Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 557
Clark family papers
This collection contains various documents relating to the Clark Family, especially Josephus Clark, of Branch County, Michigan. It includes tax receipts, deeds, marriage certificates, Josephus Clark's Civil War discharge, and materials dealing with his military pension.
Clark L. Brody papers
Claud R. Erickson Papers
Claude Bywater papers
This collection contains Bywater's letters to family members in Grand Rapids, Michigan (1917-1918). The collection also contains his draft notice, a note of welcome from King George V to American soldiers, and documents relating to Bywater's death and burial. Also included is a tintype portrait of Roger McDowell.
Clifford E. Foster Scrapbook
Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. papers
Clyde Olin papers
Clyde W. Dow papers
The collection consists of Dow's doctor of education degree from 1952, commencement programs from Fall 1952 and June 1953. Dow's name appears in both commencement programs. Also included is a large photograph of the Speech Association of America meeting luncheon December 29, 1950 which includes Clyde Dow (identified) at a table. The meeting was held in New York.