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Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 51

Ralph H. Young papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.114
Scope and Contents The Ralph Young papers are divided into four series. Series 1, Correspondence, is arranged alphabetically by subject. The correspondence covers Young's last years as Athletic Director (1951-1952) and consists mainly of letters to directors at other institutions and agencies such as the N.C.A.A. Series 2, Individual Sports, is composed of materials dealing with individual varsity sports. This series not only contains materials related directly to the varsity sport but also an extensive...
Dates: 1902 - 1958; Majority of material found within 1910 - 1958

Spartan Women's League records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.3.9
Scope and Contents

The Spartan Women's League records consists of correspondence, constitutions of the organization, event programs, a history of the organization, membership lists, newspaper clippings, and a faculty questionnaire. Also included are two campus etiquette books, "We Like It This Way at Michigan State College" and "This We Do at MSU." The collection also contains photographs of members and activities.

Dates: 1930-1969, undated

Theodore R. Kennedy papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.55
Scope and Contents The collection contains "Brief Biographical Sketches of Deceased and Retired Faculty, Department of American Thought and Language" by Theodore R. Kennedy. The people included are Paul Bagwell with photograph, Edward Blackman, John Appel, C. Merton Babcock, Kathryn Burns, Lloyd Coburn, Richard Coelho, Albert Cordray, Marilyn Culpepper, Howard Currie, Bernard Engel, Mildred Erickson, Jane Featherstone, Helen Ferle, Thomas Ford, Charles Fulkerson, Perry Giankos, Marjorie Goodell, Benjamin...
Dates: 1956-1977, 1992

Tower Guard records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.2.45
Scope and Content The records of the Tower Guard consist of minutes, reports, correspondence, memos, agendas, and scrapbooks. The records have been created by the students in the organization and are rather informal and vary in their content. In addition, there are a large number of undated records. The minute book contains a brief history of the Tower Guard and minutes of the meetings from 1933 to 1944. The administrative folder contains the Articles of the Tower Guard and the Preamble. The agendas...
Dates: 1933 - 2012

Union Literary Society records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.2.18
Scope and Content

This collection contains programs for anniversary events and commencement festivities, a register of members, and a few pieces of correspondence. Also included are remnants of a scrapbook, which include drawings, articles and a flyer for a picnic at Evergreen Park held by the Farmers of Hesperus Township in 1899.

Dates: 1889 - 1927

Walter Adams papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.1.13
Scope and Contents Walter Adams' papers contain administrative subject files, speeches, and correspondence from his short term as President of Michigan State University. Subject files contain monographs, correspondence, and other documents related to the various schools and departments of the university, and to student affairs. Includes a proposal for a Russian and Eastern European Studies Center. Correspondence deals primarily with state and community issues, with some from the Board of Trustees and from the ...
Dates: 1969, 1973, 1994

William A. Wiltberger papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.283
Scope and Contents The William A. Wiltberger papers reflect a large section of Wiltberger’s life, from the 1920s to the 1970s. They include material from his work as an educator, a police officer, an Air Force Colonel, and his membership in the International Association for Identification, the International Association of Police Chiefs, and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. The correspondence series spans the dates 1925-1942. This series includes several letters from the FBI personally...
Dates: 1922 - 1978

William H. Combs Papers

Identifier: UA-17.116
Scope and Contents The papers are organized into five series: Tennessee Papers, Michigan Papers, Michigan State University Papers, Volumes, and Photographs.Included in the Tennessee papers are his book Tennessee: A Political Study, published in 1940 in collaboration with William E. Cole, preliminary drafts of chapters and correspondence relating to subjects in the book. Other materials include a "Biennial Report of the University of Tennessee (1936-1938),"...
Dates: 1936 - 1979

Women's Resource Center records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-8.2.2
Scope and Contents This collection contains flyers, reports, and assorted guides from the Women’s Program/Women’s Resource Center at Michigan State University. The flyers advertise workshops and events celebrating women’s achievements, women’s history week, breast cancer awareness week, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Other events focus on issues such as LGBT and racial concerns. There are reports outlining the minority presence at different campuses across the country, and list the minority organizations as...
Dates: 1972 - 2016

Women's Studies Program records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.176
Scope and Content This collection contains information about the development of the Women’s Studies Program at Michigan State University. MSU, as part of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), utilized research and input from the other member institutions (primarily Big-Ten) in the establishment of the Women’s Study Program. The records include administrative files about the program’s establishment, its development, and expansion, program and course descriptions, budget and funding information,...
Dates: 1970 - 2006

Filtered By

  • Subject: Letters (correspondence) X
  • Subject: Publications X
  • Subject: Programs (Publications) X

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Additional filters:

Photographs 31
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 23
Newsletters 20
Reports 17
Scrapbooks 15
∨ more
Postcards 12
Annual reports 9
Minutes (Records) 9
Sound recordings 8
Speeches 8
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 7
Publications 7
Video recordings 6
Brochures 5
Invitations 5
Press releases 5
Memorandums 4
Proceedings 4
Agriculture -- Michigan -- Societies, etc. 3
Agriculture -- Study and teaching 3
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
College sports -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
College students -- Societies and clubs 3
Constitutions 3
Course materials 3
Diaries 3
Education, Higher 3
Ephemera 3
Interviews 3
Minutes (administrative records) 3
Pamphlets 3
Student activities 3
Student movements 3
Women -- Education (Higher) -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
Account books 2
Anniversaries 2
Associations, institutions, etc. 2
By-laws 2
College students 2
Commencement ceremonies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
Electronic mail messages 2
Family histories 2
Farmers -- Michigan 2
Football coaches -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
Handbooks 2
Home economics 2
Horticulture -- Study and teaching 2
Ledgers (account books) 2
Manuscripts 2
Maps 2
Membership lists 2
Michigan 2
Michigan -- Politics and government 2
Outlines and syllabi 2
Political campaigns -- Michigan 2
Posters 2
Race discrimination 2
Radio speeches 2
Serial publications 2
Student movements -- Michigan 2
Universities and colleges -- Administration 2
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 2
Video tapes 2
War memorials 2
Women college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
Women's studies 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
Agricultural colleges -- Michigan 1
Agriculture -- Michigan 1
Agriculture -- Research -- United States 1
Agriculture -- Societies, etc. 1
Agriculture and politics -- United States 1
Allegan County (Mich.) 1
Amphibians -- North America 1
Apartheid -- South Africa 1
Arbitration, Industrial 1
Armed Forces and mass media 1
Asia 1
Asia -- Study and teaching 1
Automobile industry and trade -- Michigan 1
Barry County (Mich.) 1
Baseball 1
Benzie County (Mich.) 1
Berrien County (Mich.) 1
Bills, Legislative 1
Book reviews 1
Branch County (Mich.) 1
Calhoun County (Mich.) 1
Campaign funds -- United States 1
Canada 1
Cartoons 1
Cass County (Mich.) 1
Catalogs 1
Cattle breeders -- Michigan 1
Chapels -- Michigan 1
Chicago (Ill.) 1
Child rearing 1
+ ∧ less
Michigan State University 9
Michigan Agricultural College 7
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 6
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 4
Michigan State University. Office of the President 4
∨ more
Michigan State College 3
Michigan State College. Students. Societies, etc 3
Michigan State University. Alumni and alumnae 3
Michigan State University. Libraries 3
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 3
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 3
Simon, Lou Anna Kimsey 3
Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954 2
Bregger, Myra Potter 2
Daugherty, Hugh, 1915-1987 2
Frye, Marilyn 2
James Madison College 2
Kedzie, R. C. (Robert Clark), 1823-1902 2
Ladenson, Joyce R. 2
Michigan State Grange 2
Michigan State University. Alumni Association 2
Michigan State University. Anniversaries, etc. 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1917 2
Michigan State University. College of Human Ecology 2
Michigan State University. College of Human Medicine 2
Michigan State University. College of Osteopathic Medicine 2
Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service 2
Michigan State University. Department of American Thought and Language 2
Michigan State University. Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 2
Michigan State University. Department of Military Science/ROTC 2
Michigan State University. Football 2
Michigan State University. Museum 2
Michigan State University. Spartan Marching Band 2
Michigan State University. Students 2
Romney, George W., 1907-1995 2
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 2
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1954) (Pasadena, Calif.) 2
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1966 : Pasadena, Calif.) 2
United States. Congress. House 2
Adams, Walter, 1922-1998 1
Alpha Lambda Delta 1
American Association for State and Local History 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Council on Education 1
American Legion 1
American Medical Association 1
American Mythic Theater 1
American Political Science Association 1
American Pomological Society 1
American Psychiatric Association 1
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 1
Appel, John J., 1921-1998 1
Arthur, William H. 1
Association of American Universities 1
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges 1
Association of State Colleges and Universities 1
Babcock, C. Merton, 1908-1988 1
Bagwell, Paul D. (Paul Douglas), 1913-1973 1
Baker Street Irregulars (Organization : U.S.) 1
Baker, Harry D. 1
Baker, Rollin H. (Rollin Harold), 1916-2007 1
Barkley, Alben William, 1877-1956 1
Bielat, Larry 1
Big Ten Conference (U.S.) 1
Blanchard, James J., 1942- 1
Blosser, Henry G. 1
Boutell, Mary Crocker 1
Boynton, Nehemiah, 1856-1933 1
Bregger, Anna Henjes 1
Bregger, John Taylor (1896-1981) 1
Bregger, Louis Albert (-1928) 1
Burbank, Luther, 1849-1926 1
Canadian Young Men's Christian Association 1
Canadian-American Committee 1
Carlisle, Fred 1
Carpenter, Kate M. Coad, 1880-1974 1
Carr, Leland W. (Leland Walker), 1883-1969 1
Chamberlain, Charles E. (Charles Ernest), 1917-2002 1
Chrysler Corporation 1
Coburn, L. Paul 1
Coggan, Blanche B. (Blanche Brown) 1
Coggan, Forrest Winston 1
Combs, William H. 1
Committee on Institutional Cooperation 1
Cook, Albert John, 1842-1916 1
Cornell University. School of Agriculture 1
Crocker, Emory Stewart 1
Crocker, Martin Richard 1
Culpepper, Marilyn Mayer 1
Currie, Harold W. 1
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity. Alpha Pi Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. Iota Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930 1
Dressel, Paul L. (Paul Leroy), 1910-1989 1
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 1
Eli Broad College of Business 1
Erickson, Mildred 1
Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006 1
+ ∧ less