Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 424
Carl D. Johnson papers
The collection consists of architectural project files and site development project files for Carl Johnson and his firm Johnson, Johnson, and Roy (JJR) of Ann Arbor, Michigan as well as the other architectural firms where Carl Johnson worked.
Carolyn E. DiBiaggio papers
The Carolyn E. DiBiaggio papers consist of reports about her activities to the Michigan State University Board of Trustees as well as photocopies of speeches and news clippings. The news clippings are arranged by subject with the majority of the materials about the Cowles House Society and its efforts to renovate the Cowles House, the President’s residence. The original documents can be found in Cowles House.
Centennial Review of Arts & Sciences (Arts & Letter) records
The collection consists of unpublished annual reports from 1956 to 1969, correspondence, and the Centennial Review serial.
Center for Advanced Study of International Development (CASID) records
The Center for Advanced Study of International Development records consist of an annual report for 1987, information on relevant courses, event fliers, list of publications offered by the Center, and brochures about the Center.
Center for International Business Education and Research records (CIBER)
The collection consists of newspaper clippings, annual reports, directories, publications, newsletters and brochures.
Center for Microbial Ecology records
This collection consists of a Executive Summary - Final Report from January 2000, and a copy of the National Science Foundation proposal for the Center (1988).
Central Stenographic Department records
Records of Office Services consist of stenographic examinations (1939-1947) and correspondence (1942-1966). Correspondents include L. Glander, Harlan Kirk, and Karl McDonel.
Chain Lake Missionary Baptist Church records
The Chain Lake Missionary Baptist Church records contain meeting minutes, financial reports, parish records, and histories of the parish. Volume 1 contains minutes starting in 1882. It also contains a copy of the 1856 constitution that was included when it was found 1889.. Volume 1 also contains lists of members and references dates of death of the members, with the earlies date mentioned being 1879 and added to the volume as they found the information.