Showing Collections: 3741 - 3750 of 3769
Work Projects Administration records
The collection consists of Work Projects Administration records including time sheets, blank job forms, job calendars, and report of inventory and movement of property forms. The time sheets list the names of people who worked on the projects. The records are for District #3 in Michigan.
WorkLife Office records
The collection includes "Working from Home: a Year in Review" which documents working remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
The Electronic Resources includes correspondence in the form of e-mail memos, distributed through the Deans, Directors, and Chairs e-mail listserv.
Works Progress Administration Scrapbook
World student movements collection
World War II press photographs of Japanese Americans
The press photos of Japanese Americans during World War II contains 14 photographs. The majority depict events related to the forced relocation of Japanese Americans during the war. Many were taken in San Francisco or Los Angeles, though locations in other parts of the United States are also represented.
World War II propaganda leaflets
World War II ration books
This collection contains three World War II ration books belonging to Bert F. Crapser of Swartz Creek, Michigan.
World War II war bonds leaflets
The World War II war bonds leaflets promote the purchase of United States war bonds. There are three fliers for the 4th War Loan. Four items are payroll deduction cards for the Third, Fourth, and Fifth War Loan programs. There are also two copies of a cash payment plan card for the Fourth War Loan program.
Wrestling records
Intercollegiate Athletics wrestling records consist of newspaper articles, programs, and the season review “Michigan State University Wrestling 1997-1998 A Season to Remember.” Also included are photographs of wrestling meets and team members.