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Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 53

Milton E. Muelder papers

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-17.77
Scope and Contents This collection contains materials pertaining to Milton E. Muelder's service with the Office of Military Government in Germany, spanning the years 1939-1958. Included are maps, plans, reports, policy directives, correspondence on postwar educational programs in Germany, de-Nazification, and the military government division of Germany by the Allied Forces (United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia) after the war.There are also materials written by Muelder during his tenure...
Dates: 1939 - 2000

MSU HealthTeam records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-3.1
Scope and Contents The early records document the major projects taken on by the Institute of Biology and Medicine in fulfilling its objectives. Those were the establishment of the College of Human Medicine, the construction of the Life Science Building I, the construction of the Encapsulated Health Care Facility (a project which failed after considerable effort), the construction of the Clinical Sciences building, and the establishment of the College of Osteopathic Medicine. The material is best described as...
Dates: 1947 - 2011

Office of the Ombudsperson records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-2.13
Scope and Contents The records of the Office of the Ombudsperson include brochures and handouts about its services and a letter describing the office’s budget needs for 1970-1971. There are also newspaper clippings from The State News, The Detroit News, and others covering stories on anti-Semitic problems, civil rights issues in the regards to the homosexual community and chiefly race issues between African Americans and whites both on Michigan State University's campus and throughout the nation. There are...
Dates: 1968-1970, 1988-1991, 2015-2017

Olin Health Center records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-7.9
Scope and Contents The Olin Health Center records contain statistical reports for 1924 to 1969. The reports give data on the number of patients, the number and types of illnesses, treatments, and surgery. Also included are data about types of students served (men, women, short course students, and military). There are monthly reports as well as term reports and annual reports.The collection also contains miscellaneous administrative records and photographs. The bulk of the material consists of...
Dates: 1919 - 2018; Majority of material found within 1924 - 2009

Paul D. Bagwell papers

Identifier: UA-1.1.6
Scope and Contents

This collection contains correspondence, speeches, records, newspaper clippings, photographs and printed material of the public and private career of Paul D. Bagwell. The collection also includes two scrapbooks.

Dates: 1938 - 1960

Phi Beta Kappa records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.2.7
Scope and Content

The collection consists of the constitution and by-laws of the chapter, meeting announcements and minutes, committee information, correspondence between 1945 and 1977, and copies of the Key Reporter from 1948-1959. There are also two volumes: reports supporting the application for forming a chapter at Michigan State University (1959) and the Phi Beta Kappa Report for 1965.

Dates: 1944-1990, 2006

Phi Kappa Phi records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-12.2.12
Scope and Content Included in the collection are correspondence, and membership information, such as membership, initiate, and officer lists. The bulk of this material is from the 1960s and 1970s. Records from national (1968-1980), and regional (1969-1979) conventions, symposia sponsored by Phi Kappa Phi (1970s), and national and regional publications are included in the collection. Programs, ceremony guides, and seating information for the annual Phi Kappa Phi Banquet and Initiation (1927-1995), as well...
Dates: 1927 - 2016; Majority of material found within 1930 - 1979

Public Relations records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-8.1
Scope and Contents The Public Relations office records consist of subject files relating to campus, photographs, video recordings, annual reports, negatives and electronic resources. Topics of the subject files concern motion pictures, the MSU Centennial, magazine articles, conferences and workshops and many others. The photographs in the collection include images of conferences and workshops on campus, people, buildings, campus life, commencement, student activities and organizations, student awards,...
Dates: 1943 - 2004

Quello Center for Telecommunication Management and Law records

 Record Group
Identifier: UA-16.116.1
Scope and Content The collection contains materials that the Quello Center collected about James H. Quello’s career as an FCC commissioner and acting chairman (1974-1999). Materials includes copies of speeches, statements, news articles, reports and a small amount of correspondence. An index provides an itemized list of the documents up to 2005. Of particular interest are Quello’s correspondence, statements, and speeches related to children’s programming, the fining of Howard Stern, and personal...
Dates: 1974 - 2017

R. James Bingen papers

Identifier: UA-17.308
Scope and Content Some of the materials are in French. Scope and Contents The R. James Bingen papers consists of notes and documents gathered in Mali (1970s-2007) and in Senegal (1980s) about rural and agricultural development. Included are photocopies of Malian, Senegalese, Compagnie malienne pour le développement du textile (CMDT) and Française pour le Développement des Fibres Textiles (CFDT) documents. There are also records relating to the Michigan...
Dates: 1939 - 2008; Majority of material found within 1955 - 2008

Filtered By

  • Subject: Reports X
  • Subject: Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) X
  • Subject: Correspondence X
  • Subject: Correspondence X

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Additional filters:

Letters (correspondence) 48
Reports 41
Photographs 30
Annual reports 23
Publications 22
∨ more
Newsletters 16
Programs (Publications) 12
Scrapbooks 12
Minutes (Records) 11
Press releases 11
Sound recordings 10
Speeches 10
Postcards 9
Memorandums 8
Brochures 7
Course materials 7
World War, 1939-1945 7
Manuscripts 6
Video recordings 6
By-laws 5
Constitutions 5
Correspondence 5
Pamphlets 5
College students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 4
Fieldnotes 4
Maps 4
Proceedings 4
Account books 3
Agriculture -- Michigan 3
Contracts 3
Diaries 3
Education, Higher 3
Notebooks 3
Periodicals 3
Student movements 3
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 3
Women -- Education (Higher) -- Michigan -- East Lansing 3
African Americans -- Civil rights 2
Agriculture -- Economic aspects 2
Arbitration, Industrial 2
Associations, institutions, etc. 2
Branch County (Mich.) 2
College campuses -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
College presidents -- Michigan 2
College sports 2
College students 2
College students -- Services for 2
College students -- Societies and clubs 2
Conference materials 2
Course schedules 2
Electronic mail messages 2
Financial statements 2
Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing 2
Handbooks and manuals 2
Ingham County (Mich.) 2
Invitations 2
Kalamazoo (Mich.) 2
Kent County (Mich.) 2
Labor laws and legislation 2
Labor unions -- United States 2
Lectures 2
Ledgers (account books) 2
Medical colleges -- Michigan -- History 2
Michigan 2
Michigan -- Politics and government 2
Negatives (Photographs) 2
Newaygo County (Mich.) 2
Newspapers 2
Osteopathic medicine 2
Outdoor recreation 2
Outlines and syllabi 2
Posters 2
Race discrimination 2
Rural development 2
Saint Joseph County (Mich.) 2
School lands -- United States 2
Serial publications 2
Student activities 2
Student movements -- Michigan 2
Wexford County (Mich.) 2
Academic libraries -- Michigan 1
Academic theses 1
Advertising -- Agriculture 1
African American college students -- Michigan -- East Lansing 1
African Americans -- Education (Higher) 1
Agricultural colleges 1
Agricultural development projects 1
Agricultural education -- Chile 1
Agricultural laws and legislation -- Michigan 1
Agriculture -- Michigan -- Societies, etc. 1
Agriculture -- Research 1
Agriculture -- Societies, etc. 1
Agriculture and politics -- United States 1
Agriculture and state -- United States 1
Agriculture, Cooperative 1
Allegan County (Mich.) 1
Alpena County (Mich.) 1
Amateur films 1
American Revolution Bicentennial, 1976 -- Michigan 1
+ ∧ less
French 1
Michigan State University 7
Michigan State College 6
Hannah, John A., 1902-1991 5
Kuhn, Madison, 1910-1985 4
Michigan State University. Office of the President 4
∨ more
Michigan Agricultural College 3
Michigan State University. Basic College 3
Michigan State University. Board of Trustees 3
Michigan State University. Buildings 3
Michigan State University. Department of Agricultural Economics 3
Michigan State University. Faculty 3
Michigan State University. Museum 3
United States. Department of Agriculture 3
World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.) 3
Friday, David, 1876-1945 2
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 2
Kimber, Harry Hubert, 1903- 2
Lansing Civic Players Guild (Lansing, Mich.) 2
Michigan State University. Alumni Memorial Chapel 2
Michigan State University. Alumni and alumnae 2
Michigan State University. Associated Students of Michigan State University 2
Michigan State University. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 2
Michigan State University. College of Human Medicine 2
Michigan State University. College of Osteopathic Medicine 2
Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service 2
Michigan State University. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology 2
Michigan State University. Libraries 2
Michigan State University. Olin Health Center 2
Michigan State University. Students 2
Michigan State University. Students. Societies, etc 2
Michigan. Office of Civilian Defense 2
Muelder, Milton E. 2
Phi Kappa Phi. Michigan State University Chapter 2
Society of the Sigma Xi. Michigan State University Chapter 2
Students for a Democratic Society (U.S.) 2
United States. Works Progress Administration 2
Wharton, Clifton R., 1926- 2
Adams, Charles Kendall, 1835-1902 1
Alofs Manufacturing Company (Grand Rapids, Mich.) 1
Alpha Lambda Delta 1
American Agricultural Economics Association 1
American Civil Liberties Union 1
American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1
American Council on Education. Cooperative Study of Evaluation in General Education 1
American Friends of Vietnam 1
American Jewish Committee 1
American Legion 1
American Library Association 1
American Osteopathic Association 1
American Statistical Association 1
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges 1
Bagwell, Paul D. (Paul Douglas), 1913-1973 1
Baker, Harry D. 1
Baker, Rollin H. (Rollin Harold), 1916-2007 1
Beal, W. J. (William James), 1833-1924 1
Bean, Alan, 1932-2018 1
Benton, Frank, 1852-1919 1
Bethlehem Steel Company 1
Bingen, R. James 1
Bonnen, James T. 1
Brooker, Floyde E. 1
Brown, Addison Makepeace, 1859-1931 1
Brown, Donald A. 1
Bullock, Dillman S. (Dillman Samuel), 1878- 1
Bullock, Katie Kelly 1
Butterfield family (Kenyon Leech Butterfield, 1868-1936) 1
Butterfield, Ira William, 1915- 1
Butterfield, Kenyon L. (Kenyon Leech), 1868-1935 1
Chamberlain, Von Del 1
Chan-Olmsted, Sylvia M. 1
Christian Labor Association of the United States 1
Christian Labour Association of Canada 1
Christian Reformed Church 1
Citizens for Eisenhower (Organization) 1
Cochrane, Louise, 1918-2012 1
Coltrane-Turiyasangitananda, A. (Alice) 1
Combs, William H. 1
Committee on Institutional Cooperation 1
Council of Foreign Ministers 1
Crucible Steel Company of America 1
Davis, Miles 1
De Benko, Eugene 1
Denison, James Henry, 1907-1975 1
DiBiaggio, John A., 1932- 1
Drew, W. B. (William Brooks) 1
Energy and Life 1
Faul, Henry 1
Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation 1
Ferency, Zolton A., 1922-1993 1
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company 1
Ford Motor Company 1
Fort Lewis College 1
Frame, James Sutherland, 1907- 1
Frank, Phil 1
Friedman, Alfred L., Rabbi 1
Frye, Marilyn 1
General Federation of Women's Clubs 1
Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone). Office of Military Government 1
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company 1
+ ∧ less