Volz papers
The papers of Emil Volz consist of a scrapbook containing postcards and photographs depicting student life, students, campus scenes, scenes from Pine Lake (Lake Lansing), Michigan, faculty, and athletic events at Michigan Agricultural College. It also contains programs from various campus social functions, numerous dance cards, menus, ribbons, and many items relating to football at Michigan Agricultural College.
Emma Hyde collection
This scrapbook belonged to Michigan State College student, Emma Hyde. Included are event programs for concerts, plays at MSC and the Gladmer Theater and other activities; dance cards, college receipts, greeting cards, men's and women's athletics, and newspaper clippings. Photographs are also includes throughout.
Disclaimer: This scrapbook contains a racist/offensive greeting card.
Employment Outlook for MSU Graduates UA 4.5
English Language Center records
The unpublished annual reports (1962-68) of the English Language Center contain information on staff, activities, and enrollment.