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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 139

Interfraternity Council records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.1.6
Scope and Content This collection contains publications which pertain to the Interfraternity Council (IFC), minutes from a regional conference of the IFC, fraternity advisors association minutes, council minutes, and scrapbooks. Publications include issues of Delphi, the newsletter of the IFC, from 1962. Also included are several booklets published for prospective rushes, which outline fraternities on campus and the rush process. There are two newsletters about Greek Week,...
Dates: 1941 - 2008

Irma Thompson papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.35
Scope and Contents The Irma Thompson papers consist of correspondence and memorabilia from her time as a college student including dance cards, programs for dances, and programs for events on campus. The events were held by various organizations including Feronian Society, Hesperian Society, Eclectic Society, Olympic Society, MAC Oratorical Association, Union Literary Society, as well as the alumni association. There are also a number of plays, poems and short stories written by Irma and other classmates and...
Dates: 1835 - 1964

James G. Hays papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.69
Scope and Contents The James G. Hays collection contains commencement invitations and programs for the class of 1911 as well as alumni reunion programs for 1913. Also included are Hay’s descriptions of campus life in 1911 in which he describes campus grounds and buildings, social life, coeds, canoeing, street cars, small pox, and athletics. There is also a 1910 memo about preventing small pox on campus in which Thanksgiving recess is canceled. The collection contains photographs of the class of 1911, class of...
Dates: 1907 - 1975

James J. Blanchard papers

Identifier: UA-10.3.422
Scope and Contents The James J. Blanchard collection consists primarily of material relating to his congressional career, dating between 1974 and 1982. The collection is arranged in thirty-one series, which include Blanchard's personal files; the records of both his Washington and district offices; materials from five key Blanchard staff members; files relating to the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, the Chrysler bail-out, and all of Blanchard's campaigns, including the 1982 gubernatorial...
Dates: 1965 - 1984

James Tiptree, Jr. Award records

Identifier: MSS 569 large
Scope and Contents

The James Tiptree, Jr. Award records contain short lists and long lists of recognized science fiction writing, photographs, programs, brochures, and fiction, including a prepublication proof of "Cannon's Orb" by L. Warren Douglas.

Dates: 1991 - 2018

John A. Hannah papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.1.12
Scope and Content The Hannah papers include general files, speeches, materials relating to Hannah's work with the Commission on Civil Rights, the Permanent Joint Board on Defense, and the Michigan Constitutional Convention, publications and appointment books, ephemera, and audio-visual materials.See large historical collection 00042 Waldo Family Papers for a folder of photograph christmas cards John and Sarah Hannah sent to Eleanor Waldo. The cards date 1982-1988, undated and are photographs of...
Dates: 1857 - 1991

John Taylor Bregger papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.74
Scope and Content John T. Bregger papers include biographical information; personal and professional correspondence; notes, papers, records and memorabilia from his elementary and high school education in Bangor, Michigan, (1903-1913) from his studies at Michigan Agricultural College (now Michigan State University) (1913-1923; 1954-1967), and from his graduate studies at Cornell University (1921-1922) includes his Masters Thesis on Pomology; news clippings written by Bregger or collected for his personal...
Dates: 1903 - 1981

Jonathan LeMoyne Snyder papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.1.7
Scope and Contents This collection contains eight series: correspondence, personal correspondence, speeches, reports, promotional literature, calendars, programs and tickets. All series represent the basic divisions of the collection prior to processing.The largest single series is correspondence, 1896-1915 (18.5 cubic feet). Contained in this series are many requests for college catalogues, many questions regarding admissions, as well as admissions requirements. Comments relative to such...
Dates: 1887 - 1918

Kedzie family papers

Identifier: UA-28.6
Scope and Contents The Kedzie family papers consists of genealogies, correspondence, and books published by members of the family. Also included are photographs of Robert Mark Kedzie, Ester Hawley Kedzie, A. S. Kedzie, and unidentified men. Additionally, there are items relating to Michigan Agricultural College/Michigan State College (now Michigan State University), such as a 1907 Alumni luncheon program, a commencement program, and a brochure which seeks donations for various buildings titled "For the...
Dates: 1850 - 1976

Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Visiting Chefs Series collection

Identifier: MSS 541 large
Scope and Contents

The Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Visiting Chefs Series collection consists of two ceramic plates commemorating the 25th and 75th anniversaries of the event as well as menus, event programs, flyers, posters, news clippings, and signed memorabilia. Some of the documents are signed by the Chefs who visited for the event.

Dates: 1998 - 2009

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  • Subject: Publications X
  • Subject: Programs (Publications) X

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University Archives and Historical Collections 133
Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections 6
Photographs 72
Letters (correspondence) 51
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 31
Newsletters 31
Scrapbooks 29
∨ more
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 27
Reports 23
College sports -- Michigan -- East Lansing 18
Postcards 18
Annual reports 15
Minutes (Records) 15
Ephemera 13
Brochures 12
Publications 12
Sound recordings 11
Speeches 11
College students -- Societies and clubs 10
Video recordings 9
Commencement ceremonies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 8
Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 8
Athletics -- Michigan 7
Invitations 6
Posters 6
Press releases 6
Correspondence 5
Dance cards 5
Diaries 5
Football 5
Handbooks 5
Memorandums 5
Pamphlets 5
Serial publications 5
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae 5
Video tapes 5
By-laws 4
Clippings (information artifacts) 4
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Constitutions 4
Course materials 4
Electronic mail messages 4
Maps 4
Membership lists 4
Minutes (administrative records) 4
Proceedings 4
Student activities 4
Women college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Yearbooks 4
Account books 3
Agriculture -- Michigan -- Societies, etc. 3
Agriculture -- Study and teaching 3
Associations, institutions, etc. 3
Class reunions -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
College students 3
Education, Higher 3
Family histories 3
Greek letter societies 3
Handbooks and manuals 3
Interviews 3
Ledgers (account books) 3
Michigan 3
Newspapers 3
Race discrimination 3
Records (Documents) 3
Songbooks 3
Student activities -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
Student movements 3
Swimming 3
Universities and colleges -- Faculty -- Societies, etc. 3
Women -- Education (Higher) -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
Agriculture 2
Anniversaries 2
Baseball 2
Business correspondence 2
Catalogs 2
Civil rights 2
College athletes -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
College sports 2
Concerts 2
Crops 2
Dairy farming -- Michigan 2
Digital images 2
Diplomas 2
East Lansing (Mich.) 2
Engineering -- Study and teaching 2
Etiquette 2
Farmers -- Michigan 2
Filmstrip rolls 2
Football coaches -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
Home economics 2
Horticulture 2
Horticulture -- Study and teaching 2
Kalamazoo County (Mich.) 2
Lansing (Mich.) 2
Literature -- Societies, etc. 2
Manuscripts 2
Menus 2
Michigan -- Politics and government 2
+ ∧ less
Michigan Agricultural College 16
Michigan State University 12
Michigan State University. Alumni and alumnae 9
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 8
Michigan State College 8
∨ more
Michigan State University. Football 8
Michigan State University. Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 7
Michigan State University. Sports Information Office 7
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 6
Michigan Agricultural College. Students. Societies, etc 6
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 6
Michigan State College. Students. Societies, etc 5
Michigan State Spartans (Football team) 4
Michigan State University. Alumni Association 4
Michigan State University. College of Human Ecology 4
Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service 4
Michigan State University. Office of the President 4
Michigan State University. Spartan Marching Band 4
Michigan State University. Students 4
Alpha Tau Omega. Epsilon Eta Chapter (Michigan State University) 3
Daugherty, Hugh, 1915-1987 3
Michigan Agricultural College. Oratorical Association 3
Michigan State University. Anniversaries, etc. 3
Michigan State University. College of Human Medicine 3
Michigan State University. College of Osteopathic Medicine 3
Michigan State University. Department of Military Science/ROTC 3
Michigan State University. Libraries 3
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 3
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1954) (Pasadena, Calif.) 3
Simon, Lou Anna Kimsey 3
Tau Beta Pi. Alpha Chapter (Michigan State University) 3
Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954 2
Big Ten Conference (U.S.) 2
Bregger, Myra Potter 2
Frye, Marilyn 2
James Madison College 2
Kedzie, R. C. (Robert Clark), 1823-1902 2
Kellogg Center of Michigan State University 2
Kresge Art Museum 2
Ladenson, Joyce R. 2
Michigan 4-H Youth Programs 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Columbian Literary Society 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Students 2
Michigan State College. Students 2
Michigan State Grange 2
Michigan State University. Buildings 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1907 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1911 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1916 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1917 2
Michigan State University. Department of American Thought and Language 2
Michigan State University. Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. Swimming 2
Michigan State University. Faculty 2
Michigan State University. Green Splash Swimming Club 2
Michigan State University. Lecture-Concert Series 2
Michigan State University. Men's Glee Club 2
Michigan State University. Museum 2
Michigan State University. Sports. Baseball 2
Michigan State University. Union Building 2
Michigan State University. Varsity Alumni 'S' Club 2
Michigan State University. Water Carnival 2
Mortar Board (Society). Sphinx Chapter 2
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Michigan Beta Chapter (Michigan State University) 2
Romney, George W., 1907-1995 2
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 2
Rose Bowl (Football game) (1966 : Pasadena, Calif.) 2
State Agricultural College (Mich.) 2
United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps 2
United States. Congress. House 2
University of Michigan 2
Abbot, Theophilus Capen, 1826-1892 1
Adams, Walter, 1922-1998 1
Albig, Dale, 1913-1991 1
Alpha Gamma Delta 1
Alpha Lambda Delta 1
Alpha Phi Sorority. Beta Beta Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
Alpha Zeta. Kedzie Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
American Association for State and Local History 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Council on Education 1
American Legion 1
American Medical Association 1
American Mythic Theater 1
American Political Science Association 1
American Pomological Society 1
American Psychiatric Association 1
American Red Cross 1
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 1
Amtrak 1
Angell, Anna M. 1
Appel, John J., 1921-1998 1
Arthur, William H. 1
Association of American Universities 1
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges 1
Association of State Colleges and Universities 1
Babcock, C. Merton, 1908-1988 1
Bagwell, Paul D. (Paul Douglas), 1913-1973 1
Baker Street Irregulars (Organization : U.S.) 1
+ ∧ less