Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 129
Lyman family papers
Mallison family collection
Manuel McCormick diary
The collection includes the diary of Manuel McCormick of Lenawee County, Michigan. The entries describe his experiences, troop movements, and battles through the southern United States, particularly Tennessee, while a soldier during the American Civil War, from January 1863 through July 1864.
Marsh family papers
Mary Taylor Hale correspondence
The bulk of the correspondence was written by friends and relatives in Michigan and California in the period 1864-1880 to Mary Taylor, later Mrs. Richard Hale, a school teacher residing in Milford, Michigan
In addition to education and the problems of teaching, such topics as the Civil War, the draft, election politics, and farming activities are discussed.
Also included are the courtship letters (1842) of John Taylor of Milford and Jane Wark of New York City.
Mayo family papers
Michigan Infantry, 5th Regiment, Company G records
This collection contains a photocopy of a Civil War muster roll of Company G, 5th Regiment, Michigan Volunteers.
Michigan Infantry, 6th Regiment, Company K muster roll
Company K's muster roll, dated October 27, 1863, lists the names and ranks of its members, as well as where and when they were wounded, died or were discharged. This has been transcribed and scanned and placed online at
Michigan Infantry, 7th Regiment, Company F records
Monroe family papers
This collection consists of photocopies of Monroe family military documents including Norton M. Monroe's discharge papers (December 1863), a pension form for Norton M. Monroe from November 1918, a claim for settlement of unused leave form for Maurice F. Monroe, circa 1946. There is also a copy of a handwritten land tax form for Hiram Hardy from 1867.