Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 29
Abbot Hall publications
Bailey Echo publication
The collection consists of six issues of Bailey Echo from 1956-1957. The special edition issue introduces and welcomes residents to Bailey Hall. It covers all the aspects of the dorm, from dinner dress codes to the introduction of Resident Advisors. The other newsletters have information on upcoming dances, social events, intramural sports, and tidbits from around campus, as well as poems and advice.
Barbarian Yop publication
The collection consists of one issue of the student publication, Barbarian Yop, circa 1984. The issue is described as "a Left Bank Publication." The issue contains poetry and humorous stories.
Blanket publication
The collection contains an issue of the Blanket, a Michigan State University student arts magazine. The magazine featured poems, etchings, drawings, and lithographs.
Debate publication
East Landon Lantern publication
The collection contains the first issue of the East Landon Lantern. The issue introduces the house mothers, various fund raising events, dormitory political groups, and highlights of the dormitory.
East Mayo Echo publication
The collection contains the first issue of the East Mayo Echo which includes general news from East Mayo Hall as well as gossip from each of the three floors.
Grapevine Journal records
Impulse publication
The collection contains the second and third issues of Impulse.
MSU Retrospect publication
The collection contains one issue of the publication MSU Retrospect from Winter 1978. The issue includes articles on Earvin "Magic" Johnson, the MSU basketball team from 1977-1978, the women's basketball team, and other articles about campus.