Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 12
Austin and Foote families papers
Booth Newspaper collection
The Booth Newspaper collection contains clipping files on a variety of subjects related to Michigan including politics, education, public issues, and Michigan's athletic teams the Detroit Tigers and Detroit Lions. Also included are files containing articles written by specific authors including Ansar Khan, Chuck Carlton, Steve Grinczel, Danny Knobler, Tom Kowalski, Roger Green, Rick Haglund, and Ed Hoogterp. The clippings come from newspapers managed by Booth Newspaper Service.
Brownson family papers
Charles McCaffree Jr. papers
David L. Friday papers
The David L. Friday papers consist primarily of lecture correspondence. There are also a set of financial records (mostly undated) that might pertain to Friday's tenure at the University of Michigan, some telegrams and newsclippings, legislative material, and Friday's working papers.
Fred I. Chase papers
This collection consists of personal papers, documents, pamphlets, and books of Fred I. Chase. The material in this collection pertains to the Constitutional Convention of 1961-1962 (Con Con). While the bulk of the collection concerns the workings of Con Con, there are some materials that pertain to various reunions of Con Con participants.
Also included in the collection are a number of photographs of the Convention delegates.
George P. Sanford papers
This collection contains several essays and speeches written by Professor George Sanford during the 1850s and 1860s. Also included are University of Michigan Commencement Exercise Programs from 1860 and 1861, a Michigan Female College Commencement Program (1862), and Lansing Journal stationery from the 1870s.
Harry C. Hill collection
This collection includes seventy six post cards that depict pictures of a variety of local and national topics. The topics include businesses, farming/agricultural tools, historic events, war, military, music, festivals, ceremonies, Native Americans, presidents, senators, governors, the University of Michigan, saw mills, logging, and transportation. It appears that Harry C. Hill, of Flint, Michigan, is the creator of most of the postcards.