Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 356
Cleo M. Colburn papers
The collection consists of a Michigan Agricultural College Federal Preparatory School diploma (1923), and a 1922 certificate for completion of a M.A.C. two year short course. Both were awarded to Cleo M. Colburn. The short course certificate is undated but the tube it was mailed to Colburn in was dated February 18, 1922. The return address was Short Course Department, Michigan Agriculture College (now Michigan State University).
Clerical-Technical Union (CTU) records
The Clerical-Technical Union (CTU) Records consists of agreements between MSU and MSUEA, announcements of meetings, a proposed MSUEA Constitution, MSUEA Classification Study Committee Report, memos, a vote notice, and an information pamphlet.
Collation Literary Society records
The records of the Collation Literary Society contain the handwritten minutes of the society from 1915 to 1929. The minutes describe discussions held by the society, usually pertaining to course materials and readings. Membership, committees, society politics, and society officers are also mentioned within the minutes.
College Christian Union (YMCA) records
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources records
College of Urban Development records
College of Veterinary Medicine: Faculty - Student News UA 15.4
College Speculum records
The collection contains one bound subscription book for The College Speculum, an early student newspaper at Michigan Agricultural College. Included in the volume are subscribers' names, addresses, and payment history.
The collection also contains issues of the serial, College Speculum (#662).
Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles records
This collection contains flyers and posters for lectures, concerts, and other events sponsored by the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (C.A.R.P.)