Showing Collections: 1 - 9 of 9
African sport grey literature collection
The African sport grey literature collection consists of issues of sports magazines, news clippings, photocopies, and fliers relating to soccer (football), boxing, and dancing.
Anti-apartheid collection
The Anti-Apartheid collection consists of pamphlets, fliers, theatre programs, newsclippings, single issues of periodicals, and reports which summarize human rights violations commited by South African Apartheid and initiatives within the Unites States to condemn and divest from Apartheid.
Charles Carlisle Hood papers
This collection includes personal papers and photographs belonging to Charles C. Hood. The material includes correspondence, copies of certificates and diploma, membership cards, clippings, Michigan State University publications, MSU music recording, and other miscellaneous items dating from 1916 to 1974.
Jesus "Chuy" Garcia for Chicago Mayor campaign collection
The Jesus "Chuy" Garcia for Chicago mayor campaign collection contains of materials documenting Garcia’s broad appeal to the Chicago community. Included are yard signs, posters, campaign buttons, flyers and miscellaneous print material as well as issues from The Reader, The Austin Voice and The Chicago Tribune.
Milton E. Muelder papers
Steve Huyser collection on LGBT choirs and other material
Stuart N. Dowty and Janet Goldwasser collection
The Stuart N. Dowty and Janet Goldwasser collection consists of radical materials dating between 1960-2004. The material ranges from the Detroit coalition to end the war in Vietnam, the Black Panthers, local communist union, labor unions, draft resistance, and youth culture. The collection includes pamphlets, newspapers, newsletters, leaflets, magazines, and flyers.
Student organizations and publications records
Victor Weybright Archives of Gypsy Studies
The Victor Weybright Archives of Gypsy Studies contains books, dissertations, journal articles, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, audio-visual materials, and ephemera relating to the documentation and study of Gypsy and Traveler cultures including the Rom, Romanichels, Cale, Sinti, Ludar, Romungre, Irish Travelers, Scottish Travelers and many others.