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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 55

Clarence H. Judson papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.126
Scope and Contents This collection consists primarily of Clarence Judson's letters to his family, written during his years at Michigan Agricultural College. The letters describe his classes, activities, and financial situation, his experiences as a teacher during school breaks, the class strike of 1886, and a visit to the Capitol in Lansing. The collection also includes an autobiography, family history materials, genealogical charts, school records, diaries from 1888 to 1902, and a notebook Judson kept while...
Dates: 1874 - 2001

Clyde Olin papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.199
Scope and Contents The Campus Images folder contains images of the Library/Museum, Agricultural building, Wells Hall, R.E. Olds Engineering Hall, Gymnasium, an image with the Armory and Abbot Hall, the Chemistry Building, the Woman’s Building, the Barns, and Laboratory Row with the Horticulture, Bacteriology, Botany, Forestry, and Entomology buildings. There is also a photomontage of the Veterinary Surgery and Clinic, Engineering Shops, U.S. Weather Bureau station, Howard Terrace, and the Dairy Building. ...
Dates: circa 1855, 1926-1988

David Van Dommelen collection

Identifier: UA-10.3.335
Scope and Content The collection consists of a scrapbook for 1947-1948 and slides of the 1955 MSU Centennial parade. The scrapbook contains newspaper clippings, event programs, event and football tickets, sport schedules, student activity ticket books, dance cards, housing and fee receipts, and grade slips. Other items include a 1948 football program for the dedication of Macklin Field, program and ticket for Laurence Olivier in the movie Hamlet, pamphlet for the Ambassador Bridge, ephemera related to the...
Dates: 1947-1948, 1955

Dorothy Shemick Collection

Identifier: UA-10.3.378
Content The Dorothy Shemick Collection contains negatives of student life. Included are student events, campus, and people. The images of campus and building include Macklin Field, Co-Op Houses - Beal house and Kedrick Housea and construction photos of President Hannah's house. Other images include action shots of football, hockey, and diving, water carnival, parties, teas, Sailing club, Yakeley girls group photos, Yakeley officer photos, and a Horticulture Show, President Hannah;s senior...
Dates: 1948 - 1950

Dunks family papers

Identifier: c-00123
Scope and Contents The Dunks family papers consist primarily of correspondence addressed to Oliver Dunks of Detroit and Coldwater, Michigan, the bulk of which is dated in the 1860s. The letters discuss business, agriculture, and social activities in Southern Michigan. Several also deal with important aspects of the Civil War period, such as "Copperhead" feeling in the North, the election of 1864, and Lincoln's assassination.Of particular interest are letters from Julius Dunks discussing the...
Dates: 1836 - 1877

Eczema, The UA 12.7.23

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: Serial-00255
Dates: 1913 - 1937

Elizabeth Palm collection

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.392
Content Description The Elizabeth Palm collection consists of a scrapbook. The scrapbook contains printouts of the M.A.C (Michigan Agricultural College) alma mater and football songs, a M.A.C Dramatic Club program, photographs dated from 1907 to 1916 including groups of M.A.C students, buildings and grounds around the college, May Day event, and the circus student event. The scrapbook also includes dance cards from literary society events, ephemera, tickets, newspaper clippings, an issue of The Ju Shak Ma by...
Dates: 1909-1916

Elizabeth Sawer Wittet scrapbook

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.324
Scope and Contents The collection contains the photo album of Elizabeth Jean Sawer Wittet from her time at Michigan State College (now Michigan State University) as well as a few photographs that are not MSC-related. Includes portraits of friends, images of students at events and parties, a few images of campus, a campaign ad for Senior Vice-President, a MSC baseball player, an Olympic boxer, and a Safety Education certificate for a course of instruction at the Driver Education Institute held at MSC from...
Dates: 1944 - 1949

Elton B. Hill papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.67
Scope and Contents The bulk of the collection contains material relating to the issues that interested Hill most as a teacher and researcher. He taught a number of courses on farm appraisal and agricultural finance, and his reference material appears here. Land tenure, especially the legal and moral implications of father-son partnerships and farm ownership transfers, were of special interest to him.In addition to this, there is also a scrapbook and some memorabilia from his college days at...
Dates: 1862 - 1972

Esther M. Rehkopf collection

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-10.3.81
Scope and Contents The collection contains college memorabilia collected by Esther M. Rehkopf. This includes a postcard of the Eunomian House, 1919-1920 YMCA Handbook from Michigan Agricultural College, and a 1921 commencement program. The memorabilia also includes the M.A.C. Catalog for 1917-1918, the college handbook for 1920-1921, student directories for 1917 through 1920, rules for women, regulations for undergraduate students, an M.A.C. souvenir booklet, The Holcad newsletter, athletics schedules, and...
Dates: 1917 - 1921

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  • Subject: Student activities X
  • Subject: Student activities X

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Student activities -- Michigan -- East Lansing 23
Student activities 22
Photographs 17
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 14
Scrapbooks 14
∨ more
Letters (correspondence) 11
Student activities -- Michigan 10
Programs (Publications) 8
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 7
Dance cards 7
College students 5
Athletics 4
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 4
Family histories 4
Football 4
Reports 4
Agriculture -- Michigan 3
Course materials 3
Education -- Michigan 3
Ephemera 3
Newsletters 3
Postcards 3
Publications 3
Student publications 3
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae 3
Annual reports 2
Balls (Parties) 2
College campuses 2
College sports -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
College student orientation 2
College students -- Services for 2
College students -- Societies and clubs 2
College wit and humor 2
Commencement ceremonies 2
Diaries 2
Draft 2
East Lansing (Mich.) 2
Greek letter societies 2
Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
Ledgers (account books) 2
Legal instruments 2
Michigan -- Religion 2
Military 2
Minutes (Records) 2
Red Cedar River (Mich.) 2
Sound recordings 2
Student housing 2
Student newspapers and periodicals -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
Theater 2
Track and field 2
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 2
United States -- Politics and government -- 19th century 2
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 2
Video recordings 2
Women college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
Abolitionists -- United States 1
African American college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 1
Agriculture -- Economic aspects 1
Alma (Mich.) 1
Alpena County (Mich.) 1
American Revolution Bicentennial, 1976 -- Michigan 1
Art 1
Baseball 1
Basketball 1
Boxing -- Michigan -- East Lansing 1
Branch County (Mich.) 1
Break dancing 1
Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va., 1861 1
Business -- Michigan 1
Cartoons 1
Cheboygan County (Mich.) 1
Chicago (Ill.) 1
Circus 1
Class reunions -- Michigan -- East Lansing 1
Clippings (information artifacts) 1
College buildings 1
College sports 1
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing -- Periodicals 1
Commencement ceremonies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 1
Concerts 1
Correspondence 1
Course schedules 1
Criminal investigation 1
Criminology 1
Dance -- Study and teaching -- United States 1
Dance teachers -- United States 1
Depressions -- 1929 -- United States 1
Dormitory life -- Michigan -- East Lansing 1
East Lansing (Mich.) -- Newspapers 1
Education -- Ohio 1
Education, Secondary -- Michigan -- Alma 1
Energy drinks 1
Farm management 1
Farms -- Valuation 1
Filmstrip rolls 1
Forensic sciences 1
Grayling (Mich.) 1
Handcarts 1
Health 1
+ ∧ less
Michigan State College. Students 8
Michigan Agricultural College 7
Michigan State University 7
Michigan State University. Students 7
Michigan State University. Alumni and alumnae 6
∨ more
Michigan Agricultural College. Students 5
Michigan Agricultural College. Class rivalry 4
Michigan Agricultural College. Cap Night 3
Michigan State College 3
Michigan State University. Buildings 3
Michigan State University. Class of 1948 3
Michigan State University. Football 3
Michigan State University. Junior Hop 3
Michigan State University. Water Carnival 3
Gladmer Theater (Lansing, Mich.) 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Circus 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Students. Societies, etc 2
Michigan Agricultural College. Union Literary Society 2
Michigan State College. Football 2
Michigan State Spartans (Football team) 2
Michigan State University. Centennial celebrations, etc 2
Michigan State University. Class of 1919 2
Michigan State University. College of Human Ecology 2
Michigan State University. Department of Military Science/ROTC 2
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 2
Alexander, Barbara J. Lodge 1
Allen family 1
Allured family (Karl Allured) 1
Alma College 1
Alpha Lambda Delta 1
Alpha Phi Sorority. Beta Beta Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
Alpha Psi Omega 1
American Mythic Theater 1
Angell, Anna M. 1
Baer, Herbert (1922-1987) 1
Baker Street Irregulars (Organization : U.S.) 1
Bamber family (Joseph S. Bamber, 1835-1907) 1
Bamber, Albert M., 1860-1883 1
Bamber, Herbert, 1858-1937 1
Bamber, Joseph S., 1835-1907 1
Beal, W. J. (William James), 1833-1924 1
Boutell, Mary Crocker 1
Bransdorfer, Arnold 1
Braverman, Terry 1
Brown, Roger Allan 1
Buday, Flora May Storrs 1
Century of Progress International Exposition (1933-1934 : Chicago, Ill.) 1
Coggan, Blanche B. (Blanche Brown) 1
Coggan, Forrest Winston 1
Court of Last Resort (Television program) 1
Crocker, Emory Stewart 1
Crocker, Martin Richard 1
DaPrato, Neno Joseph 1
Delta Phi Delta. Apha Mu Chapter (Michigan State University) 1
Dickerman, James 1
Dickerman, Samuel 1
Dickinson, Malcolm Gordon 1
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930 1
Dunks, Fred S. 1
Evatt, John C. 1
Frank, Phil 1
Friday, David, 1876-1945 1
Frimodig, Lyman L. 1
Gardner, Erle Stanley, 1889-1970 1
Garrett, Esther Rehkopf 1
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 1
Hart, Rita Kasper 1
Hayes family (Joseph S. Bamber, 1835-1907) 1
Hill, Elton B. (Elton Brainard), 1894-1980 1
Jeremiah Symphony 1
Jones, Clinton, 1945- 1
Judson, Clarence Herbert 1
Kresge Art Museum 1
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 1
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway 1
Lansing Tennis Club 1
MSU Telecasters 1
MacDonald, Kittie Mae 1
Mackey, Maurice Cecil, Jr., 1929-2018 1
McClintock, Ruth Barnes 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Aurorian Literary Society 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Columbian Literary Society 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Department of Military Science 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Dramatic Club 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Feronian Literary Society 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Hesperian Literary Society 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Military Band 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Olympic Literary Society 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Oratorical Association 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Phylean Literary Society 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Sororian Literary Society 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Sphinx 1
Michigan Agricultural College. Themian Literary Society 1
Michigan Council for the Arts 1
Michigan State Chamber of Commerce 1
Michigan State College. All-College Student Government 1
Michigan State College. International Relations Club 1
Michigan State College. Marching Band 1
Michigan State College. Sports 1
Michigan State College. Students. Societies, etc 1
+ ∧ less