Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 71
Cyril M. Worby papers
Department of Agriculture Education records
The collection includes bulletins and two serials. The serials are #469 Michigan Vocational Agriculture and #890 Agricultural Education Bulletin.
Department of Anthropology records
Anthropology Department records include course examinations (1964-1968), curriculum records, financial records (1964-1969), reports, and graduate program records. There is also a folder on a student strike in 1970. Other materials include College of Human Medicine curriculum and department records.
Department of Family Medicine records
Collection consists of a conference brochure (1988) and departmental newsletters (2003–2007). Annual Reports are available for 1999–2007.
Department of Military Science/ROTC records
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology records
The collection contains three folders consisting of a postpartum brochure, a 2007-2008 NBME report for ObGyn, and a department newsletter (2008).
Department of Osteopathic Medicine records
The record group consists of a brochure for the Third Annual Orthopaedic conference "The Pedal Extremity - Let's Keep 'Em Running" held at the Kellogg Center at Michigan State University. The conference was sponsored by the Department of Osteopathic Medicine.
Department of Pediatrics records
The record group consists of brochures about a College of Osteopathic Medicine Pediatrics conference.
Department of Psychiatry records
The Department of Psychiatry records consists of one folder containing a program booklet for the residency program at the Pontiac State Hospital and an unpublished annual report for 1968.
Also included are materials related to the AIDS Education and Training Center. The materials include publications about ministry and AIDS, promotional handouts, health and safe sex kits, and t-shirts (the majority of these materials was not created by Michigan State University).
Department of Surgery records
This collection consists of a book listing educational objectives for urology course work, a program for the 23rd annual Research Forum and an invitation to the 2007 Residency graduation ceremony. Also included are photographs as well as awards and certificates given to the Michigan State University Department of Surgery and its faculty members.