Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 54
Abrams Planetarium records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-3.3.7
Scope and Contents
The records of the Abrams Planetarium include proposals for its construction and operation, brochures from its dedication ceremony, and correspondence. Show scripts for programs on Stonehenge, UFOs, the moon, and a variety of other topics are included in the collection, along with other educational materials. Additionally, there are weekly schedules and publicity for the planetarium shows. The Slides series contains thousands of 35 mm slides, which were used for the planetariums shows. The...
1960 - 2001
Anthony Koo papers
Identifier: UA-17.363
Scope and Content
This collection contains both professional and personal documents of Anthony Koo, dating from the 1940s through the 1990s. A significant portion of the collection is composed of materials relating to the post-World War II Far Eastern Commission (FEC), including press releases, meeting agendas and minutes, and informational materials circulated among committee members. Several other FEC-era documents address these issues as well, but are not "official" FEC materials. Koo's involvement in...
1923, 1944-1995
Associated Students of MSU records (ASMSU)
Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.1.1
Scope and Content
The records of the Associated Students of Michigan State University (ASMSU) include policy codes, meeting minutes, agendas, proposals, reports, correspondence with campus and other universities' departments and officials, materials relating to ASMSU presidents, handbooks, news clippings, fact sheets, press bulletins, and scrapbooks.
Topics of interest in the records include People’s Park, women’s curfew for dormitories, Women’s Inter-Residence Council, Men’s Hall Association, student...
1940 - 2010; Majority of material found within 1954 - 2010
Beatrice Paolucci papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.209
Scope and Contents
The Beatrice Paolucci papers include materials created by Paolucci during her tenure at Michigan State University, her published and unpublished manuscripts, her work on international projects, and personal records.
1958 - 2005
Charles Carlisle Hood papers
Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.107
Scope and Contents
This collection includes personal papers and photographs belonging to Charles C. Hood. The material includes correspondence, copies of certificates and diploma, membership cards, clippings, Michigan State University publications, MSU music recording, and other miscellaneous items dating from 1916 to 1974.
1916 - 1974
Children, Youth, Families and Communities records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.9
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of materials created and managed from Michigan 4-H Youth Development activities as well as activities that staff, members, and volunteers participated during the years 1920 to 1998. These records include awards, clippings, correspondence and meeting minutes (1950–1955, 1991–1998), guides, conferences (1920–1977), organizations, programs, publications, audiovisual materials, and oversized material.Conference records are for the National 4-H Club Camp...
1912 - 2006
College of Human Ecology records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-15.3
Scope and Content
This collection includes the records of the College of Human Ecology from 1881 to 2005. The Arrangement Note provides summaries of each series.
1881 - 2005
College of Osteopathic Medicine records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-15.19
Scope and Contents
This collection is divided into twelve series. Series 1 is the Michigan College of Osteopathic Medicine and includes the earliest records in the formation of Michigan’s osteopathic college (1962 – 1975). Items of particular note are the annual reports, minutes and reports from the board of trustees, clippings and reports related to the creation of the college and its transfer to Michigan State University and MCOM publications.Series 2 is the Michigan Osteopathic...
1959 - 2022
College of Urban Development and Urban Affairs Programs records
Record Group
Identifier: UA-15.20
Scope and Content
This collection contains material relating to the founding, history, and administration of the College of Urban Development. Materials include annual reports, meeting minutes, administration correspondence, workshop and conference information, college publications, and extensive subject files relating to issues pertinent to urban issues and development. Of special note, the collections contains audio recordings and information related to the College’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Lectures...
David C. Hollister papers
Identifier: UA-10.3.428
Scope and Contents
The David C. Hollister collection contains papers biographical and personal in nature, as well as papers from his political career. The collection contains information about his childhood and includes documentation of his school years from elementary through graduate school. There is also material about his teenage activities including sports, journalism, and student government. There are letters to his friends and parents including information about his high school sweetheart Judy Artz,...
1957 - 2008