Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 14
Committee of Canadian-American Studies records
The records consist of "A Canadian Vocabulary- A Reference and Resource Guide to Canada" and blank 25th Anniversary letterhead. Also included are copies of "Writings on Canadian-American Studies," a journal for publishing papers on Canadian-American studies.
Committee on International Studies and Programs annual reports
The annual reports of the Advisory/Consultative Committee on International Studies and Programs contain information on committee deliberations regarding proposed overseas projects and contracts, as well as reviews of international programs.
Ford Foundation Report on the Activities of the Michigan State University International Program UA 2.9
Institute for International Studies in Education records
The collection contains quarterly and semi-annual reports of Non-Formal Education Center projects as well as four related serials. Supplemental papers, study team reports, and unpublished annual reports for 1965-1980 for the Institute for International Studies in Education are also included. The collection also has a membership directory for the American Educational Studies Association.
International Extension records
International Studies and Programs records
John Schwille papers
The collection consists of the report "Comparative Education without Borders, without Canon (Internationalization at MSU, 1984-2012)" by John (Jack) Schwille. Also included are reports submitted by the MSU College of Education for grants for Educational Innovation Grants and Michigan Partnership for New Education. There are also reports and proposals relating to MSU Professional Development Schools with Elliott Elementary School and Holt High School.
Latin American Studies Center records
Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA) records
The records consist of newsletters, a booklet about the Consortium, meeting minutes for December 17, 1970 and the report Books and Publishing in Selected African Countries - A Report on a Library Acquisitions and Publications Survey Tour in Africa November 1970 - May 1971 by Eugene De Benko.
Office of International Education Exchange records
The collection consists of brochures from the Overseas Study programs arranged by the Office of International Education Exchange; the Michigan State University Office of Study Abroad; and summer programs sponsored by the College of Education and the Graduate Studies in Overseas Education program. Also included is an unpublished annual report from 1994.