Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 93
Michigan Womyn's Music Festival records
The Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival records (1976-2015) contain crew guides and handbooks, maps, banners, t-shirts, programs, brochures, posters, meeting minutes, correspondence, inventories, press clippings, as well as recordings and photographs taken during the festival. The collection gives an insight of the intense effort and amount of coordination it took to make the festival possible, and how it evolved and grew more complex with each iteration.
MSU Press records
MSU Safe Place records
This collection consists of brochures and reports from the MSU Safe Place.
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges Annual Conventions records
The collection consists of convention proceedings, brochures, newsletters and other material published by NASULGC about land-grant colleges and universities.
Office of China Programs records
The collection includes brochures, briefing materials and other office records.
Office of Diversity and Pluralism records
The collection currently consists of one brochure for a Diversity and Pluralism database.
Office of International Education Exchange records
The collection consists of brochures from the Overseas Study programs arranged by the Office of International Education Exchange; the Michigan State University Office of Study Abroad; and summer programs sponsored by the College of Education and the Graduate Studies in Overseas Education program. Also included is an unpublished annual report from 1994.
Office of International Students and Scholars records
The records of the Office of International Students and Scholars include brochures and statistical reports. The statistical reports give information on the number of international students, enrollment by country and region as well as majors.
The Electronic Resources include correspondence in the form of e-mail memos and attachments.
Office of Overseas Studies records
The Office of Overseas Study records contains brochures, pamphlets, and handouts on the various overseas programs that were offered at Michigan State University including brochures from the Overseas Study Information Service.
This collection contains materials created before 1988 when the Office of Overseas Study was governed by University Outreach.
Office of Student Teaching and Professional Development records
The collection consists of correspondence, conference agendas, staff meeting notes, different editions of the handbook, “Handbooks for Student Teachers,” position papers from 1964 to 1974 from the Office of Student Teaching and Professional Development. Also included are unpublished annual reports from 1962 to 1969.