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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 66

Harald S. and Marguerite I. Patton papers

Identifier: UA-17.437
Scope and Contents Harald Patton papers primarily document his World War I experiences. The correspondence consists of letters written by Patton to Marguerite Irene Taylor, who later became his wife, friends and relatives, and dates almost entirely from 1915 to 1919. Included is a journal (in letter form) describing his voyage to England in 1915 on the troopship Northland. There are also postcards, photographs, and a scrapbook.Marguerite Patton papers includes correspondence, articles of...
Dates: 1884 - 1941

Henrik Joakim Stafseth papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.66
Scope and Contents The collection contains correspondence, diaries, and other papers of Henrik Joakim Stafseth. Several diaries describe Stafseth's 1925-1926 tour of veterinary and other colleges in seven European countries. At this time he was an Exchange Professor at the Royal Hungarian Veterinary College.In 1945-1946 Stafseth served as Chief Veterinarian for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in China, where he was instrumental in establishing China's first modern...
Dates: 1902 - 1967

Hugh Duffy Daugherty papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.63
Scope and Contents This collection contains material saved by Coach Duffy Daugherty throughout his coaching career, and includes correspondence, documents, and publications related to his coaching jobs, honors, presentations, and awards. Several members of Daugherty’s family also achieved success and the recognition of their accomplishments are detailed. The collection also includes several scrapbooks, as well as sound recordings of one of Daugherty’s radio talk shows and an interview with his wife,...
Dates: 1947 - 1975

International Club records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.3.1
Scope and Content The records of the International Club include International Festival records (ambassadors' messages, programs, photographs, brochures, news clippings and correspondence) (1945-1958); programs from social events sponsored by the Club (1944-1969); correspondence, including some with guest speakers (1945-1969); photographs of international students and members of the International Club (1922-1969); records of international exhibits on campus (1956); the Club's Constitution (1962-1965);...
Dates: 1922 - 1969

Irma Thompson papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.35
Scope and Contents The Irma Thompson papers consist of correspondence and memorabilia from her time as a college student including dance cards, programs for dances, and programs for events on campus. The events were held by various organizations including Feronian Society, Hesperian Society, Eclectic Society, Olympic Society, MAC Oratorical Association, Union Literary Society, as well as the alumni association. There are also a number of plays, poems and short stories written by Irma and other classmates and...
Dates: 1835 - 1964

James Henry Denison papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.62
Scope and Contents The James Denison papers include materials that were accumulated throughout Denison’s life. Denison’s personal papers consist primarily of correspondence, diaries, and newspaper clippings about himself. Also included are articles, stories, and poems written by Denison. Among the articles are several drafts of a piece he wrote about Mackinac Island, Michigan. The bulk of the papers center around Denison’s professional career and in particular his career with the Michigan Office of...
Dates: 1925 - 1970

John A. Hannah papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.1.12
Scope and Content The Hannah papers include general files, speeches, materials relating to Hannah's work with the Commission on Civil Rights, the Permanent Joint Board on Defense, and the Michigan Constitutional Convention, publications and appointment books, ephemera, and audio-visual materials.See large historical collection 00042 Waldo Family Papers for a folder of photograph christmas cards John and Sarah Hannah sent to Eleanor Waldo. The cards date 1982-1988, undated and are photographs of...
Dates: 1857 - 1991

John and Helen Knecht scrapbooks

Identifier: UA-10.3.318
Scope and Contents The collection consists of the student scrapbooks of John Wesley Knecht and Helen Louise Norton who later married. Helen's scrapbooks contains dance cards, event programs, photos of campus and people, information about her classes, flyers for pep rallies, college circus program, notice about small pox from 1910 and a note from Maud Gilchrist say that Helen is not working hard enough at her studies.John Knechts scrapbook contains photos of athletics including football, baseball,...
Dates: 1907-1913, 1921, Undated

John Gibson Parkhurst papers

Identifier: 00025
Scope and Contents The largest part of the collection consists of the pocket diaries Parkhurst kept from 1847 to 1906. The early diaries (1847-1860) relate details of his court cases and only rarely mention his personal life. Records of various financial transactions are incorporated in these early diaries. The diaries of the war years (1861-1865) include battle accounts and descriptions of Parkhurst's experiences as a prisoner-of-war in 1862. In the diaries of the post-war years, Parkhurst discusses primarily...
Dates: 1831 - 1906

John Harvey Kellogg papers

Identifier: 00013
Scope and Content This collection is organized into four series.(1) PERSONAL PAPERS. 1893 1944, undated 2.1 cu. ft. Contained in this series is John Harvey Kellogg's life long correspondence with the Seventh Day Adventist Church and a family album scrapbook. (2) BUSINESS PAPERS. 1876 1959, undated 3.9 cu. ft., 132 vols. Contained in this series is the bulk of the material. It covers a myriad of business, educational, and...
Dates: 1876 - 1959

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  • Subject: Letters (correspondence) X
  • Subject: Photographs X
  • Subject: Scrapbooks X

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Photographs 65
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 25
Postcards 23
Publications 22
Reports 18
∨ more
Diaries 15
Programs (Publications) 12
Newsletters 11
Sound recordings 11
Maps 8
Minutes (Records) 8
Speeches 8
Video recordings 8
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 7
College students -- Societies and clubs 6
Course materials 6
Ledgers (account books) 6
Microfilms 6
Annual reports 5
Lansing (Mich.) 5
Lectures 5
Legal instruments 5
Pamphlets 5
World War, 1939-1945 5
Account books 4
Agriculture -- Michigan 4
By-laws 4
Commercial correspondence 4
Constitutions 4
Education, Higher 4
Ephemera 4
Manuscripts 4
Membership lists 4
Michigan -- Politics and government 4
Newspapers 4
Notebooks 4
Press releases 4
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 4
Contracts 3
Education 3
Europe -- Description and travel 3
Family histories 3
Handbooks 3
Handbooks and manuals 3
Ingham County (Mich.) 3
Legislation -- Michigan 3
Posters 3
Student activities 3
Video tapes 3
Vietnam 3
Women college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing -- Societies, etc. 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
Agricultural exhibitions 2
Agriculture -- Michigan -- Societies, etc. 2
Agriculture -- Study and teaching 2
Amateur films 2
Automobiles -- History 2
Belgium 2
Brochures 2
Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 2
Chemurgy 2
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
Concert programs 2
Constitutional conventions -- Michigan 2
Dance cards 2
Daybooks 2
Depressions -- 1929 -- United States 2
Digital images 2
East Lansing (Mich.) 2
Farm life -- Michigan 2
Financial records 2
Glass plate negatives 2
Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
Home economics 2
Interviews 2
Journals (accounts) 2
Mackinac Island (Mich.) 2
Michigan 2
Minutes (administrative records) 2
Music -- Performance 2
Patents 2
Periodicals 2
Photograph albums 2
Poetry 2
Political campaigns -- Michigan 2
Proceedings 2
Siberia (Russia) 2
Soviet Union -- History -- Revolution, 1917-1921 2
Women -- Societies and clubs 2
Women in agriculture 2
4-H clubs -- Michigan 1
AIDS (Disease) 1
AIDS (Disease) -- Prevention 1
Advertising -- Agriculture 1
Africa 1
Agricultural chemistry 1
Agricultural education -- Colombia 1
Agricultural extension work 1
+ ∧ less
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 8
Michigan Agricultural College 7
Michigan State University 5
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 4
Michigan State College 4
∨ more
Michigan State College. Students. Societies, etc 4
Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service 4
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 4
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1954) (Pasadena, Calif.) 4
American Red Cross 3
Beal, W. J. (William James), 1833-1924 3
Falcone, Leonard 3
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 3
Michigan State University. Basic College 3
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1966 : Pasadena, Calif.) 3
American Friends of Vietnam 2
Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp 2
Breslin, Jacweir 2
Denison, James Henry, 1907-1975 2
Falcone, Betty Cromer, 1920-2015 2
Hannah, Sarah Shaw 2
Harvard University 2
Jonas, Gilbert 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Extension Division 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Students 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Students. Societies, etc 2
Michigan State Spartans (Football team) 2
Michigan State University. Associated Students of Michigan State University 2
Michigan State University. Board of Trustees 2
Michigan State University. Buildings 2
Michigan State University. College of Human Ecology 2
Michigan State University. Football 2
Michigan State University. History 2
Michigan State University. Libraries 2
Michigan State University. Office of the President 2
Michigan State University. School of Music 2
Michigan State University. Spartan Marching Band 2
Michigan State University. Students 2
Michigan. Office of Civilian Defense 2
Omicron Nu. Alpha Chapter (Michigan State University) 2
Reo Motor Car Company 2
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 2
Rose Bowl (Football game) 2
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1956 : Pasadena, Calif.) 2
Stafseth, Henrik Ekroll 2
Unesco 2
United States. Department of Agriculture 2
University of Michigan 2
WKAR-TV (Television station : East Lansing, Mich.) 2
4-H Youth Development Program (U.S.) 1
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 1
Akers, Forest H., 1886-1966 1
Alpha Zeta. Kedzie Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
American Academy of Forensic Sciences 1
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1
American Bandmasters Association 1
American Chemical Society 1
American Civil Liberties Union 1
American Council on Education. Cooperative Study of Evaluation in General Education 1
American Federation of Teachers 1
American Medical Association 1
American Mythic Theater 1
American Pomological Society 1
American Psychiatric Association 1
American Veterinary Medical Association. National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners 1
Arthur, Joseph Charles, 1850-1942 1
Arthur, William H. 1
Bagwell, Paul D. (Paul Douglas), 1913-1973 1
Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954 1
Baker Street Irregulars (Organization : U.S.) 1
Baker, Jessie Beal 1
Ballard, James 1
Barney, Leila Craig 1
Battle Creek College (Battle Creek, Mich.) 1
Beal, Fannie E. 1
Benavides, Tony 1
Bessey family (Charles Bessey, 1845-1915) 1
Bessey, Charles E. (Charles Edwin), 1845-1915 1
Bessey, Edith Carleton Higgins 1
Bessey, Ernst Athearn, 1877-1957 1
Boutell, Mary Crocker 1
Brandstatter, A. F. (Arthur F.) 1
Bregger, John Taylor (1896-1981) 1
Bregger, Myra Potter 1
Brown, Donald A. 1
Brown, Lauren Pringle, 1905-1982 1
Burbank, Luther, 1849-1926 1
Butterfield, Kenyon L. (Kenyon Leech), 1868-1935 1
Calkins, Edmund Albert 1
Campbell District School (Eaton County, Mich.) 1
Canadian Young Men's Christian Association 1
Canadian-American Committee 1
Carleton, Will, 1845-1912 1
Central Michigan University 1
Christensen, Leo Martin, 1898- 1
Chrysler Corporation 1
Citizens Research Council of Michigan 1
Citizens for Eisenhower (Organization) 1
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
Cochrane, Louise, 1918-2012 1
+ ∧ less